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mild fruit allergy

I have never known myself to have allergies to anything in the past, but lately I have been experiencing some seasonal allergies; nothing severe, just stuffy head congestion and sneezing during spring for the past two years.  I am 26 and have lived in the pacific NW my whole life.

My girlfriend and I made sangria with red wine (merlot).  When we drank it I had that annoying itch somewhere between my throat and ear.

The concoction consisted of:

Merlot wine
Red seedless grapes
Lemons & limes
Triple Sec

I have at one time or another eaten medium sized portions of any one of these fruits and never experienced and itchy allergic reaction... but when all combined, it was an obvious reaction.  Is that normal with ALL this citrus fruit?  I am sure it isn't strictly an acidity thing because heavy vinegar dishes or marinara dishes don't bother me a bit.  And my diet is fairly high in grapefruit, without symptoms.
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1997395 tn?1327439843
Hi there,
I am not a doctor but somebody who has food allergies too. I know that these allergies might come our at certain periods in your life and sometimes they go to sleep. I had lots of allergy tests, had some vaccination against the things that causes me allergy and they are still there in a milder form.. The food allergies I have are against shell fish and recently I developed an allergy to wine. The minute I take a sip, I throw up in 5 minutes... The best solution I found out for food allergies is to avoid them.. As long as I do not eat shell fish and don' t drink wine I am fine.. no problems at all.. So I would suggest "the easiest cure is to avoid the allergens..of course there are allergens you can not avoid.. like pollens, humidity etc.. for these I would suggest one gets vaccinated..The reason for allergies? God knows what.. it is one' s immune system attacking the allergen ( shell fish, wine, pollen etc) thinking they are germs...
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could be an allergic reaction, more so if the symptoms have occurred with the consumption of the same food. Maintain a food diary and note down and monitor your symptoms. This may help to narrow down the search. The diagnosis of allergy is difficult to prove or refute. Clinical suspicion and trial of elimination diets are used. An allergy specialist might be able to help you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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