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24/7 dizziness ???

Hi everyone ... has anyone out there experienced 24/7 dizziness from there anxiety ?
I would describe my dizziness NOT as vertigo but as an imbalance while walking (accompanied by a heavy/drowsy head). Sometimes it feels like the ground is not solid.
Those of you who have experienced the type of dizziness I've described, was it all day/everyday or just when you panic ? Does it ever seem to go away or subside ? Also, is there anyone out there who had this symptom then had it disappear after their anxiety was under control or their stress relieved ?
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Hey everyone! I'm 14, and have been suffering from anxiety disorder for a month now. My anxiety attacks kind of faded away. But lately I've been having dizziness 24/7, it never goes away. I've tooken my anxiety meds and still no improvement. Can someone tell me what they think is wrong?
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Ive been suffering from this for a week..its 24x7, i want my life back..any old commenters? did u all find the solutions??
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I'm going on six months of rocking on a boat type dizziness, feeling off balance like I am going to fall down and also lightheadedness. I am making an appt. with a psychologist since I have had a clear brain MRI two months ago, a CT scan, lots of blood tests, VNG/ENG/VEMP testing and hearing testing.  I hope you are feeling better. It stinks having this dizziness and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.
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I've struggled with this for 4 years. It's the worst. It's just your anxiety getting the best of you. I understand what you mean when you say the floor doesn't feel solid. It feels like you just stepped on a pillow or something. & for me its like the floor becomes level with my face for a second sometimes when it's really bad and I feel like I have to catch myself. Mine always gets worse in grocery stores for some reason. I hate walking down long aisles.  It's all just due to anxiety. Your whole body goes out of whack. The list for anxiety symptoms is ridiculously long. It's nothing to worry about as far as life threatening. It's just scary and annoying.
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this is nurolyme dieses.  solution 60000iu vitamin d maganasium ivermectin and iv rocephin
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I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks suddenly since last January. People used to call this the 'post holiday blues'. I had my first panic attack, although I did not know it was that, and when I took my blood pressure, it was in the 170's over 80's! THAT sent me into a downward spiral! I am 61 years old, live alone in the country. I thought I must be dying. Since that time, and countless hours and money spent on general practioners telling me that I have hypertension, treating it with lisinopril (which has it's own side effects of light headedness, etc..); my CHIROPRACTOR tested me for adrenal fatigue. My adrenals are low functioning! I am taking whole food vitamins and adrenal support. I am gradually getting better. I had to made a trip to Florida to visit my elderly father, and the idea of travel during all of this was petrifying! Renting a car, driving in waco florida traffic, etc., had me so worried. (I am a seasoned traveler.) One day my daughter gave me an old 1990's meditation cd. It was a miracle! I was able to relax my mind, once I totally relaxed my body; it took an hour, but I finally found a way to control this! Deep breathing, is the key that helps to regulate the anxiety. I also stopped drinking caffeine, no soda, low salt, lost 15 pounds (due to going on the Mediterranean diet.) physicians are mediums for pharma's, and will prescribe away, but natural healing exercises and meditation, improvement in diet is best (this means NO junk food, boxed, artifical sweeteners, refined suger, canned, etc.) whole rich foods based on vegetables, fruits, whole grain, fish. Change your diet folks, and see what happens. Of course I realize that some may have serious medical issues. But a lot of us are suffering from the stress of our environment; too much electronics, not enough spirituality, not enough socializing in person, and lousy diets. I saw someone with terrible health issues and complaints continue to guzzle on a Big Gulp, and it looked so obvious to me what is going on in our world. Stress (good or bad) = low oxygen to extremities - hands, feets and OUR BRAINS! This results (or can) in lightheadedness. Do the MD's tell you that? My therapist reminded me of the effects of stress. It is stress! Take walks, go to the library, a movie, visit a friend, volunteer. Stop drinking caffeinated drinks! I hope that this helps someone out there.
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Get a Holliday, TRUST ME!!! I suffer with Anxiety too. I am better only when i am training, doing yoga or pilates. Whenever i am in holiday i never have the symptoms. Anxiety is a crazy felling. Hobby, happy company, busy time can change your life.
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Get a Holliday, TRUST ME!!! I suffer with Anxiety too. I am better only when i am training, doing yoga or pilates. Whenever i am in holiday i never have the symptoms. Anxiety is a crazy felling. Hobby, happy company, busy time can change your life.
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You are giving me some hope here. I have been dealing with dizziness that started suddenly 1 month ago.
I went to my PCP, had full blood panel done. Went to ENT and was told sinuses and inner ears were fine, CT was fine. Blood work was fine.
My doctors telling me I was fine when I knew I wasn't caused extreme anxiety. My PCP gave me xanax and prozac for the anxiety.
My dizziness instantly went away after taking the xanax. I just figured it must have been stress causing the dizziness and have been patiently waiting for my prozac to kick in ( I have only been on it for barely 3 weeks and only 10mg, which my doctor increased to 20 mg yesterday) However, he said something that comforted me at the time, but now I wish he hadn't.
He said there are cases where xanex is used to treat a type of vertigo caused by inner ear issues.
Now I'm afraid the prozac will not make this dizziness go away. That I will have to continue to take the xanax, which I have read is extremely addictive.  
How did your dizziness start?
How long did it take to go away?
I know I should be talking to my doctor about this, but I feel like I am seeing so many doctors lately and the bills are adding up.
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15869715 tn?1443592759
hi i had a question i get dizzyness out of the blue somtimes or when im laying down to go to bed at night and ive gotten dizzy spells where it felt like i was going to faint but didnt its scary ive had this for over a year atleast i dont know what it is or its just anxiety i havent left my house in over 2 years and ever since then ive gotten weird stuff like the dizzy feeling for no reason and with anxiety and i also get heart palpitations but with anxiety and without sometimes im not sure if you can relate but any feed back would be nice.
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I am 29 years old and have been fainting since the age of 7 years old. It usually happens about once a year. Last week I fainted twice in one day. I vomited while unconscious and also lost control of my bowels and bladder.  And since then I have been dizzy/nauseous 24/7 for 8 days now. I have an upcoming appointment for a catscan and an EEG. Also a referral in to see a neurologist who im assuming will order an MRI. Blood all looks fine so far. Even sleeping with my eyes closed I am extremely dizzy. For years now, I have also gotten headaches about every other day. My appointments are not for 3 more weeks but I feel like I cannot live with this dizziness for that long.
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I ******* hate anxiety dizziness and what i do to deal with is it is say, you F***ing anxiety your not going to get the better of me and i go about my day even though i feel like ****, i just accept it and go about my day with work and try my best to laugh, i have done so for over 2 months now and have been achieving a lot at work. the best thing to know is that we are not going to Die, its juts a chemical imbalance in the brain that can be fixed with sunlight, laughter, sex and fun well at least that's how i see it. Evryone we need to stay positive, as what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, also regular sleep and less going out late helps too. I may try some meds to see if that stops the dizziness my dizziness only came about after i got off 25mg Zoloft which confirms it is a chemical imbalance issue.
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I know exactly what you are talking about.  I had a heavy head pressure feeling on top of my head, my whole face would hurt like I had a sinus infection and I would feel so dizzy.  I had an MRI and everything was ok and a sinus xray and that turned out ok.  They told me I had muscle tension headaches.  I think it was anxiety.  It took about 6 months to go away.  I would do balancing exercises to improve my balance. That eventually helped me.  You might have a combination of anxiety and muscle tension.  I thought I had a brain tumor.  When I finally resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be ok, I eventually got better.  I know exactly how you are feeling it is very scary but if you went to the doctor and had things checked out and it all turned out ok then try to relax as much as possible.  You will get better.  Take care.  
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That is my exact symptoms... did you take anthing for dizziness?
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My mom also has been suffering for over 6 years with these same symptoms.  She has overcome 2 forms of cancer within this process, but still has the dizziness.  She has been to specialist, every ENT doctor, and even the Mayo Clinic!  No cure!  I was reading through all the posts with some hope.  I will try some of your recommendations.

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Hi, I also suffer from dizziness 24 hours a day since I was 18 and now I'm 33yrs old. I have seen over 40 doctor's and they all say you just suffer from anxiety/panic attacks. We don't see anything wrong with your inner ear imbalance. I explain to every doctor that have done every test that you can think off that I started getting anxiety and panic attacks a year after I my dizziness, so they just put me on Xanax, Ziprasidone, Divalproex, Risperdal and another " CRAZY " medication cause they basically told me in a nice way that I'm just CRAZY. REALLY! Also they decided to put me in a CRAZY home for 3 week's. Wow! These doctor's if they hear you tell them that you feel a certain way and there wrong they just give you whatever medication that has nothing to do with what you are feeling. Well I have gotten used to the 24 hours dizziness going on 16 years now. I just realize this ain't ever going away and I have to deal with it. I can't drive, I can't go to the store's, I can't be around people nor can't work. I have to be on this stupid disability checks for the rest of my life. I'll pray for everyone that they don't have to suffer the nightmare that I have and still suffering this dizziness condition that no doctor can't explain. God bless everyone.
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hi - i saw your comment on this thread - I am 17 and have the exact same thing. dizzy every day- feeling constantly off-balance, swaying when sitting in a chair - and always pretty anxious. my doctor doesn't want to push my meds up at all - I am on 75mg of Zoloft and i started on 50 but the increase hasn't helped much. I don't know what to do and I am sick and tired of living like this. I am jealous of people who can do normal things like sit in the cafeteria on the bench and not feel like they are going to fall or faint every 6 seconds.
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you sound just like me i thought i was the only one who felt dizzy all day I'm also off balance every body thinks I'm crazy i try going to work i waitress every time i go to the table i can't stand still with out shaking I've been on buspar for over two years and its been good..   all this started when I've had my period for 2 months straight  so went to doc and they took blood work and said I've have hashimotos dieseas  so they gave me thyroid pills thats when my anxiety came back all day i can't take this
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Hi all,

Currently i am in medication with the homeopathic consultant finding it better regarding frequent dizziness and have an appointment this weekend.

i would recommend the same.

@ Lar Rr how are you feeling now ?

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As you stated everything is fine and no caused found after taking testes like MRI, Blood test Etc. I would suggest try changing you lifestyle activities, eating habits, quit if you smoke / drink. regular exercise and yoga is a must for fast stress relieve.

Go for a complete blood checkup like Urine, stool, Cholesterol, LDVL level ( if there are any changes in the reading will get it know the problem ) If the potassium level is less there are possible changes for frequent giddiness ( Potassium level controls the never ).

If you are comfortable consult homeopathic or a family physician and explain and spend some time finding the root cause ( if there was any problem it would have shown in the MRI scan report ). Hence there is no problem internally, i would advise try change in food habits and lifestyle.

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Hi All,

Few years back i used to get a dizziness which use to stays for a day or 2 and i consulted a doctor and said it is due to Low BP ( Blood Pressure ). And advised to stay clam and take care of stress ( Pressure occurs due to work, family or lifestyle ). later it comes and goes and i kept ignoring.

For the past 4 months time dizziness has been increased and couldn't drive either walk.  It comes at any time ( morning, afternoon and late evening ) and it stays for nearly 3-4 hours,

After that general physician advised me to take Neck x-ray and found i had cervical spondylosis and further did entire blood checkup MRI Scan for both brain and Neck. No issue found apart from Cervical Spondylosis ( Neck ). General physician said when you bend your head down the nerve compress and that is the reason you are getting the dizziness and advised me to wear cervical collar and gave few medicine to strengthen the nerve.

To confirm i check orthopedic ( bone specialist ) and after seeing the reports and said there are rare chances to get dizziness due to Cervical Spondylosis and advised to consult neurologist doctor ( Specialist in never ). After seeing the report he said dizziness is caused due to lifestyle and stated asking when and under what circumstances dizziness occurs and advised me to contact physiotherapy. Felt everything was waste of time.

Eventually consulted homeopathic and after a brief discussion he said if any have Cervical Spondylosis they will not be able to bend there head down and feels lot of pain. however most of the people are prone to cold climate and advised to cover ear and always keep the body warm and avoid caffeine product, regular exercise to keep the body warm will change ( Brain requires more oxygen to function the entire system so keeping the body warm and regular exercise will total vanish the frequent dizziness. ( smoking and alcohol needs to be completely  stopped as it affect brain functions causes depression and anxiety more ).

Also homeopathi has a medicine for depression and anxiety, which has no side affects and when it completely in control later you will see the difference.


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Yes beestr, I have had experiences very similar to what you have, and I have had all the same tests, including an MRI and a CAT scan.

My, (maybe our) condition has a name- "Chronic Subjective Dizziness"  I am not a medical professional, but I feel like I'm getting more knowledgeable having gone through serious bouts of debilitating dizziness 3 different times in my life. I'm relieved to report that I feel much better, and nearly dizzy free for now.

Reading everyone's struggles is very sad, but each sufferer seems to strike some sort of familiarity with the next person.  We all may describe it a little differently, but each one of us has come here in search of answers, and unintentionally become part of a team that none of us wants to be on.  I would at least like to summarize  to all of you what has seemed to work for me:  

-Clonazapam for anxiety.
-Prozac for depression.
-Changed jobs to reduce stress.
-Bought and read the book "Peace From Nervous Suffering" by Dr. Claire Weekes.  I highly recommend this book.
-Identified that a lack of sleep worsens my dizziness.
-Control or eliminate as much stress in my life as possible.
-A loving, caring wife who can't possibly imagine what I go through, but offers support in any way she can.  Find someone you can lean on.

Good luck to you.  I pray you will find some relief soon.  You are not alone, we are all in this together.  I thought this was going to kill me several different times, but somehow I made it through.  It DOES go away.  Please don't ever give up.
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I am experiencing the same thing as the original poster - Lightwise.
I feel like I am unbalanced - but not like vertigo where everything is spinning. I feel like in my head something swaying, or if I move my head up or side to side I feel this slow motion and unbalanced on my legs. I mean I can walk straight, but the feeling is not the same. To put in an analogy it's like, It's like a see saw and I just want to level out in the middle to be switched on and balanced on both sides. I am not switched on 100%. I don't feel stabilized at all.
I am now experiencing anxiety now due to this. It's affected my daily life too. Doctors have put me on Cymbalta. I am going to visit a psychiatrist as well.
I didn't have any health issues prior to me feeling unbalanced/dizzy at the time. It just came on all of a sudden. I thought it would go away but it didn't. It's been nearly 3 weeks now and still same.

I've visited about 3 different doctors (including my primary one I always use).
I've had blood tests/ECG//CT brain scan/blood pressure and all came back fine. I also went to a Neurologist and all he did was some nerve testing, i.e follow his finger, testing my elbow and knee joints, walk in a straight line and really thinks it has nothing to do with neurology etc but wants me to go for an MRI in 2 weeks.
As good as that all sounds, there doesn't seem anything serious, I still want to know what is this feeling I have and some type of diagnosis so I can feel better.

It makes me feel so upset and depressed. Everyday I wake up, hoping, this will all go away.

If anyone can please tell me if they have gone through similar, or know it will go away, I just need some positivity.

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www.telegraph.co.uk › Men › Active › Men's Health
Here is his story.
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I read a guy that had the same symptoms,it's sarcoidosis. It's very hard to diagnose. He had to do a 24 hr urine analysis,and other procedures. Ask your doctor to test for it next time.
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I've been lightheaded for 39 years.  I get by okay, but it's always there.  It's NOT panic, it's not psychological.  I lost a good percentage of my proprioreception suddenly and had vertigo at 13 years old.  The vertigo episodes went away, but the lightheaded feeling never did. Doctors think I must have had a virus or something that damaged my inner ears.  Years and years I've tried to figure out why I feel this way, can't walk straight at night, and feel floaty and gross all the time.  Recently I've been reading about mercury sensitivity (allergies) and their connection to MANY of the symptoms I have.  I'm wondering how many of you dizzy folks have amalgam (silver/mercury) fillings in your teeth (?).  Is this a common link?  I know my first attack -- when my life changed forever -- was around the time of my first filling.  There is a blood test called MELISA test that checks for heavy metal sensitivity.  Check it out.  
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