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titanium/vanadium/aluminum dental implant

Eleven months ago I had a titanium alloy dental implant along with a sinus lift and bovine bone graft.  The surgery was successful and the implant has since integrated with the bone.  One to two months after the surgery I started having cramps in the lower extremities that progressed to constant aching in the feet and knees.  Five months after the implant I elected to have the swine flu vaccination which resulted in a numb feeling and tingling in the extremities along with diarrhea and dizziness that subsided after a few days.  Since then the tingling has combined with the aching in the lower extremities and progressed upward to include the thighs.  Exercise makes all of the symptoms worse, as I experience severe aching and muscle twitching after any kind of physical activity.  A MRI of the brain and neck revealed increased areas of signal in the brain not consistent with ms.  Blood tests suggest autoimmune disfunction (positive ana, antithyroid antibodies, high IgG for parvovirus and EBV and CMV without being conclusive of connective tissue or thyroid disease.  A cone beam ct scan revealed an inflammatory process in the sinus above the implant and apical periodontal inflammation on the tooth behind the implant which was also giving me night fevers.  I have since had the root canal retreated on the tooth that was being blamed for my mouth discomfort.  This has resulted in a 100% improvement in the pain and feverish feeling emanating from THAT tooth, but I still have an strange irritating sensation emanating from the implant that extends to the cheek, nostril, and eye above the implant.  I have a feeling the implant is the cause of the mouth trouble and wondering if it is the cause of my neurological symptoms as well.  My physical activity has been reduced to a minimum compared to the level of physical activity previous to the surgery.  I wonder if the implant does not show the typical symptoms of rejection because of nightly bronchial and nasal steroid inhalations.  The implant looks good on scans and xrays.  I am not so good.  I am living a life of an inactive person because I have no tolerance for exercise.  I love to exercise and my dogs need a walk!!!  Today I went for a lower back MRI and had a hard time holding still because of feeling crampy and cold.

All of the docs say it is a coincidence that any of my problems started shortly after receiving the implant.  I have sent blood in for the Melisa test, but wonder if a reaction will show being I was not able to refrain from using inhalers for five days.  The implant has adhered to the bone and looks "perfect".  I am ready to get it out and praying I can return to my normal level of activity.  Is there anyone out there with some information that could help?

Am I the only one????  I don't think the ADA or the implant manufacturers want to investigate the possibility of this lucrative procedure being a problem for anyone, so it is hard to find any data supporting my suspicion.  

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Agreed about the attitudes of dentists! An emergency situation arose and I needed to find a dental dummy quick. However, my emergency search turned into 6 weeks that eliminated most dentists in my area. I ended up driving 2 hours away to visit a dentist who seemed to be the best of the worst. Turns out that he may have been the worst of the worst. He didn't resolve my issue, pressured me while under anesthesia and laughing gas to have have a procedure done that we hadn't agreed on or talked about and when I didn't comply with what he wanted he filled my teeth terribly. I was pretty mortified after the whole thing and will be in a legal battle with him. I'll be glad if I walk away from this whole experience without any other terrible side effects of that clown's work.

Why can't dentists be more uniform, or at least more intelligent?  
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I highly recommend Christa Davis's "steel standing", [only a few £/$s on kindle] covers every angle of the implantation nightmare, in her case, hip/knee/pacemaker. highlights muscle "myopathy" [deterioration] + recovery when offending metal removed. when you think of the chunks of metal involved in joint replacements, cervical etc, also stents, stents can't be removed!
I had escalating symptoms similar to yours, absolute beginner. 10 days after removal still weak + woozy, but notice I too can tolerate hot sunshine/hot baths, am regaining concentration + grip in my hands. am on a highly alkaline diet to help detox.
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anyone know if the ada reads this sight?
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Congrats on getting your implants removed. I know its a big step no matter how badly one feels. The temps are a little scary but you'll find the right solution in time. I opted for zirconium, my implant's been in over a year and haven't had difficulties with it yet. All the best to you on your road to recovery!!!
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thanks, am lolling around bruised + battered today, but already breathing better, +feeling relieved.we're in england, my dentist in 30 years had never heard of such a thing.  he wanted "proof" of allergy, melisa test showed none except vanadium toxicity.he booked me in for the 6th june, then got cold feet +trundled me off to a teaching hospital consultant who gave him the go ahead as the implants were failing due to inflammation, wonder why?!!I had valium to get me through it, +now have a frightful temporary denture, + am trying to shunt juice down my throat.if anyone in the uk wants to message me privately I can let you know the name of that consultant, she is very fair, + although she won't openly admit to immune reaction, she did concede I was ill.I was rapidly sliding into senility! will continue progress report............KatyN23
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Wow, KatyN23!  That is incredible that you just had them all out in 2 hours.  When you are feeling up to it, can you share how you finally found someone to do this?  I look forward to hearing about your recovery and any changes/improvements in your symptoms... Congratulations!!
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