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nausea and stomach upset after eating green veggies

About 7 years ago I began to get very ill if I ate green veggies (1st noticed with romaine lett.) Now I can't seem to even eat a green pea...  I want to eat healthy and I know green veggies are vital... but I truely get nausea and severe stomach upset.  It happens with cauliflower too...I am 38 and have had 2 children (7 and 3).  I have had gallbladder testing, which came back ok.  I have a kidney stone that is about 7 years old. Help...
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97615 tn?1212678589
i dont know your answer, but i had the same thing w/ any raw veggies.  I used to not be able to eat them at all.  i would feel like vomiting.  i started steaming them and gradually adding uncooked ot my diet.  I think they are really hard to digest.  maybe just do a teeny piece of something and chew it really well and eat it w/ other foods so it digests better???  good luck..
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If you think they may be hard to digest, try a jar of baby food just to see what happens. If you tolerate it well, gradually try to add more to your diet, and see if you can increase your tolerance. If that is still a problem, you may just need to avoid them
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