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hey everyone ! I've been getting an itchy rash that comes and goes all over my body, one rash left a circleish figure it looked like a mosquito bite.. I've also had kind of a sore throat and abit of abdominal pain. Im not sure what this is but its bothering me a lot.. i also use face cream that has benzoyl peroxide in it but its not just pure benzoyl peroxide.. my friend got bleach into her blood stream because of a doctor recommending just pure benzoyl peroxide.. I'm wondering if its that?! i stopped the cream and took benadryl to see if everything goes away any ideas what it could be??
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hi there,
you might have strep throat and  you need to see your family doctor to rule this out. and i would have him check out your rash and your other symptons.
take care and keep me posted
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i never thought of it being strep throat but it could be ! I'm more concerned about the rashes.. i have lymph nodes i think there called forming in the back of my neck closer to my head.. doctor said it could possibly be a viral infection but its too soon to know
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hi there,
thanks for telling me that did you go to your family docotor today?
and what did he say?
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yes i did, he said that the lymph nodes are nothing..? and that i might be allergic to something but just to wait it out but the rashes are just blotches of redness that comes and goes and sometimes itch
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Hello and hope you are doing well.
The rash could be due to contact dermatitis, that is exposure to an irritant like a chemical or metal or anything you are allergic to, it can cause rash. It could also be due to scabies, impetigo or sometimes due to herpes zoster or chicken pox. If there is accompanying swelling, redness, discharge and fever it is most probably an infection.

But to exactly pinpoint the pathology you will need to discuss this with your primary care physician who will examine you and may ask for blood tests. If the need arises he may refer you to a dermatologist.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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