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Titanium Dental implant

I had a titanium dental implant over a year ago and now suffer from dermatitis around my mouth witch has spread to my chin, and eczema on my hands and know in my nose!  I have muscle aches and suffer from fatigue. I had a blood test done through the Melisa Institute and showed a 3.50 in sensitivity to titanium trichloride, the recommendation is to have the metal removed, except no one wants to touch it, because it is a front tooth!  I am 39yrs. old and recently married and wanted to start a family but for one thing do not physically feel well enough and am afraid of the effects this allergy could have an a child, I know MS and Autism are linked to this metal allergy!  If we can clone animals how come I can't find an oral surgen willing to remove my implant!!!!  Any suggestions Am am so tired and frustrated!
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I have severe food allergies, lost 20 lbs. in a few months and had lots of yeast for the past few years. I have two titanium implants and had some old mercury amalgam fillings. I finally found out that I have mercury toxcity even though it didn't show up on tests 3 years ago. I am having chelation therapy done and have had 5 treatments so far and I feel, much, much better. Do you have any silver fillings in your mouth? This could be the problem. I highly recommend chelation therapy. Hope this helps.
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I had three implants done last year.  Very painful.  A month ago, one
of them broke.  I mean it snapped right into and stuck inside my denture
plate.  I called my dentist. He met me early the next morning at his office.
He wants to leave the base of it in my bone.  Then he wants to put another one in my mouth.  Not sure I can go through the pain again.  But, after it broke, my mouth and area around my mouth got very chapped.  Then my nose broke out in bumps and scales.  Now, my chin is broke out.  Think I could be allergic to the titanium since it broke and it is getting into my system.  I am so tired all the time.  Don't have any energy.  Does anyone
have one that broke?
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Unfortunately the best way to test for allergies is by eliminating the suspected allergen. That would mean having your titanium implant out and seeing if you get better. You will probably have a hard time getting someone to do that. I had a hard time getting a dentist to remove my veneers when I was having an allergic reaction to the cement. Most said it wasn't possible and I didn't want to go through all that work.
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I developed several food allergies and candida about five months after my implant.  I am not sure if they are related.  I have changed my diet drastically. I cannot eat dairy, sugar or wheat.  I am now faced with loosing another tooth and I am not sure what to do.
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I have found those blood tests are not very accurate. I didn't do the MELISA. I had it done at two companies in Colorado. The tests didn't match. A second test I had done at the same lab a year later didn't match the first one. No test showed that I was allergic to acrylic even though I know I am allergic to acrylic.
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sorry , I meant that I tested positive to titanium DICHLORIDE but was negative to titanium TRICHCLORIDE
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