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Hives and Severe Joint Pain

My son 15, had hives last week.  Severe hives moving from one part of his body to another.  He was on a medication just prior to this called Solodyn (for acne).  (We stopped the Solodyn about a week ago when the rash first appeared.)  The doctors aren't sure if that is what triggered this.  The hives a week later have slowed up but we are now having severe joint pain.  The joint pain also moves daily from one area of his body to the other.  One day it is on the right side affecting his hands and feet mostly, then the next day it is on the other side.  Sparadically it become so severe he can't walk on that foot or write with that hand.  He is on Clarinex and Allegra now due to the rash. It does help but occassionally that rash will reappear for a few hours then gone again.  I am truly concerned about the joint pain, because it isn't minor, it is debilitating for him.  Please let me know if there is something that we are overlooking.  I have found individuals on the internet that have these same problems but no way to ask them what the cure was.  Please help.  

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My daughter is going through the same thing and it's been almost 3 weeks now.  Started off with hives, then severe joint pain that moved around and fever. We've been to the pediatrician, dermatologist and rheumatologist.  Our next move is the allergist.  So far, she's had no diagnosis and the blood work didn't show much - just a few elevated areas which could be consistent with a virus.  But at least it wasn't RA or Lupus.  The pediatrician mentioned Serum Sickness and, honestly, it sounds and looks just like that.  A lot of the above stories sound like Serum Sickness, especially the people who have taken antibiotics.  I think my daughter's came from a bug bite which I remember as being more red, swollen and bigger than her ordinary mosquito bites.
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My son is 9 yrs old and has had the same symptoms for the past 4 days. He started with large wilts (like a bug bites) and them lead to a rash/hive all over his body. The next day, his joints in his hands were swollen and achy. The following day his knees, elbows, and other large joints have been swollen and hurting to where he can not move. He was on amoxicilion up to the day of his rash starting from having 2 teeth removed. We were in the emergency room last night for 6 hours doing blood work. They tested for strep throat (to rule out Rheumatic fever) and now are testing for Lupus and Juvenile arthritis. His pediatrician thinks it is a virus that has attached the joints, I just don't know.

We went through this when he was 3 years old. He was diagnosed with Rheumatic fever back then. This is just so different, he did not have the rash back then (just swelling around the joints) and sever traveling joint pain.

I'm worried that this will go away without a medical diagnosis or a cause identified and that we will experience this again in his future. I just want to find out what is going out and why. If we can do something to prevent, this would be best. Please keep posting so that we can learn from each other.
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wow, my son is having the exact same issue.   He took the antibiotic omnicef for strep throat, for about a week.  He then broke out in severe hives, and about two days later stared with the joint pain.   mostly hands and feet, but moves around, and gets better then worse.   Dr is referring us to an allergist.    Did you find any answers??????
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1510811 tn?1290140466
Try Kynatomine from J&J DeCHANE INDIA.
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1510811 tn?1290140466
Sorry to hear about your son's problems. I have been posting about an absolutely wonderful medicine from India called KYNATOMINE for hives which helped me in 2003 and the hives haven't come back. TOUCH WOOD. Contrary to it's name it's an AYURVEDIC medicine for the liver but which fixes hives also. It has no side effects. Believe me, because I have been on it. It's from a company called J&J DeChane, India. Instead of giving antihistamines try this for a month. 2 tablets 3 times a day, after meals. I too used to get horrible joint pains and had the worst possible case of hives. Try it.
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I have had severe hives and swelling of the eyes and lips for a month now.  Doctor says its stress, I don't believe him.  It started just coming on at 9 pm then completely gone by 4 am.  went to the ER they gave me Zantac and since then I have hives from morning to night. Also, my joints hurt in random parts of my body, wrists and mostly fingers. I only took the one pill they gave me in the ER.  On my own I have found that trichinosis can cause joint pain, severe hives, nausea, headaches, and many other things. I don't know what to do, I feel like I am going insane from the itching.  I am also nursing my 8 month old baby.  I am going to see a holistic Dr. on Tuesday.  God be with you everyone, I feel your pain...
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