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Weird Allergy Sympton

I've been dealing with severe allergies for the past 2-3 yrs now. Im wondering if anyone has ever experienced very dry skin as an allergy symptom? My skin has become sooo dry and unhealthy looking and im NOTtaking any decongestants either. Any ideas or suggestions?
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Hey thanks for the feedback. I dont have any itching and its only my face that becomes very dry and unhealthy which is why i thought the allergies were causing it. I do use a great deal of moisturizer lotion but seems doesnt do the trick, I have recently moved from florida to chicago, so maybe the winter and use of the heating system has had some affect also? Please give me any feedback or suggestions. thanks
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563773 tn?1374246539

Dry skin results when there is not enough water in the stratum corneum for it to function properly. Too much soapy water, exposure to harsh chemicals, the normal aging process and certain types of skin diseases are some of the causes of decreased amounts of protective skin oils which in turn causes dry skin.

The mainstay of management is liberal use of moisturizers after washing with luke warm water. Soap should be used minimally. Moisturizers should be reapplied liberally during the day.You can also use a topical cortisone (steroid) cream or ointment like dermacort(hydrocortisone). Adding a humidifier to the central heating system of your home or using a humidifier also helps.

If still the symptoms persisit then possibility of eczema or atopic dermatitis,psoriasis, ichthyosis (fish scale-like skin) or pitted keratolysis is there.Pls consult a dermatologist for clinical examination in that case as treatment is specific for each one and without clinical examination,it is difficult to make a diagnosis.

Hope it helps. Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.

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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Dry itchy skin is also known as xerosis. Simple daily routines like bathing, applying soaps and scrubbing yourself dry can decrease the moisture in the skin. You will have to choose a moisturizer suitable for your skin and apply it 2-3 times in a day. Also AC and heating depletes the skin of moisture, so if you stay for long hours in AC or heaters you should use a humidifier too. Use warm water and a mild soap for bathing. Petrolleum jelly used at night along with glycerine can help keep the skin supple and moist.
Vitamin A deficiency and diabetes too can cause dry skin. Hence these should be ruled out.
It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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