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Resistance of Dog Allergies

will it work if i try to build my body immune to dog hair

i am allergic to it

but what if i sleep with the dog hair on me every night

will my body build an immunity?
4 Responses
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I have to wash my dog every 3-4 days. If not I get asthma. You can get allergy shots from an allergist. They can help. My allergy shots are doing wonders. I just changed doctors and the doctor has tried a new brand of serum that seems to be a little different from my old one. The new one didn't work for dog but with the old brand name did. So it might depend on the dog breed and brand of serum for allergy shots. But getting tested for dog allergy could be your answer too. If you react to their serum they can make up shots for you. :) Then you won't need antihistamine probably after 6 months or so and hopefully the allergy to the animal won't get worst.

However keep in mind that if you are allergic and get a pet that being around this pet all the time can make allergies worst over time. :( If your allergies do get worst and want to keep your pet and antihistamines don't fix it, shots may do it all by them selves. Kinda seems like a lot to get a pet. Personally I think if you have allergies to that pet you probably shouldn't get it.

Consider a low allergy breed like hair dogs that won't shed. Also consider a smaller dog with short hair.

One further thing to add. You may not be allergic to all dog breeds. Shop around with local breeders and go in to the area with the dogs. If you can put your self in a room where other breed dogs have not been, stay with them where they sleep, you should know if you are allergic to that breed. This way you might find one that you are not allergic to at all. :)

Hope this helps.
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thanks guys

i guess ima go ahead and get my new dog teehee

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I've had cats since I was 3 or 4, and a dog for the last 8 years.  I've always sneezed, had itchy eyes, itchy throat and occationally get a rash from their saliva (which goes away quickly after washing the area).  I used claritin reditabs for the past couple years until it stopped working (when my body got used to it).  Then I switched to zyrtec a couple weeks ago, which has been amazing (better than claritin- but it takes a few days to really kick in). You can use eye drops if the allergy medicine doesn't work for itchy eyes.
Point is, I've been allergic to my pets since I was little, and I probably always will be, I've never met anyone who's gotten over this allergy. Sorry bud.
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There is no dog breed that is truly non-allergenic (not allergy causing) because all dogs produce dander (shed skin cells), saliva, and urine. You can be allergic to the dog dander, dog saliva, or both. Pet hair itself is not an allergen, but it can collect dander, dust, and pollen.

Taking your dog to the bedroom will not make you immune to dog allergens. Instead you will be aggravating your allergy. For you, avoidance of dogs is the mainstay of therapy. But if you can’t part with your dog then  you can spray areas where your dogs spend their time (carpets, sofas) with an anti allergen spray. . Wash your hands after having contact with your pet.

Bath the dog at least once or twice a week and wipe the dog with a wet cloth or hand towel daily as dog allergens also attach to a dog’s fur, which carries the allergens about. These allergens then attach to carpets, upholstered furniture, mattresses, and clothes. Also vacuum frequently with a HEPA-equipped vacuum cleaner.

If you have the symptoms of dog allergy then take antihistaminics like benadryl and Claritin. Corticosteroids and topical nasal steroids are also helpful. More severe cases require oral corticosteroids and immunotherapy.

Hope I have provided you with sufficient information.
Take care and pls do keep posting.

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