351317 tn?1204751871

can zyrtec be cut in half?

The 10mg zyrtec is too strong for me so can I cut it in half and take 5mg instead?
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681148 tn?1437661591
Are the OTC Zyrtec tablets or capsules?  I take Benadryl myself.  I don't know if you'll get the full benefits, but if they're too strong for you, then I don't see why you can't just use a pill splitter and cut tablets in half.  I had to ask for a lower dosage for my Benadryl myself for the same reason.  This is also what I read that I needed to do with kidney function issues.  Mine are capsule form that I buy behind the pharmacy counter as a prescription.  The insurance still won't cover them, but they're still cheaper to buy this way than buying them OTC.

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You can buy the Children's Zyrtec, they are only 5 mg
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563773 tn?1374246539

Yes,you can cut the zyrtec tablet in two and it will amount to 5 mg.But it is subtherapeutic dose for adults.5mg is the therapeutic dose of children and not adults.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.
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I am so glad you answered that.  I have a dust allergy.  Without Zyrtec I feel like I am drowning due to Post Nasal Drip.  It is the only thing that helps me but it also puts me to sleep it I take it two days in a row.   I plan to try this and see if I can stay awake!
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