97615 tn?1212678589

cholinergic urticaria/hives

I have exercise induced urticaria.  I want to know if anyone else has this and if so what causes it and what can you do to control it without a prescription.  I am desperate.  I am a runner that does not want a prescription.  I suffer from asthma and the hives are worse when my asthma is worse.  I am not taking anything for asthma except for an inhaler at the moment.  I am tired of depending on drugs.  I know that may sound ignorant but I want to help myself to help itself if you know what I mean.
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MAY i say:

My son doesnt just have this SILLY DAFT RASH u go on about BUT Certain parts of his body swell up so bad, at times, he cannot walk....His face flares up with Lumps/Bumps soooo bad, we Cannot recognise him.
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from scotland....

theres NOTHING to do with heat that causes my sons condition at all..

please read below and mail me as i don't know what i can do to help my son.


My son suffered a slight rash 3 yrs ago which was so bad we took him to a&e....they said he was allergic to asprin....Fine, they sorted it and it went in 3 days.

Since then......

A yr and half later, he was away and living on his own and sent me pics of himself looking like elephant man.....was in and out of hospital for 2 weeks on and off till it died down and docs making sure it never went to his throat.

Since then, my son 21, was a model and maitre de has turned into a recluse and very hard to live with as his moods have changed no end.

He is depressed and i cannot blame him.

Getting work is NOT a problem for him as he is sweet/kind and good at his job BUT once this flares up, no-one, including employers which used to love him, no longer want to know and its sad.

He has been fine for past ten days After HAVING to give up latest job where they adored him and loved his work but because of this he is out again!!!

Doctors have no idea what causes this Extreme form but i just want a cause and an end to his suffering, he is a young lad who should be enjoying life.

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My son suffered a slight rash 3 yrs ago which was so bad we took him to a&e....they said he was allergic to asprin....Fine, they sorted it and it went in 3 days.

Since then......

A yr and half later, he was away and living on his own and sent me pics of himself looking like elephant man.....was in and out of hospital for 2 weeks on and off till it died down and docs making sure it never went to his throat.

Since then, my son 21, was a model and maitre de has turned into a recluse and very hard to live with as his moods have changed no end.

He is depressed and i cannot blame him.

Getting work is NOT a problem for him as he is sweet/kind and good at his job BUT once this flares up, no-one, including employers which used to love him, no longer want to know and its sad.

He has been fine for past ten days After HAVING to give up latest job where they adored him and loved his work but because of this he is out again!!!

Doctors have no idea what causes this Extreme form but i just want a cause and an end to his suffering, he is a young lad who should be enjoying life.

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My son suffered a slight rash 3 yrs ago which was so bad we took him to a&e....they said he was allergic to asprin....Fine, they sorted it and it went in 3 days.

Since then......

A yr and half later, he was away and living on his own and sent me pics of himself looking like elephant man.....was in and out of hospital for 2 weeks on and off till it died down and docs making sure it never went to his throat.

Since then, my son 21, was a model and maitre de has turned into a recluse and very hard to live with as his moods have changed no end.

He is depressed and i cannot blame him.

Getting work is NOT a problem for him as he is sweet/kind and good at his job BUT once this flares up, no-one, including employers which used to love him, no longer want to know and its sad.

He has been fine for past ten days After HAVING to give up latest job where they adored him and loved his work but because of this he is out again!!!

Doctors have no idea what causes this Extreme form but i just want a cause and an end to his suffering, he is a young lad who should be enjoying life.

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My son suffered a slight rash 3 yrs ago which was so bad we took him to a&e....they said he was allergic to asprin....Fine, they sorted it and it went in 3 days.

Since then......

A yr and half later, he was away and living on his own and sent me pics of himself looking like elephant man.....was in and out of hospital for 2 weeks on and off till it died down and docs making sure it never went to his throat.

Since then, my son 21, was a model and maitre de has turned into a recluse and very hard to live with as his moods have changed no end.

He is depressed and i cannot blame him.

Getting work is NOT a problem for him as he is sweet/kind and good at his job BUT once this flares up, no-one, including employers which used to love him, no longer want to know and its sad.

He has been fine for past ten days After HAVING to give up latest job where they adored him and loved his work but because of this he is out again!!!

Doctors have no idea what causes this Extreme form but i just want a cause and an end to his suffering, he is a young lad who should be enjoying life.

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