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suffering even after allergy shots

I was given the allergy shots from Jan to August of last year. I had to stop b/c I ran out of insurance. Now it seems that my allergies are worse than ever.
For instance I have bad runny nose even during the winter. But it isn't consistant. I could be fine for weeks and then a day like to day an hour after I wake up I can't stop sneezing and my nose is running.
I have a netty pot and that does not seem to work as of late. Benadryl only makes me sleepy and claritin does nothing for me.
and now I get these really bad sinus pains in my head that are only alleviated with a few days of the nyquil sinus medicine.
I only feel good when I lay down...and I usually have to do that because of the benadryl
What can I do? I can't lay down every few days when I have an "attack"
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You might want to try claritin-D that should help with the sinus, works for me any way.

And if you need immediate relief in stead of that benadryl that knocks you out try Chlor-Trimeton and get the four hour dose, does the same thing as benadryl but doesn't make you AS tired.
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To add, what I suggested is over the counter at any drug store and costs about the same.

And I wish this forum had a edit button.
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Homeopathy worked for me. The formulas are very inexpensive and they can reduce your symptoms and/or even eliminate some allergies. I know because I can't tolerate allergy shots and searched for other treatments.

Also, I'm not sure if sublingual therapy is available yet in the United States, but apparently it is safer than the shots.

Sublingual Therapy:

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Yes Sublingual drops are availble, I get them through Allergy Associates of LaCrosse Wisconsin.

So far I haven't had much success but I do know some people that it has really helped.
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"Yes Sublingual drops are availble, I get them through Allergy Associates of LaCrosse Wisconsin."

That is good to know ! Thank you, Jay_22.... I always love options and there are plenty of options out there for people who cannot tolerate allergy shots. If I could tolerate allergy injections... knowing what I know now about, I would choose the other route instead. ; ^ )
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