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High Aso Titer of above 1,600

looking for advise,
my son is 9+yrs and has had a stiff neck since oct/nov last year. suddenly 2mo's ago he got really swollen glands with sore throat and bad chest infection with wheezing asthma, followed by high fever ard 5days later. it affected his liver too for e next 2months_swollen and palpable, with upset stomach and pain below the ribs. the doc suspected EBV, so he was told no sports for 2mo's.  a test showed that it was an old ebv infection, but not active. after 2+months of pain meds for his neck, and 2x 1-week courses of antibiotics, he had a week of 24hr neck pain, until he cdn't function anymore. the lymph nodes on his neck were swollen all around, and he had lost his apetite for quite a while and cd no longer sleep at night because of the painful lymph nodes in his neck. i asked for stronger pain meds and a solution... so they admitted him to run more tests. after a lot of tests, what's come back positive so far is the aso titer 'above 1,600' e doc says... very high' she added, saying it's scarlet fever. he has no other scarlet fever symptoms except the swollen painful lymph nodes... now she says just to call it 'strep infection'. he has not had sore throat for 2mo's and seems fine other than the lymph problem. (his liver has been back to normal since he was admitted.) in hospital he is on intravenous penicillin and tablet erythromycin for the last 3days. the pain in his neck has improved a lot since the intravenous meds were started. some of the neck swelling isalso reduced. i'm just wondering now if this really is strep, and if it is, at the numbers given (1,600+) then how long will it be before his levels are back to normal? how long before  he starts to feel completely back to normal? will he need antibiotics for many months after? if he returns to school, will he be susceptible to re-infection? (at least half the kids r sick with sore throat/ cough/ sneeze at any one time... and most wd be in school with those symptoms...some with fever too...) just wondering how i can help my son to recover and be strong after this? (he's asthmatic too, and has had particulalry low immunity since end last year...falling sick at least 2-3times with sore throat each month before the swollen lymph episode.) any advise wd be most appreciated,
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I am having same problems i am 27 yr old girl....cud u tell me what doctor has said about ur son.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Did you post this in the EBV community as well?  A lot of the people there know what it is to get recurrent EBV and post EBV issues.  I don't really know enough to comment beyond this, but I do believe the folks in the EBV community will.  
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