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severe soap allergy

Recently and fairly suddenly I became allergic to all soap. Even hypoallergenic soap. It started with bar soaps and then moved on to liquid soaps and now even shampoo causes a reaction similar to hives. I don't get welts or dry skin, but I itch all over and no lotion (including hypoallergenic ones) will sooth my skin. I can still wash my hands and face without this reaction. If I wash anywhere else I end up in the uncomfortable state I have mentioned for hours and sometimes an entire day. Please help me, I don't want to have to decide between being dirty and being so itchy I can barely function. Thank you
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757137 tn?1347196453
Are you lumping detergents and soaps together? Almost every shampoo, for instance, is a detergent. There are rare exceptions, but very rare. Detergents and soaps are chemically different.
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Yes I suppose I was, but I have definitely tried both soaps and detergents and it still happens. I am starting to think it is a stress related allergy, my body started reacting differently to everything and I have been very stressed.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

You can try the natural or ayurvedic soaps, they may lack the chemical ingredients you are allergic to.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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