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iI have had  a rash for the past two years it is only where the elastic of my bra touches or rubs my skin on my shoulders ,around  the arm pit area, and my back .I went to a dermatologist. I am taking erythomycin daily but it does not seem to go away. I wear the Freya or Fantasie bra made in the UK.This is very annoying. my allergy tests are negative , Doc. thought it might be pitaryasis(sp) I am not convinced of this because of where the rash is ans has always been. Please advise
3 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of irritant dermatitis. It seems secondary to the garments and sweating will worsen the condition. Other possibility can be delayed Pressure Urticaria presents as erythematous swelling of the skin that develops 4 to 6 hours after pressure has been applied to the area (pressure areas in contact with bra). Try pure cotton bra.

Firstly, you need to get investigated for possibility of allergen (due to clothes, dye or other allergen where you work). You may need to avoid bra which leaves pressure imprints on the skin.

- White petrolatum or Zinc oxide cream can be used which acts as protective barrier.
- Low potency topical glucocorticoids and oral anti histaminic against prescription can be helpful.

I suggest you to consult dermatologist. Take care and regards.

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1386405 tn?1291587800
I don't know what company or brand it is but I know there were some bra's that were recalled because they were causing health problems and rashes on women had something to do with how they were made hope this helps
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363281 tn?1714899967
Rashes are so hard to pin point. I have some that no doctor can identify. Yours sound like an allergy to the material in your bra.
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