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bee stings

just got stung 6 times by bees extremely painful and i have asthma what should i do
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1277598 tn?1271094194
Take an antihistamine and seek immediate medical attention for any worsening symptoms
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I hope that you are alright now.  The internet is never the place to go in an emergency.  As you can see it can take a LONG time before someone sees your post and responds, in this case it was 13 hours.

Unless you are allergic to bees, there probably wasn't any thing to really worry about.  I would recommend that you keep some liquid benadryl or zyrtec on hand (liquid gels work quite well also) for a fast acting antihistamine to treat these types of situations.  Liquids work much faster than pill forms.  Also, if you are on allergy shots, you might want to ask for an Epi-Pen if your doctor doesn't automatically prescribe them to allergy shot patients.

A key symptom to look for would be difficulty breathing.  If this were to occur, get to an ER ASAP.  

Feel better.
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