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people allergic to people

Has anyone ever heard of people being allergic to people?
Well it is ruining my life and wondered if anyone knew anything
about it.
People have nasel and throat problems within a few min of me coming
in their room/house/business.
People with asthma/breathing problems to begin with will FLARE UP QUICK when around me!
I don't talk to anyone i know about this.....would be embarresed.
need help please!
81 Responses
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Hello doctor , pls can you explain this to me, I have noticed that after having a physical contact with a friend, like Hugging n kissing, holding hands after some minutes or hours I will start experiencing a piercing itch, That is  uncomfortable.i explain what am experiencing to my doctor and he said it might be allergy. It's either am allergic to a particular area or something I got contact with.  He gave me medication n itz stop. I notice after I got physical contact with that my friend again , after some hours my body starts a piercing itch all over again . Pls can you explain this more to me sir. Thank u
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I AM NOT A DOCTOR BUT I too suffer from this and have had success with multivitamins and more effectively LOTS of iron. It takes a week or so of consistent use to see results and it hasn't totally disappeared but it has greatly helped. I'm still increasing my dosage of iron which can be very dangerous. I recommend to use theses vitamins as directed by the manufacturer.  I wish you good health and good luck.
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If your co worker is the problem to you only. Well its simple the workplace is for everybody but you can wear a mask like the people in asia
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I have something similar I cause people to sneeze its a mix of sweaty butt and airborne bacteria.How is your employment career effected and educational? I only do little things around the house. If I rent an apartment the neighbors will be bothered so i ts something I don't do. Are you any similar?
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Bath in bathtub bubbles with a good percentage of hyssop. I had a similar experience and that seemed to cure it.
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I'm a dog groomer and my boyfriend is allegic to dogs and he suffers badly with being limp in the bed department. He has been tested at the docs and the conclusion he's came to he's hyper allergic to me pls help
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I think it has to do something with parasites i also have PATM (people allergic to me)
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I want to knw the same thing because every single time i meet with my boyfrien he gets alergies and endup sick in flues ans sneezing im tired of it im scared that one day it gets seriouse and he end up in hospital i really dont knw what to do
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I want to knw the same thing because every single time i meet with my boyfrien he gets alergies and endup sick in flues ans sneezing im tired of it im scared that one day it gets seriouse and he end up in hospital i really dont knw what to do
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OMG!  I'm wondering if this is going on with me too.  I hate to even write this but I think I'm allergic to my grand baby.  It saddens me to even think this and no way can I ever mention this to my daughter.  She would be devastated.  Since my granddaughter's birth in January 13, I have been afflicted with terrrible yeast rashes in my armpits.  The very first time it happend, I had blotches in my arm pits, across my stomach and sides.  Given they lived (at that time) in the mid-west and I'm on the east coast, I would heal but when the baby came to visit again, with in 24 hours, I'm broken out again.  I was with them for a week, 2 weeks ago, broke out - came home healed (with the use of coconut oil and tea tree oil), was back with them again this past weekend (am now broken out again).  I don't know what to do.  I'm so sad about this thought.
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Wow I think I feel better after reading some of these comments I I'm allergic to people they can't read DNA results. One of the only test that claim to be 99.99% accurate and this country of America people get it 100% wrong.
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Ok, I am glad I found this forum. There is a person I work with that makes me sick or rather experience symptoms every time I am within her vicinity. If I come close to her or she talks to me, within minutes I experience cold sweats (extreme), and start to lose my voice. Today I was driving home from work after being around her and became nauseous. My eyes became dry, and I almost passed out while driving. She showed no signs of being sick, but all this happened to me today after she spoke very close to me (in my face) while a fan was blowing in the area. If she speaks to me elsewhere, the same happens. I even told her nicely that something she wears is causing me to experience allergic reactions. I don't smell anything wrong in the air, but she did touch me today and my arm felt weird in that area. I washed it but I guess it was too late. I try avoidance (which works), but what can you do when someone who causes or is a catalyst for this type of reaction is seeking you out for work related issues that its within your area to resolve? To make it home I had to drink 2 two bottles of orange juice to bring me around. When I got home I gargled my throat with Listerine and thick flem was released from around my left tonsil (which swelled while around her). I am going to shower to relieve my body of anything that may have stayed on me from contact with her or being around her and the fan at her workstation. I hate being sick, and I don't want to run for cover when she comes around, and I certainly don't want to be rude to her to protect myself, but I am at my wits end. What can I do?
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My boyfriend is allergic to me, I lie on his shoulder when we sleep, and that arm is getting intense eczema, and red blotches, and he gets red itchy eyes. I got rid of all my shampoo and conditioner, and got the purest kind possible, and washed the hell out of all my clothes with healthy detergent that he was using before I came back to his town, he wasn't allergic while I was away but now he is, big time. So weird. I think it may be my sweat. I have been eating things I am sensitive to with my allergies, like tomato, and lots of sugar and caffine. I think it may be an acidity thing, like my sweat is acidic. Not sure, but I feel like if i ate what I usually eat, when he's not cooking, he would not be reacting to intensely with me. Also someone wrote something about nausea around others. I am a shamanistic healer, and we can create cords that link our energy with others, I have noticed that when I have an intense cord with someone, maybe from a past life, or an intense interaction, a past lover, I have have really intense nausea. Try going to a Reiki practioner for cord cutting that could help a lot. Or if that doesn't work, try out past life regression. Good luck everyone! Try changing your diet, it might be that you are allergic to something and sweating or breathing out allergins, that's what it feel like mine is.
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I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet, but the main conversation forum about PATM( People Are Allergic To Me) can be found here:


Best wishes.
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If you are causing other people around you to get infections then you may be an asymptomatic carrier of said diseases. Allergies do not give people bronchitis. See a doctor immediately to address any possible medical issues.
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Hi everyone,

looks like I am not alone, I believe I am allergic to my boyfriend. whenever I am around him, the skin on my face cracks up and keeps peeling and peeling painfully. My face is otherwise smooth and blemishless. this has started taking a toll on my face because the peeling leaves dark injury marks around my face. Human allergy mechanism is a mysterious system in the body. whenever the IgE antibodies are unable to detect some foreign substance which enters the body it triggers an allergic reaction, causing the release of histamine from mast cells, increasing mucus secretion and upregulating cyclooxygenase enzymes and thereby more symptoms are manifested, I know this as a biology student. To stop these symptoms, the alarm inside the body has to be switched off. I don't know for sure how it can be done in the case of being allergic to particular people. The allergen must be introduced to the immature immune cells, which will in turn generate antibodies specific to it. this will stop the allergy for good.
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omg hello this is exactly whats happening to me it has been since i started highschool i remember well, during the fall all of a sudden i was around people and they started to have allergic reactions my parents thought i was crazy and been trying to go on my life thinking its something on my mind but naaaaaa its happening and its driving me crazy my life is not going the way i would want it because of this. Did you get to go to the doctor?
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I have this problem right now !!>. im the one allergic though ... me and my now current partner started seeing eachtoher about 6 months ago, my eyes became itchy and irritable, with discharge and dryness.... constantly, and my eczema broke out really badly all over my body, not just the generalised locations... then went about 1 month where i didnt see him and my eyes cleared up, my skin too, all back to normal... its now 4 weeks in and we are officially dating... my eyes  again are dry, itchy, have discharge, constantly watering... and due to the rubbing i have amazing bags under my eye :( and my eczema has broken out once again... this time even on my stomahch too, all over my back, on my breasts.... and another symptom im getting, embarrasing to say is my nipples become ithcy, the ithching then causes them to become dry and split... which is so painful.. I have been researching the best i can on the intertnet...  ( oh and to mention, he doesnt use any deoderants, washing detergents, colognes, soaps out of the ordinary & is very clean) the symptoms seam similar to those of either Aquagenic Urticaria - which is an allergy to water and Cholignergic Urticaria  - where you are allergic to your own body heat or sweat.. im just wondering if these symptoms could be altered so that I am allergic to someone elses, in this instance my partner, and because we are intimate etc, there is entire  body contact... .. The two above mentioned allergies dont have the symptoms with the eyes though.. so i wonder if its a chemical reaction with his sweat and mine on my body ???.. I've always had allergies so I am very good at distinguishing primary causes... and unfortuinately all im getting from this is im allergic to my boyfriend.... has anyone found any more solid solutions as of yet ?
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Hi emanuel what kind of treatment? YOU HAVE YOUR PROBLEM SOLVED?
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hi my friend, i have the same problem. the people sneezing and coughing around me. and I saw that i attract dust. as a kind of magnetism. you've solved your problem?
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Hey everybody! This post is a first for me. Starting here is simply a response from someone and after that is reference material from acupuncture.com. I know PATM is different for everyone but I hope this helps.

The following is from:

As far as the generalized issue here, the odor, I would immediately suggest seeing an acupuncturist. The smell you describe indicates a damp heat condition in the bladder/kidney energy system, which in turn could contribute to odd or burning sensations related to prostate or urinary function. Additional symptoms might include a swollen or pale tongue or a greasy-sticky tongue depending on other controlling factors. It may be exaggerated when you eat cold or raw foods or drink beer. Or if you eat a lot of greasy and spicy foods, this is a different assessment. Anyway, damp-heat, cold-damp, kidney xu, there are several ways this might go, but it's impossible to guess without an actual TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) assessment.

I don't think this is something that needs to have persisted more than a couple weeks while you get sorted out. Unfortunately westerners don't always recognize the simplicity of these dramatic symptoms. It may be as simple as a few acupuncture treatments, or you may be able to make adjustments with some herbal medicine. I would leave the decision to your acupuncturist or shiatsu therapist who completes a TCM assessment.

Originally I did not think your distinct symptoms were related, but it appears that they very well may be.

The following is from:

A strong, foul odor is associated with Dampness. This usually is Damp Heat . This is true not only of urine but feces, semen, and vaginal discharge. If it smells really strong and foul, it's usually Damp Heat. There are exceptions. If there is a fishy odor, suspect Damp Cold. In any event, if it smells foul and strong, suspect Dampness.

Frequent and large amounts of clear urine usually indicates Kidney Yang Deficiency. BUT, frequent trips to the bathroom with little urine each time points to Kidney Qi Deficiency. Remember, one of the functions of Qi is to transport and transform.

Excessive sexual desire and/or wet dreams point to Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency and/or Liver involvement. The Liver also plays a role in TCM in sexual desire and performance as well as in the health of the urogenital system.

Too much sexual activity can damage the Kidneys, including Kidney Jing. So little also can be injurous.

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now the answer to this phenomenon is no simple one---it will definitely take an open mind---and practice and perseverance as it pertains to become self aware---now as someone said earlier it does have to do with your environment---for instance i slept with a plant in my room that i often retained its smell on clothing---also right next to my room was a septic vent that may have affected my odor---however all these external thing are only the catalyst to get to the real issue or issues
(1) to whom much is given much is expected---now from the time that you are going through this it means that you have a strenght that is worthy---now what is happening is that we humans give off vibrations throught our chakras---now these vibrations are based on our emotions---now this allegy that people have off us first came about because of an insecurity that we have created---something that someone told us, or may be we were not dressed to the best----something we allowed to sink in---i remember when i was young i had to run to town on emergency for my mother and when i went on the bus a lady in the bus said with the most disrespect dont touch me---as a young boy i almost melted and if i could have disappeared i would---now take into consideration that this is only now coming to me as i am writing this---this is to say that you must tackle this fear and with each effort make a mental note to appreciate that you made a change and signify this change to your subconcious mind by being positive about it---now if you allow it to get to you--then more your body will send out these signals of antisocial behaviors--
now what gets these signals going is emotions--sometimes it is fear, or unhappiness or a bad day etc etc---so it is very fruitful to meditate---tell yourself---reassure yourself that you are clean and healthy---mind is over matter---
now what makes this so deadly is that the vibrations we send of is not known to us---it is like the odorless gas that kills---monoxide---you are doing it but you are not familiar with it---it is hidden and silently working--
thus to correct it is to free your root chakra--now in the absent of a free root chakra you will be forced to release these energies on your crown charkra----this is why we see the effects more in close areas--this is because there is a build up of the energy especially when we sit close to people and get nervous---now to clean your shakras you can look at vedios on youtube---however to clean your root charkra i have never seen one as effective as was given to me by revelation---and revelation only comes via confronting your fears--not locking yourself up but make a mental change to your fears---now the key is in breathing---it is the releasing of the energies that build up inside up especially when we sleep---this is not so much about bathing--the outside as much as it is to bath the inside---deep breaths--in an out and you will feel that heavy feeling of insecurity dwindle---now there is a pattern to breathing that opens up that clogging in your root charkra---it is applicable to change certain things in your diet--however the main thing is to keep cold water to a limit---now our bodies is addicted to cold water--but as the word suggest cold is old---now what we have to do get rid of the already drastic amounts of water that we have stored in our systems is to keep it moving---via excercise----remember any thing stagnant stinks---so we must keep it moving and this will show a difference---
so to clean the root charkra is to push down on your buttox area as if you were forcing to **** when you are breathing in and pull in on your buttox area when you are breathing out----this will take time---but the muscle at that controls that blockage will begin to losen---it is given yourself a natural colon clean---now you must be always conscious to keep your root charkra closed and open when necessary..
now here is another big issue with this allergic to others situation---this stems from you being what is term an empath---which is someone who puts themselves in the place of others---now this can be subconsciously or without you being conscious of it---now it is a truth that we are all in some form of sleep as it relates to our full power as humans---thus we are ruled by our subconcious--now some peoples subconscious can read yours--both of you not knowing---this is why you might fall in love with someone you wouldnt in your normal mind give a chance---now when peoples subconcious detects that you are an empath they tend to lay all they disposable burdens and feelings on you the one who is loving enought to take them subconciously---now peoples minds get into habbits--it is almost like that movie click---so if for the last twenty days people dumped there energies on you and you became more and more sef concious, more and more solitary etc etc---you eventually become like those who you empathize with---birds of a feather do flock together---you are who you associate with---you know these emotional vampires that drain your energies---now here is the catch---the one thing someone hates the most is themselves---for example in a relationship if two people are dominant then it usually ends in a clash---now what is really happening is these persons are actually allergic to themselves that they see in you---and this is not isolated to people you know but to anyone who see's themselves in you----and this is further compounded when you become more and more concious of who you are and want to be---as you think of your condition more and more and become irritated about it your subconcious mind will put up a block against such invisible preying on your energies---their minds have not done so and so continues to send out these energies---your mind blocks it and it goes back to them and offcourse they are allergic to themselves---not you---you are just insecure to thinking its you---you are not dirty, ugly, stink etc and do no affect people who are of a higher awareness of there energies and how it affects others---
check out my book One Stone: Tones of Mathematics
This book explains the why we do what we do in mathematics and make mathematics easy to understand for even those with little mathematical understanding---now mathemtics is life and to master it will greater increase your reasoning and intuition skills..
take care
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I would also suggest to people to read the post by ferron
to : ALL AN

It is a very accurate analysis of the situation of PATM.

I think he is right on track.  let me know what you think...
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People here is my theory read on.

Basically if you have PATM (people allergic to me) symptoms your NOT alone and your NOT crazy or Psychiatric either.

I had these symptoms and have tried to find a solution for a long time. I have had limited success and believe there is a cure for it. The first thing is to get back balance in your life as i had written in my pervious post. The next is to understand and tackle the problem. Let me explain.

Now what happens in that most of the sufferers have triggers that cause this problem. These triggers have been embedded in your sub concious by some incident in your life which you may have forgotten but has impacted you sub conciously.

Different people have different triggers however all leading to the the same consequence of PATM symptoms.
In my case SOME of the triggers were

1) Bad or limited sleep less than 5hrs or so
2) Being in enclosed environment, like a bus or small room
3) Wearing shoes
4)Wearing a jacket or coat
5) Eating Junk food or Non Veg

PATM symptoms include coughing, sneezing, throst issues, head aches and even stomach pain in some cases.
When these symptoms are seen and when i notice them. I have to stay calm or else an elevated level of stress in
me will cause these symptoms to worsen And they can get progressively worse. One good thing only a percentage
of people are affected by me. But it is annoying, frustrating, frightening, i feel guilty and bad, it drives me nuts, i can't perform normal functions, it eats into me etc.

As i said before different prople have different triggers and it affects people around them in different ways.
Someone said sleep in her case is not a factor...some has said on this thread that when he opens his mouth
the PATM symtoms occur and so on... they are all correct different sufferers have different triggers.

In my case there is no odor or anything, its strange, it doesn't affect all, it affect is most in closed spaces. It initially occurred during the end of my second semester in graduate school.I initially thought it was my coat (it was the end of winter and i had worn it a long time), i changed it, the problem persisted, i then thought it was my shoes and then socks, clothes, i changed all, i then thought it was my apartment, changed that then i thought i got infected by something and was passing it along, i went to the doc had a blood test, nothing came out except high VLDL above limit, i then thought it was my diet (partly true i was out of balance eating junk food through graduate school), then i thought it was because after a long winter i had started sweating for the first time, so i sweated it out, i thought it was the car, i changed that, then i thought maybe its a deodrant or washing powder or downy i changed all i even washed clothes without them all, still the problem persisted.

I graduated from graduate school in a hurry to leave the place and went for my first full time job. I even selected a job in a warmer place and went to a warmer place there was no affect. I went to a lot of doctors they said there was nothing wrong with me they took a lot of tests. Then they said i should see a psychiatrist. I went there. I told him one of my triggers, wearing shoes, he took my shoes put it to his nose and smelt it hard and said i cant smell anything, he talked about generally legionaires disease, it was not the case, i dropped him I knew this had nothing to do with psychiatry.

They i told my parents and sister (a doc). She first told me not to use any sprays, deodrant, hair sprays, after shave etc and use a neutral soap and see. I tried it did not work. I insisted there was a problem Then my father consulted a doc at his place. he sent me some medication and said take it. I took the medication. I was working and had had the problem persistently at the work place till then. I took the medicine on a Sunday and when i went the next day to work, Like magic the coughing disappeared, i was elated beyond words i told my father. I really slept well and the problem disappeared. But alas it was only for a week then symptoms of PATM seemed to reappear and then it was back to square one. My father was told by a psychiatrist that it was probably something to do with depression or anxiety he talked about serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain and body etc and had given some midl tablets.

When i told my dad it worked he told the psychiatrist and then when i said the symptoms reappeared the doc increased the dose and this went on and on. But the PATM symptoms remained.

I did think back and analyse this. What had happened actually I was having a lot of worries about the PATM and the drugs prescribed helped me sleep better that Sunday night. My trigger was temporarily taken care off and the PATM symptoms disappeared for a week. BUT the Psychiatrist was treating the symptom and not the cause. The PATM symptoms came back and the doc thinking he was on the right path kept increasing the medication. I was caught in a trap unable to convince him that I was not imagining anything or had a depression or had anxiety. I had PATM neither he nor my dad listened. I ultimately got off the medications had a disagreement with my father and stopped the medication.

However I much later thought back why was there no symptom for that week. Well the answer I already told you was that one of my triggers lack of sleep was taken care off as he had given me a relaxant.
However he was treating the symptom the underlying cause remained.

So what is the underlying cause.

I try to remember back the day i was perfectly normal just the day before the symptoms appeared. I had slept very ok and it had snowed heavily the previous day. So i decided to wear snow boots, i was going to graduate school and i stepped into a bus and took a seat. The bus was full and there was a girl standing in front of me and she looked down and commented to her friend "whats that smell" well my boots did give off a stale smell as it had not been exposed to the sun for long. The guy next to me looked down at my boots. I was embarrassed. Now i forgot the incident when i left the bus but the incident stayed in my subconcious i theorize. Now all my triggers stem from this incident. lack of sleep, shoes, coat, closed spaces,
as you can see its probable that i was affected by this at a subconscious level without me even knowing. and it caused all my triggers

These triggers cause physiological reactions in me and probably the chemicals or energy released is affecting others causing PATM.

After all when two people meet or are even in the vicinity even without them knowing their subconcious reacts and cause these chemical reactions.Normally these reactions are harmless in a PATM sense.
However if they are causing allergic reactions then its PATM

So we have to tackle these energies or chemicals being released. I donot
know what it is is it is some chemical it is like pollen or something released by flowers i donot know. But it is strange and odourless but allergic to others.

this is my two pence. So i would suggest to try NLP and see,

I my case i have been able to reasonbly control symptoms by controlling diet, sleep, exercise, meditation and controlling my triggers.
as i have explained in one of my posts.

Since someone said sleeping did not help her i thought i post a more detailed version of my experience to help others. as you can see triggers
in different people are different, some body said even opening his mouth caused PATM....triggers can be different but they all cause PATM.

Hence there is no possibility of isolating a common cause in all as some one suggested
Each have different triggers. There is no common ONE trigger. BUt if
you isolate your specific trigger it would help to help your self
and NLP can be implemented.

This is my take. Please let me know your experiences
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When two people meet, they say chemistry, they hit it off, actually even before they speak, their subconcious is exchanging notes, there are physiological reactions in their bodies without them knowing. There are chemical reactions and energy is being exchanged. You know phermones are realeased and well two people can even fall in love. "LOVE at first site" Their subconcious had found each other agreeale.

Now coming back to the point. That is what is happening. Let me narrate another incident. I had gone to a 2 week
computer training class. I had slept badly the previous nite and there was the usual PATM symptoms i was having a head ache midly. Now my trainer trained the class and cam back the next day saying he had slept badly and had had a major headache. Frankly i suspected my PATM symptom was affecting him also. His subconcious was being sympathetic to mine and was taking up similar symptoms. Plausible absolutely.

So anyway i can go on narrating a lot of these anecdotes. But what i am coming to folks is please understand your triggers. Think back and see there would be an incident which affected you and caused you to react at a subconcious level to trigger PATM symptoms. No your are NOT alone you DONOT require psychiatric treatment either, You need to rebalance your life.

ONE GOOD suggestion i have is for you to try NLP. I came across it recently. frankly i have been practising NLP unknowingly and it has worked for me. NLP is Neuro LInguistic programming. I have for your info not been to a NLP consultant however once you have understood your trigger etc. I suggest you go to one and have a consultation.

In NLP he would reprogram your subconcious to neutralise all the negative vibes and triggers. Without the trigger causing your problem you will not have the physiological reactions and chemical reactions in your system causing PATM in others

In my case i have been trying to tell myself your not the cause. I sleep well, have a balanced diet, exercise, be vegetarian, keep calm, deep breath and mentally make myself believe i am not the cause and it has worked to an extent and the PATM symptoms are in control. IT was crazy before i now lead a normal life though the PATM symptoms have not disappeared alltogether.

I have not tried NLP, but for any one suffering PATM i would suggest that as i think it will work in 80% of the cases.

People please tell me your experiences so that we can exchange notes and try and find a solution. I can understand your agony as i have been through the same.

Please let me know what you think.

But my take is try Nuero Linguistic Programming and let me know it feel it will work. But understand your problem the triggers ( whether it is opening your mouth, or enclosed spaces or foods ot places or routines etc and help the NLP consultant to help you.

Wishing you all well
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