895798 tn?1241582500

Feeling of Throat Tightness

Hi, everyone, I have a question about a recurrent, transient, persistent feeling of throat tightness I've been experiencing over the last six or seven days.  

Basic information:
22 y/o m, 5'11", 175lbs, sedentary lifestyle, diagnosed with generalized panic disorder.  Previously taking metoprolol and lexapro, but not for the last couple of months.  NKA, no meds, no other past medical history.

It started as a feeling of tightness around my hyoid bone that continued up into the posterior lateral sublingual area and then the posterior part of my tongue.  No usual signs of allergic reaction, no urticaria, itchiness, redness, coughing or sneezing.  At times it has seemed to get worse when I've smoked, and at other times that has seemed to help.  The only new introductions to my diet are barbeque chips (which I've eaten many times before) and slimfast (which I've also had before).  Have a dog, but I've had her since the first of the year.  Been taking benadryl, which has helped on occasion, but earlier today seemed to make it worse, actually, and I got a shot of prednisone at the doctor's office today which seemed to help.  Slight throat redness and swollen cervical nodes.

I'm trying to find out if this is in fact an allergic reaction, because I can't find any correlating agent, or if it might be something else.  If it is an allergy, how can I narrow down the possible substance even more?  And if it's not, what might it be?
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The symptoms that you are having can be due to viral throat infection causing sore throat,allergies esp air borne allergies and also panic disorder can be related to these symptoms.
I sincerely suggest you to get an examination done by an allergist /chest physician to confirm the diagnosis.You may need a throat swab examination and allergy tests to confirm the diagnosis.Treatment will depend on the same.

The tests for allergies include skin tests and blood tests like RAST.A diluted extract of each kind of air borne allergen is applied to a scratch or puncture made on your arm or back or injected under your skin. With a positive reaction, a small, raised, reddened area with a surrounding flush (called a wheal and flare) will appear at the test site. Confirmatory tests is by blood tests (RAST).

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted.
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895798 tn?1241582500
Hey, here's a bit of an update.

I haven't yet had a chance to get in to see an allergist just yet, but I've tried some Claritin the other day and that seemed to help.  Tonight, however, my throat isn't feeling so tight but my cervical lymph nodes seem extremely swollen.  It's so bad it's giving me a vague feeling of nauseousness, and in addition my stomach is feeling upended as well.

Still planning to get in to see an allergy specialist when I can, but my schedule's kind of hectic at the moment.
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