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Facial swelling, coughing and hoarse voice

This happened to me after taking a pain killer, it was the 2nd reaction like it after the same drug. I saw an immunologist who didn't do any allergy testing (skin prick test etc) And told me it wasn't serious and I didn't need to seek medical help if it happened again. My throat swelled up with this!.

I am changing to a highly recommended specialist but this advice has left me quite stressed and worried about if it happens again with another drug (I am sensitive to lots of meds). It will take me ages to get into the new one.

Also what type of allergy is this?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could be an allergic reaction to the medication, but I would suggest you obtain a referral to an allergist or an ENT who does allergy testing.  That is the only way to reliably know what is causing your allergic reaction.  Some allergies can be life-threatening as they can precipitate anaphylactic shock in which the swelling can be so severe that it impairs the ability to breathe.  Therefore, I would suggest you see someone as soon as possible.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Does anyone know?
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