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Unsure if latex or lubricant is the cause.

I'm 17 years old and I had sex with my boyfriend using durex latex condoms, lubricated.
We added some lubricant (Durex Play) for more comfort.. Sometimes I felt it burning around the area where he inserted his pe**s, but we continued doing it.When we finished it was reddish on the near inside of my vagina and it burned me a bit..
Then the next day again we did the same thing..me and my boyfriend thought it was from the fraction when the lubricant resolved during the intercourse so we didnt worry. but as from last night when it was burning (a dozen hours after our last sexual intercourse) its gone red with small lumps around and a bit on the inside and it seems like its spreading up towards my clitoris as well.. Its quite painful as well and i dont know what to do.. i have this cream im going to try on but im embarrassed to go to the doctor as im under age and i will have to take my parents along (i dont want them to know i had sex)..

is there a way to treat this possible allergy?
or a way to see if im allergic to lubricants or latex condoms??

thank you for your help.......
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It can be understood how difficult it is for you now, but you must understand that going to the doctor is absolutely essential for you. This can be an allergy or some other disease which has been transmitted probably because both of you are unaware of the hygienic precautions to be undertaken.

As far as approaching your parents is concerned, it is recommended for your own good since they can help you make correct decisions. You can also go to the doctor yourself, if you wish.

It is absolutely necessary that you take actions and tell your parents and/or go to your doctor immediately. Meantime, you may take some OTC anti-histamines and painkillers to help you, but these cannot replace a definite diagnosis and treatment from your doctor.

Let us know if we can be of any help. Please understand the gravity and take care of yourself, you have a long life ahead and you do not want to start it with some mistakes.

Best wishes.
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many people dont know that most lubricants have some of the chemical compounds of latex. and can cuase a person with a latex allergy to break out... it could have been that there was double the amount of latex in that area so it cuased a more noticable reaction.
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