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lupus rash on face having a flare blotchy itchy all over

42 f with lupus have rash on face most of time and right now I also am experiencing rash all over body,lupus?
41 f w/systemic lupus I lost a kidney because of it,had 7 pulmonary emboli at 1 time ,joint pain,fatigue,molar rash I could go on and on but. I am having a bad flare pain rash but the thing is is that I have a rash all over me.Did not go out to catch poison nor did I eat something I never ate b4 I had this rash b4 and my dr said it was lupus and upped my prednisone.now I have it again very itchy face is swollen even my eyes itch can anyone help

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I have a very bad lupus rash...worse on the left side due to driving for 2,000 miles.  Weather was cloudy but the UV still gave me the worst attack I have ever had. I was also near an open fire near a wood burning fire...next morning... It started out feeling like hard worms under my skin all over my cheek....within a few hours it looked like a flaming leaf ...the bridge on the nose and on the right side was just a light red.. After a week the hard worm feeling (which I would guess is engorged blood vessels)is gone but the area is puffy, hard, red, skin very dry and burns. Because it was so prominent on the left side, I thought it was something other then the Lupus. However the Rheumatologitst I saw says it is Lupus. Unlike other out breaks this one has a red patch that itches above my eye and a patch on my hand...those two areas itch. I also feel uncomfortable in my gut...like I just drank vinegar.
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127512 tn?1193742216
I'll check it out. I hope mslupus will post again. Thanks
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These are Lupus related hives/ Subacute Cutaneous Lupus
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I'm glad my memory was right. That "sunburn" on your nose does sound like how many people describe lupus malar rash. Did you mean Systemic Myositis? 15% of Lupus patients have Myositis. Have I given  you this link before?
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127512 tn?1193742216
Also, can you tell me more about how they found your systemic lupus? And your condition. Allergist told me I had systemic mysiotisos (spelled worng) and wanted to do bone marrow biopsy but my regular doctor said "no way". Because he did not think that was problem even though my blood work and skin bio showed this disease. I sometimes get that rash on my nose also (past 2 months) but I'm trying to ignore it. Husband says sunburn. (lasting 2 months?) Please keep us posted.
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127512 tn?1193742216
Some years ago I got a shot in the foot for pain. It was cortisone. I was also put on celebrex. Shortly thereafter I broke out in hives (doctors then thought it was the celebrex)and I suffered for almost 4 years with multiple problems. I was at the hospital 2/3 times a week with servere hives, bone pain and other symptoms. Hospital and doctors would give me shots of prednisone for the hives. Finally I went to an endocrinologist who thought they were injecting me with the very thing I was allergic to.  She said get off the prednisone and all other meds except xanax. It's been 8 months now and I'm pretty much doing great except for ocasional hives, some slight bone pain and anxiety (not related). The prednisone caused me to have severe osteoporosis. Facial swelling (weight gain in general) is part of taking prednisone. I'm also 41. You can read my other post on this forum if you'd like.

3-22-06 hives, deep itching, burning and bone pain

4-12-06 Its very important everyone read this

Talk to your doctors. Find one who will listen.

Hope this helps.
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There was someone posting here a while back that had developed an allergy to prednisone. Maybe search the archives, but I remember her having a rash all over I think. It really could be a severe lupus flare though. Is pred the main drug you take to control your lupus? I was on Arava for MCTD, and it helped quite a bit. I had to stop because I got pregnant though.
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