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Hives and Severe Joint Pain

My son 15, had hives last week.  Severe hives moving from one part of his body to another.  He was on a medication just prior to this called Solodyn (for acne).  (We stopped the Solodyn about a week ago when the rash first appeared.)  The doctors aren't sure if that is what triggered this.  The hives a week later have slowed up but we are now having severe joint pain.  The joint pain also moves daily from one area of his body to the other.  One day it is on the right side affecting his hands and feet mostly, then the next day it is on the other side.  Sparadically it become so severe he can't walk on that foot or write with that hand.  He is on Clarinex and Allegra now due to the rash. It does help but occassionally that rash will reappear for a few hours then gone again.  I am truly concerned about the joint pain, because it isn't minor, it is debilitating for him.  Please let me know if there is something that we are overlooking.  I have found individuals on the internet that have these same problems but no way to ask them what the cure was.  Please help.  

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hi all, well i've read everyone post from start to finish, and so many kids seem to have it which is awful.  im a 42 year old female with a 4 year old so usually have loads of energy, love diy and being active and now struck with this joint pain that moves every other day.  im in the uk, in a town, not much crop spraying here, I've not had hives, but absolutely horrendous pains, im trying to type then backspace to correct, my fingers on my left hand ache and move slowly, last night my right wrist was to painful to even turn to look at it as there was swelling at the side of my wrist bone, days before it was my ankle and last friday my shoulder felt dislocated, but a hot bath and ibruprophen seem to make it easier :( i know i had this once before when living near london, i then moved to the midlands and things got loads better, i put it down to chemicals in the water - honestly, because when i did buy a water filter while there it did seem to ease off. i've got it again and its feels bleek, i work in an office so fairly easy to sit and work, but keyboard work? im struggling. i've read everyone post and comments, im still trying to get an appointment at the docs after a week of they're full, in the meantime, im going to try as suggested the alergy of foods/chemicals tests, as in change or stop various ones in batches and see how i go.  i admit i like my biscuits and coffee and i do smoke, but i like heathly food, always running around, never usually sit still.  there is something that women get just before or during menopause, i didnt think i was quite there yet but the site showed the exact same places of pain and symptoms and occourance as i have.  Couple of days and it moves to somewhere else just as the other joint seems to get better.  primary hormones, estrogen and progesterone levels drop which some medics suggest may cause arthritic pain which moves.  they do say to try arctium, apis mellifica, actaea spicata, which im also going to re-search and will post on here any info.  they also point to lupus, lyme and chrones disease, i'll research it all first before i scare myself.  good luck to all you people too, sarah
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Oh my gosh... I thought I was the only one with these symptoms!

I've had chronic hives for over a year and severe joint pain in my ankles and wrists/thumbs for about 8 months.  The pain comes and goes and I can go a week or so with none at all.  The hives on the other hand... the doctor informed me they were stress hives and has me on a low does anti-anxiety pill.  The hives stay away as long as I don't miss more than 2 days of the pill.  

The hives are usually at night and the joint pain all day and night.  

I'm trying to track the Kynatomine, but being as I am in New Zealand (Christchurch to be precise - earthquake city... which should explain the stress) drugs are hard to find under brand names and may not be allowed in at all.  :(
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I've been reading all the posts about hives and joint pain bc i just broke out in hives a week ago with travelling joint pain.  But, can't seem to find anything conclusive.  Where should i start?  I'm taking antehistamine for the hives and advil for the joint pain.  I'm going to see a rheumatologist but it sounds like i'm going to be tested for a million things and still have no answer.  Help!!
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I am 27 and have had hives for 4 weeks know. Along with severe joint pain that is so crippling at times I have to crawl to the couch because I can't stand to bear weight on my feet. Days I get up and have to go buy a wrist brace and wear it to work cause my wrist hurts so bad Id rather have broken it then feel the unexplained pain I am in. I have been to 2 different doctors. The allergist has tested me for mold, pollens, trees, grasses, foods, medications, he is now testing me for Lupus (although I don't believe this is it) I have been tested for RA, had a CBC, BMP, been tested for EBV, cytomegalovirus.. all tested... NOTHING NO ANSWERS. Just hives and pain.... If ANYONE has an actual answer out there... like a true diagnoses Id LOE to hear it... Im about to lose my kob over this crap cause I can't stand to walk to my mailbox, let alone 12 hours a day....
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Hi Trishaconcernedmom,

I have a 7 1/2 year old daughter who has been through the same last week. This was the third time this happend to her. the first two times (sept 2010, and may 2011) she just had the hives, joint pain, swollen feet. The pediatrician diagnosed it as urticaria at that time. When it happened last week it was much more severe with 103.5F fever and hives all over her face, swollen lip, swollen eyelid. We just got her bloodwork done on Wed and are awaiting the test results. The pediatric rheumatologist ordered those tests and we will know the outcome only after two weeks. So it is an agonizing wait. The docs suspect Lupus and JRA as well.
I notice that you are in Bryan, TX. I am in SA, TX. I noticed that few others on this forum were also from a nearby area. Could environment be a factor? Or is it just a coincidence.
Please do post and let me know what the bood work shows. Thanks for sharing your experience. We sure can learn a lot from each other.
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535822 tn?1443976780
They have been doing a lot of spraying in from the sky..they are called chem trails I think you should look into the search engine and see what they are spraying ..Many folks have come down with rashes ...google chem trails
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