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Thimerosal in Allergy Serum/Allergy Extract

I received allergy shots from about 1988 to 2006.  I took three shots. I believe one was for cats and dogs, and the other two were for ragweed, pollen, hayfever, etc?  I don't remember exactly all that was in the serum.  My main concern is that I began taking these shots when I was 3 years old and took them until I was almost 21.  Did allergy serum or allergy extract contain Thimerosal or any type of Mercury derivative during that time period, and should I be concerned about having had any type of neurological damage from the treatment?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, allergy serum shot do not contain the thimerosal. You can confirm it by reading the label which mentions detailed composition including the name of preservatives. You don't have to be concerned regarding this. Take care and regards.
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What was the preservative used in the vials if it wasn't thimerosal?  There must be some kind of preservative due to the multi-dose vials?
Thank you!
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Actually, Allergy serum does likely contain Thimerosal.  The pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and Company gave Thiomersal the trade name Merthiolate, present in Desensitization injections (AKA. allergy shots).
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