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Moon-face caused by Prednisone

I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am 25 & am on Prednisone(60mg),salasapyrin(500mg)& Plaquenil(200mg) per day. I have developed a large moon shaped face. I am swollen in the face & neck & hate what it is doing to my face. Will this swelling & fluid go away when I come off the steroids in five weeks? It is causing me to be depressed & family have noticed the change in my face & are worried for my health. I have heard some scary things about these drugs, prednisone in particular. Please is there anything that can stop the Moon face & would I benefit from taking a dieretic too?? P.s I have had an eye twitch every day for the last 3 dys in my left eye, lasting for approx 20secs & about every 10 mins? Could this b another side effect & should I worry about it as it is annoying & starting to get sore?
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I have been on PREDNISOLONE for about 4 months for RA was on 60mg now down to 7.5 mg and I to have gained so much weight and the moonfaced I am getting to the point where I am starting to feel depressed about it all, my knee is the worst of my RA and the tablets have help with me getting back movement in my knee but the side effects are horrendous, does the moonface and weight go after you have finished the tablets? Of so how long does it take.
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two weeks ago I was diagnosed with UC, prescribed 30mg for 5 day's, then 25 for 5 day's and so on until I reach 5mg, (two weeks time) just wondering if anyone know's whether this dose will cause me weight gain? My appetite has hardly increased (even if it does I am not bloody eating!) However other side-effect's (headache, insomnia) are becoming more frequent, I work at a gym, and part-time as a model, obviously weight gain is pretty unacceptable!! Have queried my consultant and he just said side-effect's vary (no ****!!) if anyone has been on a similar dose would appreciate any advice or knowledge, really concerned that I am going to lose work through this, (and my flat!!) THANKS GUY'S! and GOOD LUCK ALL!! xx
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thank you so much for asking and answering this question. i just recently had a kidney transplant and had been on 30mg a day. i am down to 20mg and have been questioning whether it will go away or not. i have been very reluctant to go anywhere outside my home, as i am tired of the stares and questions. heck, i haven't even seen my boyfriend since it started. so it is very helpful to know this will go away. thank you so much for the hope!
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I am in the same position. I had a bone marrow transplant in the spring and my first biopsy post transplant showed residual abnormal cells. Had to be taken off my immune suppressants, but this caused donor cells to attack my liver. Had to be put on 120 mg of prednisone/day (!!) and have been gradually tapering for the past four months. I have been vigilant about diet and exercise and have managed to keep my weight at an acceptable level. But I look like I've blown up. I have a double chin! Coupled with baby hair growing back from the extreme chemo, it is not a good look for me. I simply don't recognize the person in the mirror every day, and people who have known me for years have no idea who I am. It is upsetting. But prednisone is saving my life right now, and that is what I try to focus on-what's happening on the inside, not the outside. All on the outside will ultimately resolve. It will just take time. Now on 20 mg/day, hoping to go to 15mg next week. Maybe if I get to the magic number 10 things will start to get better. In meantime, feel extreme kinship to Alvin and the Chipmunks.
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Yes....your face and neck swellling is a result of the steroids. Due to excruciating from my cervical discs adn shoulder tear, I have had 3 sets of steroid epidural injections on two occassons.  Both times my face is so swollen ("moon face") as well as my neck!  Amazingly I have not gained any weight, but I look like I put on 20 pounds!  I am going through this now, so I am searching for a solution. I feel embarrased, don't lke the way I look, and have to expalin to people why I look so fat.
For now, you can take 200 mg of Vit B6 (a natural diuretic), but eat a banana each day (to keep your feet from cramping) as it does rob you of potassium.
Please let me know if you find any other 'safe' cures, and I will tell you.
Hang in there! Paula
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I really found hope reading thru the comments posted here. I realize my problems are smaller than I thought and there is a light at the end of this prednisone ride. My moon face shone brightly today and my eyes seem smaller somehow but knowing it will all be over eventually is what I need to keep up a positive attitude. My husband has a thick skin so is able to endure my occational wrath. My condition is erythemia nodosome or red noduals. It has been since before Thanksgiving.
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