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food allergy?

my tongue is very senceitive to certin foods and is always blochy. is there something i can do or take.

tomato,melons,scour,spicy, oranges,kiwi,
4 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for the post!
Well, if you find that your tongue is sensitive to these  fruits, then it could be due to the pollen in them. Kiwi allergy is due to the birch pollen allergy. Orange allergy is also due to the allergy to orange rind. The only thing that can help you is avoid these food items. Is it that you are sensitive to fresh fruits or are you sensitive to food ingredients too as in sauces, jams , juices etc.
“As mentioned, the Birch pollen-Apple oral Allergy Syndrome is commonly seen in the UK. The major Birch Pollen pan-allergen Bet V 1 has a very similar structure to the major allergens in Apple, Hazelnut, Carrot, Cherry, Pear, Tomato, Celery, Potato and Peach. Hence we find Birch Pollen sensitised individuals have oral allergy to any one or combination of these fruits and vegetables.

Other pollen-food allergic syndromes include Grass pollen allergic rhinitics who have oral allergy to Melon, Orange. Tomato and wheat. Ragweed allergic people may react to Melon and Banana, While Mugwort allergic react to Apple, Carrot, Celery and Melon. People who are sensitised to natural latex in rubber gloves, catheters etc may react in a similar way to Avocado, Banana, Chestnut and Kiwi fruit and may even develop anaphylaxis to these foods.” Refer: http://www.allergy-clinic.co.uk/food_allergy_for_doctors.htm

I think you should discuss this with your doctor. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage without examining your tongue and conducting certain allergy panels like RAST or skin or labial sensitivity tests. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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681148 tn?1437661591
Can you tell me what some cross reaction allergies are connected to strawberries?  Everything you mentioned here are foods I'm allergic to.  I am allergic to birch pollen and latex myself.  And, I must be allergic to mugwort, although I don't know what that is, because I am definitely allergic to celery, which feels like I'm swallowing glass shards.  The birch pollen allergy being connected to the wheat allergy.  I never knew that.  But, I am definitely gluten-intolerant.

I am wondering, because my list of food sensitivities and allergies is just so long.  Skin tests don't show the food allergies that I know I'm allergic to, but they did at least show the birch allergy.  Can you tell me more about the RAST, MAST and FAST tests, so I can ask my allergist more about these tests?
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351246 tn?1379682132

Basically all three are tests to detect IgE antibody in blood in response to an allergen, which can be food also.
“A RAST test (short for radioallergosorbent test) is a blood test used to determine to what substances a person is allergic. This is different from a skin allergy test, which determines allergy by the reaction of a person's skin to different substances.” Refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAST_test

“Specific IgE in Vitro Test (RAST, MAST, FAST, and ELISA)
These tests detect antigen-specific IgE antibodies in the patient's serum. They are useful when testing for inhalant allergens (pollens, molds, dust, mites, animal danders), foods, insect stings, and other allergens such as drugs, when direct skin testing is impossible due to extensive dermatitis, marked dermatographism, or in children younger than four years of age.” Refer: http://blue.regence.com/trgmedpol/lab/lab01.html

Do keep writing and let us know the result of the tests. All the best!
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this has a good list of cross reactive foods/pollen to watch out for.

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