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all my life ive been having spots all over me...ive got them from the head to toe but not in big patches....it looks like acne a bit...and  they itch now and then quite badly!...the most where they occur is just behind the hair under the hair lining and my shoulder and my bum basically...where do they come from?....
Also ive notice where the spots grow its like if the hair hormone is blocked and its just starts building puss....i guess...

pls help.....
Best Answer
1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, your symptoms are suggestive of folliculitis. Which is nothing but superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles with purulent material in the epidermis.
Organisms responsible are S. aureus and Pseudomonas.
This condition needs to be differentiated from Pityrosporium folliculitis, superficial actinic folliculitis, Folliculitis following application of epilating agents and Folliculitis due to exposure to occupational agents (chemicals, oils).
Lesions usually resolve spontaneously, with or without drainage. If desired, warm compresses may be applied three times daily.
If persists then topical antibiotics against prescription will be helpful.
I suggest you to consult dermatologist.
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i would thank you for your advise and answers...i will make an appointment with dermatologist ...
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello~This could be due to blocked sebaceous glands (oil glands). I would ask a dermatologist about it to see what can be done.
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