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I had 5 lodi denture implants put in 2 months ago ,1 week after I had them put in I was in the hospital for 3 days with a 104 fever severe throwing up and severe diareha and severe anxiaety and now I still have these anxiety attacks it starts in my chest I get short of breath and dizzy also a nervous issue I have never had that feeling before, I have had multiple tests at my hospital they say I am fine, but I am not, also I find it hard to think clear and focus, my doctor put me on valium it helps some but not fully,also I can feel the back of my arms quever and tremble and have these overwhelming urges of like a nervous disorder and struggle to catch my breath,i am very active person but when I do fisical exercise it gets worse,i have had a nuclier stress done on my heart that was fine I have done every test but the melisa test I live 1000 miles from melisa foundation and my hospital has never heard of it so cant really get it done, I talked to a doctor online he said that since I had that quick of a reaction 1 week later that I am very sensitive to the implants and my body wasn't accepting them, the implants that were used were made by zest anchors called lodi lower over denture implants the metals that are in them are 90%titanium\6%allumnium\and4%vanadium, I really believe this is the issue and will probably have them removed, I hate to remove them cause they cost me 10,000 dollars.will I get sicker if I don't remove them or will I get use to them,they are not fully healed I have 1 month to go before my oral surgen will load my denture what should I do    
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Patients have exhibited allergic reactions to titanium implants. Normally, in cases where allergies are present, you will experience: hives ( raised red blotches, itchy or painful ) swelling of the tongue/ lips/ throat, dizziness, and many other symptoms like wheezing or allergic rhinitis. According to studies done, placing permanent metal dental implants in allergic patients can provoke type IV or I allergic reactions. Allergy can be detected in dental implant patients, even though its estimated prevalence is low (0.6%). So, you can consult an allergy specialist and depending on the results you can plan further course of action.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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My doctor was able to make the arrangements to the melisa foundation to get a kit so when that gets here I will be able to do the melisa test then wait,i also went to my oral surgen and had a 3d image taken and they are fully healed and said if my test came back positive for hypersensitivity to titanium they would need to be removed is this going to be more painful than having them put in they basically have to cut them out
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Also just looking at my throat inside my mouth is all red and swelled and have been really struggling to breath day after day also I have had dentures for 15 years and needed new ones made 6 months ago had them made and discovered the lodi implants cause my bottom plate drove me crazy and had multiple relines done on my bottom plate cause it rubed in the back on the inside but they said it didn't and my nervs were completely shot at that point then had implants put in now I have these bewildering issiues they said my new dentures were made of the same material as my old ones and never had issiues like this with them also my top plate has a fine metal mesh in the top for strength not sure what the mesh is made of but could this be causing this as well
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand what you are going through. Is there are any discharge? Has an infection been ruled out? The redness could be due to an infection. If it is the same material that has been used for the dentures, you are unlikely to be allergic to them. But like you said it could be from the implant. So, wait for your allergy testing, based on the results you can plan your next course of action.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.

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Also during all of this they had put me on Percocet and I don't handle drugs well then 2 weeks later I had a emergency gallbladder surgery they to put me on Percocet I have been off of Percocet for 8 weeks but I am not any better I have chest pain and my mind is not with it like I could pass out after gallbladder surgery I came off of Percocet rather quickly and the anxiety was to much so they put me on Ativan for 1 week or so then they wanted me to stop taking ativin so they could put me on diazepam /valium took 1 pill a day for at least a week and perhaps 2 weeks now I have stopped taking valium its been 8 days and its bad I cant even think I am dizzy bp is through the roof cant breath feels like something stuck in my throat and so I read all of these comments about titanium dental implant symptoms and that fits also I read about opiades and benzos that to fits so I am teetertotering  back and forth is it the implants or my sensitive to drugs if its one or the other at least I would know not knowing what to do is absolutely got me on edge since my implants are fully intergrated my guess is it will be a very painfull  experience to have them removed and will be laid up for weeks what is your thought on the pain and recoverey time to have this done I also read that some people tested negative on the melisa and weeks went by and they were not getting any better and then had them removed anyway then they started feeling better so I am confused and don't know what to do I am a very busy man and cant be laid up for weeks so I am starting to feel scared
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