1347029 tn?1276539953

sugar allergy

Can I be allergic to sugar
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1115551 tn?1292093976
You didn't state what symptoms you had, and why you thought it was an allergic reaction to sugar. usually, sugar allergies are caused by intolerance to processed, and refined sugar.
There is the need to distinguish between an allergy to sugar and sugar intolerance.
This is done by staying off foods with processed sugar in it, of a period of time. Then, a gradual introduction of each of these foods would help determine the source of allergy if there is a recurrence of symptoms when a particular food is consumed.
A decrease in the allergic reaction observed shows that its probably a sugar allergy,while with no improvement in symptoms, it might just be sugar intolerance caused by insulin resistance.

Sugar allergies are characterized by
Hyperactivity, followed by fatigue
Disorientation and forgetfulness
In addition, due to excess of sugar circuating within the blood, there is a constant stimulation of the pancreas, and even the adrenal glands, such that over time, the glands burn out, and degenerate.

In the prevention of subsequent sugar allergies, sugar alternatives may be used, and added to foods, enhancing sweetness.
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922048 tn?1387942584
Refined sugar is pretty much bad for everyone. :) Personally I gave it up recently and feel MUCH better. I'd do what Jasmine said. Try to give it up for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. If you reintroduce it and you feel bad again, then you know it's time to get rid of it permanently from your diet. It's not easy, because we're all pretty much addicted to it. There are alot of great books out there about refined sugar and what it can do to your long-term health. I think you'll really like how you feel after a couple of weeks of not eating it! Good luck! (Watch out for gluten, too! Alot of people are intolerant of that and don't know it!)
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1343146 tn?1279330643
To put it plain and simple, YES, you can be allergic to anything.  You should see an allergist to confirm this diagnosis.  Hope this helps.
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