1663025 tn?1302831604

Hives and swollen Glands

Do you know of any home remedies for treating a six month old male child with hives and swollen glands from the pollen
2 Responses
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I would suggest going to the library or looking online and reading up on herbal remedies. I know some for adults, but not for kids.

Something that supposedely helps is honey, a tablespoon a day. It should be local honey. Either rent/buy a herb encyclopedia or just do a search online for herbs. When you find a free site that shows herbal remedies, either use a search option, or start at A and go to Z. If it doesn't give you enough information such as it being safe for children and or pregnant women (they usually go together) then go to the next one. Here is a link for one I go to.

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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, Urticaria is seen secondary to exposure to allergen and mediated by IgE antibodies. Your body is known to hypersensitive to certain things.  

Stinging insects, Aeroallergens (uncommon), Foods and additives like Milk, egg, peanuts, nuts, soy, and wheat are the most common agents to cause generalized urticaria.

This triggering factor should be identified and should be avoided. A skin allergy test can be useful. Hence, in his case exposure to pollen should be avoided.  

Some measures which will be helpful to you are-
- Treatment of the outside of a house with pyrethroid (pyrithrin) chemicals prior to cold weather is one of the best measures.
- you need to close the windows of the car and home, stay indoors when possible, and use air conditioners and dehumidifiers to filter the air during times of peak symptoms. It will be particularly helpful, if he is allergic to mold or pollens.
- Showering before bed to remove allergens from hair and skin can help reduce contamination of the bedding.
- Water leaks should be fixed and swamp coolers should be cleaned periodically.

I hope this helped you. Take care and regards.

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