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Titanium Dental implant

I had a titanium dental implant over a year ago and now suffer from dermatitis around my mouth witch has spread to my chin, and eczema on my hands and know in my nose!  I have muscle aches and suffer from fatigue. I had a blood test done through the Melisa Institute and showed a 3.50 in sensitivity to titanium trichloride, the recommendation is to have the metal removed, except no one wants to touch it, because it is a front tooth!  I am 39yrs. old and recently married and wanted to start a family but for one thing do not physically feel well enough and am afraid of the effects this allergy could have an a child, I know MS and Autism are linked to this metal allergy!  If we can clone animals how come I can't find an oral surgen willing to remove my implant!!!!  Any suggestions Am am so tired and frustrated!
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I had my implant on Aug. 2013. I started seeing allergy problems about Oct. with swelling and redness of my eyes ! rash and itch. my mouth is rough on both lip sides. am 40 years and didn't have some thing like that before ! I had 2 surgeries before , 2009, and there was no problems like what I have now.
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I had my implant done in August 2013. After one week, my problems started with ear infection, imbalance, mild headache and  muscle weakness. I am 55  yrs old and considered healthy before. I had an MRI and found new lesions like in MS patients. Had no family history and no other evidence for MS.  The dentist I talked about this don't think it is from the implant. I haven't tested for titanium allergy. I just saw this site.
Don't know what to do.

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I had my Titaniums removed on October 24, 2013. I had three of them. I had them inserted in July, 2012. Three months latter I started having symptoms similar to yours: Brian Fog, Anxiety, Feeling disconnected from the world, Inability to focus or remember anything.
So, I decided to have them removed. It's been three weeks now but I cannot say I feel a difference.
I am happy I had them out and do not regret doing that. I just was expecting for symptom to have started disappearing right away.
How are you feeling? Any improvement at all?
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Just want to share that I had my implant removed! Will write again later to share if any of the weird symptoms have disappeared.

I used to be a healthy, energetic, brave, and stress-resistant person 4 years ago, when I got the dental implant.

Symptoms started six months later and progressed, including excessive fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, cholesterol, indigestion, depression. It got so bad, that I spend many days in bed and kissed goodbye plenty of opportunities and ambitions.

I really hope that the removal will alleviate some of these and will keep you posted. Good luck removing the implants!
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hi there did you get someone to remove your implant?
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This is not dental implant related but I wanted to post in this forum just in case:  my dad has been sick since he had a back operation on April 11. They inserted a device called a "Coflex" into his low spine instead of doing a fusion. He has run fevers every month since he had that titanium put in his body. He has severe cold chills (looks like he's convulsing) and his fever gets up to 103 sometimes. This cycle does pass but he still is not himself after. His body is being attacked by something. He gets a rash on his face, flaky skin on his face, runny nose and severe dizziness before these attacks. He is hospitalized and released once fevers go away. This has been happening every month since April. They have run so many tests. Bone scan, MRI's, Bone marrow biopsy, x-rays, blood work etc. All negative. There is no infection in his body. I have felt like this titanium Coflex thing has been the culprit all along. Hard to get doctors to take that seriously because NO NONE is allergic to titanium or titanium alloys. We have finally succeeded in sending a blood sample to a private lab in New Jersey for Melisa testing (metal sensitivity/allergy) and are waiting on the results.
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