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Is there a permanent allergy?

Hi. My mom always has this skin allergy. The rashes are like a map of mosquito bites. It's all over her body. I'm really getting worried because it doesn't go off anymore. She's been having it for more than a month now. But she still wouldn't go for a check up! She's being really stubborn. Is there like a permanent allergy? Do you know what it is?
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869659 tn?1240862099
Hi Awit:

Sorry to hear about your mom.

I have suffered from allergies all my life.  I took antihistamines as well for many years, until a few months ago.  I went on a product called OPC-3, which is a powerful antioxidant.  It has reduced my allergies by about 80-90%.  

I would probably also recommend Aloe Juice both internally and externally for your mom.

If you want more information, just let me know.

Take care.
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It is difficult to say without examination but it seems to be either contact dermatitis or Eczema which is a form of chronic dermatitis(rash) and the possible cause may be allergy to strong soap, solvent chemicals,certain foods,food additives, plants, metals, cosmetics or even with low quality febrics.
other possibility may be body's immune system that causes areas of the skin to swell, itch, and become reddened. (The affected areas are called wheals.) When the reaction is limited to small areas of the skin, it is called urticaria.
wash the area with fresh water.Do not use any cosmetic at the site.You can apply some calamine lotion and can take some OTC antihistaminics like benadryl or claritin.
If still symptoms do not improve then pls get a clinical examination done by a dermatologist.Hope it helps.Regards.
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