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Itchy in Swimming Pool

My 12 year old daughter is a competitive swimmer. She has been practicing 5 - 6 times a week for the past 5 years and never had issues with pool water. About a week ago, she felt her whole body started to itch after swimming in the pool for about 20 minutes and the itchiness got more severe while she stayed in the pool. So she had to stop swimming and got up from the pool. After she showered, the itchiness went away. Since that, the same thing happened every time she swam even she went to a different pool. It seems to me that she is allergic to some pool chemical. But I don’t know why she never had the problems before. Anyone has any explanations/recommendations on this? Thank you in advance!
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Hello there,

Welcome to the allergy forum. I see you joined Med help recently.
You say your daughter may be allergic to some pool chemical. You daughter may be allergic to the chlorine every public swimming pool contains. The chlorine is to kill germs in the water. I used to be a competitive swimmer myself when I was about your daughter's age. I found out that I am allergic to chlorine. My eyes used to be quite red after swimming in the pool and after the races. My skin was itchy too. It was so uncomfortable , it was one of the main reasons I gave up competitive swimming. Chlorine can be and is an irritant, but it is necessary for chlorine to be placed in the water to kill germs , prevent the growth of algae etc.  Hope this has been helpful.  Eve
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Thank you, evewisewoman!

I figured that Chlorine was probably the culprit. But I just couldn’t believe it because she was fine with it for years before this is triggered. She has been training hard for all these years and is not willing to give it up. I took her to an allergist but the doctor couldn't give us a  satisfied answer other than prescribed some antihistamine pills.
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Hello there,

You are very welcome. As long as your daughter showers well after her swim, she should be okay. I know from my own swimming lessons and
competitive swimming, the importance of rinsing ones bathing suit after
swimming. Your daughter's bathing suit needs to be washed after each
swim with a gentle detergent like Zero. You probably do this anyway,
but having several bathing suits is also a good thing to do. I wish you and
your daughter well.   Eve
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