2206935 tn?1373638605

can this be food allergy?

I eat bread daily..I'm always tired dizzy fatigue depressed anxious..can it be a form of food allergy?
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2206935 tn?1373638605
Hey thanks your reply is very interesting..I eat white bread almost daily at noon and pasta very often looking at my diet I notice I eat. a lot of gluten/wheat..I'll defiantly speak with a doctor bout the testing..the fatigue is huge I have ruled out diabetes iron and vitamin problems yet I always feel very sleepy on a daily basis which is ruining life..hopefily I'll find the answer thanks :-)
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Hello there,

Some people can be allergic to the gluten in bread products. You can also be allergic to wheat. What kind of bread do you eat ? How much bread do you eat ?  A friend of mine is allergic to guten. Gluten is in many kinds of food including bread. Her allergy to gluten was discovered through a blood test. She no longer eats any products with gluten. There is a really interesting book written by David Permutter MD called " Grain Brain".
I'm reading right now as a matter of fact.  All the symptoms you are describing such as fatigue, dizziness, feeling anxious, depression can be caused from an allergy to wheat and gluten.  You should try and buy this book . It's a real eye opener. The friend I spoke of that is allergic to wheat
had a blood test done not through her doctor but it was done by a specialist.  This could probably be done by a blood lab, but it is a special food allergy test and you need a referral by your doctor.  Good luck to you. Eve
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