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Dust Mite allergy

how to get rid of dust mite allergy?
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1460427 tn?1285773515
I believe you can do immunotherapy  (allergy shots) for this kind of allergy. Get pillows for sleeping that are dust mite resistant and memory foam for your bed. There are ones that are dust mite resistant. We also use air mattresses with the memory foam on top so that the dust mites can't just hang out in our mattress, it can be steamed, wiped down, more easily. Vitamin C with quercetin and bromelain are really good natural antihistamines. Might want to look into D- Hist from amazon. It's a natural antihistamine that works great for my kids.
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I have problem with dust mite allergy. Heard Sanitech LG company makes dust mites cleaning mattresses. Do you have used its services and is it effective? http://www.sanitechlg.com/
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, as you are allergic to dust mites, you need to take steps to prevent further exposure to it.

Some measures which will be helpful to you are-
- Treatment of the outside of a house with pyrethroid (pyrithrin) chemicals prior to cold weather is one of the best measures.
- Vigorous cleansing with soap and water should be done. Clothing should be washed in hot water or treated with pyrethroid insecticides to kill mites.
- you need to close the windows of the car and home, stay indoors when possible, and use air conditioners and dehumidifiers to filter the air during times of peak symptoms. It will be particularly helpful.
- Showering before bed to remove allergens from hair and skin can help reduce contamination of the bedding.
- Water leaks at home should be fixed and swamp coolers should be cleaned periodically.
- Minimizing the use of carpets and too much furniture which can act as reservoir of the dust mites. Plastic draping will help in such case.

I hope this helped you. I suggest you to consult allergy specialist. Take care and regards.
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