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Onset of allergy to polyester, latex and others begins at some point as you age

Usually not born with any allergies, it begins at some point in your life and gets worse and worse to a certain point and then finally it usually stabilizes and remains that same severity for ever. Of corse it fluxuates as your immune dips down and comes back up.
It is an immune disorder and thus it all depends on how your immune is doing at that time.
Sometimes the allergy onset isn't age alone, but the onset comes a little sooner than it would have simply because the immune is very worn down from allergies.
In other words, you always were prone to it but your immune could keep fighting it off up to the point of onset.
Many people have a terrible time excepting they have an allergy to polyester and refuse to believe it because they never had the issue before. All their life this didn't exist, so the problem must be something else they think!
And they never heard of this well kept secret before, so this guy must be nuts! What a fool they might say.
However if they get the other type of allergies which make their nose run, they are more able to believe it after some time when they realize it is not a cold and it doesn't go away, and the eyes itch. So what else could it be.
Allergy to latex is the same reactions are polyester for the most part, and seeing this is well known they believe that too.
My friends, I tell you, when the doctors ask you if you are allergic to latex, they are seeing if you are allergic to synthetics yet and documenting it. Latex allergy doesn't even cause any bad reaction for most. They ask for the reason I just said.
They want to know because they are told to ask. Sent pamphets to do so.
Because the government wants to know if you are allergic to synthetics yet.
They all contain the same allergen and that is BPA. This allergen is in latex, polyester, plastics, vinyl, And sprayed on the outside of all cardboard food container.
It cause many immune disorders simply by wearing your immune down as your body controls the skin reaction and other ways it is hurting you.
Once your body reacts, that is because it is weak and can't fight it off, and reacts to it forever after that in varying degrees as your immune fluxuates up and down. It onsets worse as night while your immune lowers for its nightly dip. And all skin irritations from it are worse during that time because the immune rests more at night, as your PH lowers so that the oxygen in your blood with decrease and slow your mind and body down so you become tired and can sleep. This Ph lowering is done through a system you have called the PH buffering system. It can be stimulated in a few ways to raise back up to a high PH, which leaves your body more alert and awake, and feeling of more energy.
If this PH remains too low for too long your blood remains on the acidic side "Low ph" and that is called acidosis.
Cancer thrives in that environment, along with others, but others haven't been proven yet.
dURING THIS LOW PH YOUR RED BLOOD CELL COUNT IS DOWN AND WHITE CELLS ARE UP. aND YOUR IMMUNE IS IN YOUR RED CELLS SO THE ARMY "SO TO SPEAK, YOUR IMMUNE CELL #S" Well, basically the immune cells are less and therefore low PH equals, more chance of any illness onset that is fairly powerful.
When your PH is high your blood is on the Alkaline side. And thus the red blood cell count is up and thus so is your immune. And so is the oxygen level in your blood, thus more blood to the brain, thus better brain function and more alertness, and ability to function well.
When you have acidosis you become tired a lot, and get sick easier.
At that time, is when an allergy can onset. All immune disorders, allergens, cancers, HIV, attack you when your defenses are low. Viruses are smart and know when the time is right that they can have success.
When you are tired at night, it is because your PH is low. as you wake up, it rises. And a shower will raise it up faster and the shock of cold water in the shower will raise it up ever more and quicker.
Normal/neutral PH is 70. that is not acidic nor alkaline.
This is why allergens and colds are bad when you wake up in the morning from your PH being down all night so you can sleep. And is why if you sit around without a shower or activity to raise your PH back up, your cold will not get better during that time. If you take a shower and rush to go to work, you may get winded, and feel a bit tired from it, but your PH rises. Ever wonder why you can go to work and just work off much of the cold?
Well this could go on and on when it comes to the immune system Which I have to know well to control my 3 different immune disorders so I can live a decent life and stop itching and breaking out in lesions all over my body.
So I will just stop here.
These are the basics to the immune system. It get much more complex and that is into the deeper science of it, which more won't really understand anyways, so I leave it here.

Keep your PH up during the day. it is when you fight sickness and disease the best.
And thus your allergy symptoms will be the least.
Eat well, and sleep well, and be healthy.
2 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
That's good information.  Maybe I am somewhat allergic to polyesters?  I am allergic to latex.  I've been developing allergy to all forms of first aid tapes that started with a bad reaction to band aids about 20 years ago.  I know that the adhesives are a definite problem.  They burn my skin.  Tega Derm is the worst one.
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Allergies to polyester and other synthetics is called Allergic contact dermatitis.
Does this make it any easier to believe or absorb?
Here is a link to 1000's of picture of it. Look through these until you find one like yours. Remember it looks a little different on everyone. Find a pic of the same body area as you have issue with too.

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