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Swollen itchy eyes and lip rash/sores

For the past 10 years I have had really sensitive lips and have only been able to use one type of lip balm. As anything else - lip sticks of glosses give me little sores on my lips and cause them to puff up and get little scabs and peel contantly - i also get dry patches under my eyes and eye lids. When I visited a doctor they told me I may have an allergy to nail polish and an ingrediant in lip glosses/balms its also happens when I were nail polish. After removing it it usually clears up within a week.

Recently I havent even be able to use my usual lip balm as my lips react to that as well and my eyes are puffing up and getting extremly itchy and stinging. I was heading overseas for 3 weeks and the doctor have me some tablets to take to clear up my lips as she said they looked like they had a staff infection. Whilst I was OS all my symptoms cleared up completely and within 2 days of returing home everything started up again!

A week after I had been back,I woke up in the monring and my eyes were completely closed over and extremly swollen. I visited a doctor and they said I might have hives or some type of allergy. I was put on antihistmines and a course of panafcortelone, which helped with the eye swelling and the lips alittle. but now i have reduced the amount of panafcortelone I take daily as I am at the end of my course, as have been told it isnt something I can take long term and my eyes are becoming more irrated and puffy and my lips sore are getting worse.
I havent changed any make up lately or products like toothpaste, washing powder.

Does anyone have any sugguestions what it might be, as its dirvinbg me crazy!!!!
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Has anyone ever found out any information about this??  I am 20 years old and i have been having eye problems for 2 years.  When it first started i had a viral conjunctivitis which i was put on steroids for.  Even after that was cleared up i was still on steroids for about 3 months because of the swelling of my eye.  For a few months my eyes were fine and then my eyes became swollen red dry and itchy.  I would also get a lip rash and really dry lips.  I used make up to cover it for a few months until my skin was so dry that make up wouldnt go on even anymore because of the dryness.  I went to both the regular doctors and the eye doctors and they both had no idea what was wrong.  I then went to a dermatologist which diagnosed me with contact dermatitis.  She prescribed Fluticasone Prop 0.005% Ointment for my lip rash and also TobraDex eye ointment for my eye lids.  The rash cleared up within a few days.  I stopped using the medicine and also continued to not wear make up.  After a few weeks i went back to wearing makeup but an all natural one this time.  After a few days the rash was back so i stopped using make up all together.  I havent wore makeup for 3 months now.  I switched my soap to dove for sensitive skin as suggested by my dermatologist.  The last few weeks my eyes have been getting worse.  I started using the medicine again that i was prescribed but it does not treat the symptoms anymore and i dont know what to do. any suggestions??  
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I am 47 years old and never had an allergy, eat right, exercise...etc. I began having an "eye allergy" last Oct. 2012 in one eye and then reoccurring in March 2013 in both eyes. Started out so red and dry and seemed worse when driving through rural areas and times of stress. The eyes are now not as deep red and watery but rather itchy and now the entire area around the eye has become a problem. Nighttime is when it rears its ugly head with severe itching and comes on all at once. As soon as it seems to be healing it flares up again yet worse each time. It had now spread to my lips, chin and a little of my neck area under the chin. I do believe that it is an immune system problem and a result of an underlying health problem and stress makes it worse yet. I have been dealing with kidney stones and the stress issues would get anyone. All within a year in this order, Lost my mom, got a divorce moved 1200 miles away from family, fell in love, got my heartbroken all the while looking for employment. Yay. I now have a job and I work online thank you God because I am so hideous I just can't imagine having to work with the public. I haven't even gone to the gym in two weeks because the redness and swelling is so bad. I would like more info on the Kenalog shot. I need to be able to get out and enjoy life and any break by a shot would be so welcomed.
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I recommend going to a rheumatologist and getting blood work done. I think it has to do with autoimmune disorders of some form or fashion.
I've been having the same issues for the last couple of months and thought maybe I was finally suffering from "spring allergies", but it is still happening.
I notice it occurs when I drink alcohol (especially red wine) and when I get sun or that combo. Not good with summer coming.  Am still trying to figure out the actual cause and plan on going back to my rheumatologist after my vacation to check on my psoriatic arthritis and lupus status....
Sorry to read about the sufferers, but glad I am not alone and crazy!
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I am miserable...get a itchy,tingly feeling in scalp,lips,tongue throat and random area on my body.A breakout on shoulder and center of back...I know I have allergies but nothing showed up on tests...corners of eyes and end of my nose is driving me nuts.Claratin helped for maybe 4 hours with some of the symptoms.My ears feel hot at some times and I walk around in a fog.From not getting any sleep.
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I'm back and am embarassed to admit that I have discovered the cause of the rash (see my previous posts).  I have known for years that I am allergic to sodium lauryl sulfate and am shocked to find out it was in my toothpaste.  I did check the tube and it only showed the "active ingredients" with fluoride, however when I was at the store recently I checked the box and there it was; "Inactive Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate".  I immediately stopped using and the rash has gone.
I now make my own toothpast with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and coconut oil.
Good luck to all of you.

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I just wanted to add that I had this realization ; I think we would all agree that these are all some type of allergy - doesn't really matter to what, whether it be food, environmental, chemicals or whatever but taking it to the next level I ask the question: Why are we suddenly allergic to these things we were not allergic to before, and came up with the answer "Because our immune systems have weakend and we can't combat these irritants any more".  I believe we need to strengthen our immune systems.  On that note I also believe that high sugar refined carbohydrate diet creates yeast infestation and lowers our resistance.
As I said earlier I am in the process of cleansing my system and reducing yeast promoting foods.  It's only been a couple of weeks but my rash is in a waning stage at present.  I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Any other ideas on strengthing the immune system?

I feel for all you - take care.
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