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my nose is always blocked

for the past 2 years my nose has been constantly blocked and always runs.
Can anyone tell me what this is.
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You could be having sinusitis or rhinitis? What is your age? Do you have associated symptoms of cough, wheeze, breathlesssness, post nasal drip etc?

Have you consulted a doctor for your complaints? Are you on any medications currently?

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications like cetrizine, loratadine for your complaints and see if it helps with your symptoms.

You should still see your doctor and get a clinical examination for a diagnosis and to evaluate if any investigations are required including blood tests, chest xray and CT scan of the sinuses.

Are you allergic to any specific substances or have you had allergic reactions in the past?

Let us now about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.


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You may want to try something simple like using some lemon in water daily from a fresh lemon....In the old days lemons were like an antiseptic....
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How are you doing now? Have you consulted a doctor for your symptoms?

Have you had any benefit from steam inhalation, saline nasal drops, antihistamine medications , etc?

Have the investigations been done as yet?

Let us know about what your doctor has advised and keep us posted.

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I see that this post was from last year, but I am currently experiencing the same symptoms, and was wondering if I could get your advice.

I am a 26 year old female, and for the last 2-3 years I have been going through about a box a kleenex a week. Constant sneezing, runny nose, and stuffiness plagues me daily. I recently moved from washington to Idaho, but the symptoms were the same in both places.

I have tried oral antihistamines, steam inhalation, and recently a Neti Pot with the provided salt solution, and nothing has even made a dent.

Any feedback would be great. If I should get myself to a doctor, it would be at the VA because that is the only medical insurance I have.

Thank you.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I'm a fellow allergy sufferer.  Have you had any allergy tests done?  Perhaps it is something in the air of your home that no one can totally escape from--dustmites.  That is my top allergy.  Everything that the doctor already suggested does help, but I still have to use allergy medicine.  I use Benadryl and Nasonex.  Nasonex, because it is fragrance-free.  Flonase isn't fragrance-free and I could taste that one going down the back of my throat through the nasal passages connecting to the throat.  That affected me negatively in other ways, too.  I'm glad my doctor changed my prescription to Nasonex.
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