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Having flu every 2 months

My wife is being experiencing constant Flu every 2 months since septempber 2008, she starts having cold and then a little troath pain that stay 1-2 days. No other pain, diarrea or fever, the last one flu comes with dry cough most recurrent over night and her voice was little demaged. Normally the problem dissapear after 1 1/2 week.

She is 45, 10 years ago when she was not merried with me, she worked as a dentist having same situation, after 10 years marriege she stops their constant flu having 3 or 4 in a year, but now it start again, somebody told us that this can be an allergy symptom since we move to a new house that does not have floor at rooms and it generates dust or simply because is the cold weather that we are facing here that is colder than the city where we live for 10 years.

Other situation is that she is not sleeping very well at nights since July and her mestruation is almost gone, she had in july one mestruation and again 15 days ago, in between nothing, is being very irregular, somedoy told us that can be symptoms of menopausia, but we are worry about.

Are these symptoms related to an allergy/sinuses?
5 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Your wife’s symptoms could be due to sinus infection or sinusitis. It could be due to allergy to pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, cosmetics or drugs. Seasonal allergies are generally due to pollen or dust. This can be found by getting an allergy panel done. Since your new house has a lot of dust, this is a possibility.

It’s important to rule out whether high eosinophil is the cause of allergic symptoms. So please get a blood eosinophil count done. Worms in stool too cause a high eosinophil count, so get a stool test done.

Yes, at 45 many women are going through menopause and irregular periods. Hence this is normal. Not able to sleep at night could be due to nasal blockage (can be relieved by steam) or due to poor sleep pattern.

It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage without examining her. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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Sorry to be thesse results in spanish, English is not our 1st languaje, these blood results are dated October/1/2008. These blood testing was requested by her doctor since my wife went to her because she had a vomit and nausea for 1 day, her doctor states that was caused for a vesicle problem and she just recommend her a diet.

Leucositos 6.2 x 1000
linfositos 17%
Eosinofilos 0%
Monositos 2%
Basofilos 3%
Banda 2%
Segmentados 76%

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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for keeping me posted.

According to this report your wife does not have eosinophilia. Hence you must look at other causes of allergic upper respiratory system. If dust is identified as the cause, then it is difficult to manage. However she can tie a muslin cloth over her nose on dusty days. Some marks are available in the market for these purposes only. The mask and muslin cloth will take care of pollens too. It could also be due to the cold weather. Drinking plenty of hot fluids and taking steam regularly should help.
Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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681148 tn?1437661591
Besides looking at allergies, because allergies can certainly be a big factor in your wife's symptoms, you should consider getting her vitamin D levels tested.  While you're at it, get yourself tested, too.  The majority of people living in this country are vitamin D deficient.

Please look up the information on vitamin D on Dr. Mercola's website.  Here is the link http://search.mercola.com/Results.aspx?q=vitamin%20D&k=vitamin%20D.  He has a lot of useful information about how important vitamin D is for a person's overall health.  He has information about how much a person should take, if the person chooses to use vitamin D supplements.  Make sure your vitamin D is the natural vitamin D 3, if you use vitamin D supplements.  The best way to get enough vitamin D is completely FREE, because the best way is through sun exposure.  Make sure you read his articles about getting healthy amounts of sun exposure.

The one thing I know when I mention vitamin D is that having the right levels of vitamin D in your body will only help you and not hurt you.

Speaking from experience, when my vitamin D levels were first tested, it was barely even detectable.  Since I've been supplementing my vitamin D, my levels have been brought up to low normal.  This is the first year that I haven't been sick with every virus that is going around.  So, I can tell you from personal experience that this information about vitamin D is accurate.  

Vitamin D is essential to your immune system.  So, it certainly won't hurt, even if the core issues end up being caused by allergies.  Dust masks are easier to deal with than muslin cloths.  I wear a filtration mask whenever I leave my home which looks like a high quality dust mask.  I also use it when I'm doing my house cleaning, because I am highly allergic to dust myself.  So, I can certainly appreciate how lousy your wife feels all the time if dust is the issue.  I got my mask from a website called icanbreathe.com.  They have good quality washable dust masks, too.  Prevention of breathing in the things one is allergic to really does make a difference.  Dust masks are simply easier to use than a muslin cloth is.
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1146459 tn?1292493106
The worst allergies can be treated through three-day treatment .at first you should avoid eating foods that creates histamine; yogurt, food sandwiches, bread house, high salt ....
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