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Swollen itchy eyes and lip rash/sores

For the past 10 years I have had really sensitive lips and have only been able to use one type of lip balm. As anything else - lip sticks of glosses give me little sores on my lips and cause them to puff up and get little scabs and peel contantly - i also get dry patches under my eyes and eye lids. When I visited a doctor they told me I may have an allergy to nail polish and an ingrediant in lip glosses/balms its also happens when I were nail polish. After removing it it usually clears up within a week.

Recently I havent even be able to use my usual lip balm as my lips react to that as well and my eyes are puffing up and getting extremly itchy and stinging. I was heading overseas for 3 weeks and the doctor have me some tablets to take to clear up my lips as she said they looked like they had a staff infection. Whilst I was OS all my symptoms cleared up completely and within 2 days of returing home everything started up again!

A week after I had been back,I woke up in the monring and my eyes were completely closed over and extremly swollen. I visited a doctor and they said I might have hives or some type of allergy. I was put on antihistmines and a course of panafcortelone, which helped with the eye swelling and the lips alittle. but now i have reduced the amount of panafcortelone I take daily as I am at the end of my course, as have been told it isnt something I can take long term and my eyes are becoming more irrated and puffy and my lips sore are getting worse.
I havent changed any make up lately or products like toothpaste, washing powder.

Does anyone have any sugguestions what it might be, as its dirvinbg me crazy!!!!
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Just realized your post was 2011!  Wonder how you are doing today?  I also am early 60's and got this thing for the first time in my life about one month ago.

My symptoms: dry patchy, itchy, red around the eyes, neck and upper chest, lips that felt like cold sores developing all over them (I had cold sores since I was in my 20's dues to stress), then burning, itching and dry, and eventually peeling, also had heavy rash on my shins of my legs in the beginning but that seems to have cleared up and it's just the eyes, lips & down the laugh lines of my face.  I look like a 95 year old lady!!!

When it first occurred I woke up and my lips were swollen and my eyes were puffy, red & itching.
I  live in California and thought it was the dry winter air at first. I went to a doctor and they gave me stearoids to take for 6 days and Benadryl which  seemed to ease the rash for a couple of days but then it came back and has been coming and going for the past month to 6 weeks.  

I decided I needed to do something radical as my diet had been bad and I was eating a lot of fried food, chocolate, cookies, sugar for a long time and so went on a 4 day liver flush/cleanse and it all went away and my skin looked beautiful for a couple of days then it started all over again.  

Mind you I have stayed on a very healthy diet since the cleanse and have stopped eating chocolate, cookies, sugar, dairy products, and significantly reduced my wheat consumption (so hard because I love my toast/bread/pasta/sweets, etc.). I will try eliminating all the "yeast promoting" foods and see if that helps.

Other than a sulfur allergy that I have had for years I have always been very healthy. I have always avoided any products with sulfites, shampoos, conditioners, body wash etc., and red wine (unless it's made with organic grapes). I exercise by swimming, dancing, yoga, and I meditate regularly.

After reading all the posts what I'm resonating with most is the YEAST overload, the HORMONAL changes (or lack of them to help immunity) , not to mention STRESS.  It sure is a mystery and is also driving me crazy because I don't want to go out and socialize.

I have to mention for the record that I have done Pranic Healing classes and although I have not been practicing much I decided on the day I began the liver cleanse to do a session.  The next day I felt better and the rash cleared up but of course it's been coming and going since.

Thank you all for sharing your stories and I hope we will get to the bottom of this eventually.

Blessings & love,

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I have read all these posts in attempt to find the reason for my own red itchy scaly eyes and lips. i have had this going on for more than a month and i have realized some patterns. it seems as though we have been getting it in the winter months while under huge amounts of stress. our immune systems are down and the cold virus is out. I have tried vaselines and antibiotics but they didn't help. i eventually tried natural methods and they seemed to work the best. i would use flax seed oil for under my eyes and areas around my forehead throughout the day. for my lips the best remedy was rapeseed honey in the morning and again at night. the lips will get a tingly sensation and the honey will melt a little bit. it went down significantly. now an old Indian man told me to use lysine+ for my face as that has more antiviral herbs in it and i look and feel like my old self :) i also am keeping my immune system up and eating right. good luck.
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Before my skin issue was out of control, i saw a legitimate psychic.   She said "when you get around it quitting milk will really help you".For 4 months i had the same eye and lip problem.  Somehow I never connected my skin problem to milk (I probably didn't want to quit ice cream and cheese).  So when I finally decided to quit milk my skin irritation totally went away.  It only comes back when I mistakenly eat something with milk.  Try eliminating all dairy for a few days to see what happens.  My symptoms went away with a couple of days of stopping all milk.  
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When I was young (middle school age) I remember having a terrible lip rash that they diagnosed as a yeast infection.

At about high school age eczema appeared after my mom switched laundry detergents. I experienced a rash after going into the ocean in the bahamas around this age as well. I was diagnosed with an allergy to fragrance and avoided all cosmetics and laundry detergent with added fragrance and this cleared the problem.

In my early 20's I started having and upset stomach after dairy, sometimes it was extremely sudden. Also, my lips would itch after tomato, and citrus. The same with melons except that the back of my tongue would itch as well. I was diagnosed with environmental allergies, grass, pollen, dust mites...as well as food allergies. Soy and dairy caused stomach issues where as tomatoes, citrus, melons caused lip or tongue reactions. Tomatoes pretty much gave me swollen, almost scabby lips. Extreme discomfort.

In my late 20's I was able to start eating tomatoes and citrus again with NO reaction. Still afraid to try melons because of the tongue itch. Started to eat dairy again. Some cheeses caused less upset then others. Any boyfriend I had had to switch to fragrance free detergent and soap or it would cause discomfort and/or infections.

Now at age 31...started with a patch of eczema on inside of elbow after a trip to the beach a few months ago. Then I started getting small red bumps (tiny pimple like on arms, stomach, under chest and back) This turned into eczema patches. Along with this came the lip issue again, as well as burning around eyes, with red rashes. This occurs on and off on my neck and shoulders as well. I went to med express and they gave me a oral steroid which cleared it up quickly but it made me moody and very anxious. It was terrible. Since then I have had skin tests done for environmental factors and blood work for foods.

- dust mites, grass, pollen, 3 molds, trees, ragweed
ALL of my previous food allergies tested negative. The allergist did give me an interesting list of foods that coincide with evironmental allergies. Such as ragweed and tomatoes. Apparently these foods contain the same or similar proteins and the weed and can cause reactions as well.

This Wheat allergy is quite an adjustment. I had a flat bread last night and woke up with blisters on my lips and a rashy eye. I have to start a strict diet to see if the symptoms go away.

I have learned that this is all a process of elimination. A frustrating one. It is hard for me to believe that it is JUST the wheat all of a sudden causing this reaction. I did just move into a new apartment a month before this, AND then a boyfriend moved in with me a month later. SO many factors.

I wish everyone well with finding the cause of their reactions and I will try to post again when I figure out more triggers.

p.s  A journal helps. Record food and environments daily.
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Hello Dear,

I', m still thinking of food allergies,for all of us  , as when I leave home base,I feel comfortable with surroundings,no itching and so,but when it is home time again,all symptoms revert to negative... :-(
I imagine it may be the diet we eat elsewhere ??
I have the same questions like you: environment.pets,food,bedding,immune system..etc...it can be anything to trigger. Keep your emergency cream at times with you...
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Hello Dear,

So interesting to read all the columns on allergies,as I also have  developed a sort,that cannot be identified.  No allergy test done  yet,as I still believe to find reactants in my surroundings....must be the citrus fruit,as we are living amongst these heavenly  bushes .I  do live by trial and error...and somehow still cannot trace the allergy by name. sudden Swollen lips,blistering and scabby  healing within 14 days ...just to trigger off again. My sister from OS has commented on blood type and diet allergies,but in my poorer country,we have to rely on ,what comes on the table. BUT  crede Coconut Oil  used externally and internally may help to de -acidify the body. Hands and wrists blistering,extreme with itchyness maybe to  contact dermatities or is it the allergy to acids ? and only ointment Hydrogalen can calm the impulse to scratch and spread .How can I obtain a list of foof-stuff to identify it's acidity ?
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