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I believe I have been experiencing severe panic attacks/ anxiety as a result of a combination of antibiotics I was on for an UTI.

I have stopped the antibiotics, abou 36 hours ago, and am wondering how long before they are out of my system? and when they are out, will the anxiety go away?

My GP prescribed a mild anti-anxiety drug and it has helped but not completely.. My heart is pounding and anytime I think of leaving the house I get sick to my stomach... Is there any way to fight these feelings without upping the dose of my medication.. and how long will this last?

Thank you for any help.
77 Responses
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Can anyone tell me how long it was before the anxiety got better after taking antibiotics? I've been off of them for two weeks and still feel the same. If someone could give me some incite into how long they felt this way before getting better, it would give me light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you
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What antibiotic were you on, dosage and for how long?
I am experiencing the same thing.  I was on flagyl and duflucan and now I feel constant, sick to my stomach anxiety. I've been off the meds for three weeks and no change. Did you get better?
Are you still feeling this way?
I am feeling better. I felt like I was going insane. It took about a month before the anxiety and nausea went away. I am staying away from diflucan. My body cannot handle it.
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I thought I was crazy! So I've done a lot in the past year to better my health and to move forward in my life after going through a traumatic loss.   A few weeks ago I had broken a tooth that I had to have fully removed and days later I had an infection that left my face swollen. My dentist prescribes me amoxicillin and I return to work. I had very little pain but the swelling and discomfort and infection needed to be remedied before I could perform at my job properly.

I took the amoxicillin as prescribed and it made me feel sick and have an awful taste in my mouth. Then I wasn't able to sleep at night. I started to feel angry and rage full at first about my job for no apparent reason. I just started to hate working there. The next thing I know I'm having huge anxiety problems at work and when I'm at home when I think about my job and can't sleep at night, I woke up in the morning for several days feeling this hopeless sense of impending doom as other people have described. I quit my job just like that! Lost all of my benefits and everything because I was so miserable. I could just sit there and feel horrible and didn't even know why. I decided to stop the amoxicillin around that time because I was feeling sick all the time. I was taking 500 mg 3 times each day.

It's been two days since I stopped and I feel somewhat normal. When a panic comes over me I can control it. I had been so confused as to why I was bahaving so erratically and I thought to research if it could be crazies by amoxicillin.

Now I'm jobless but gave a clear mind to look for something else thanks to stopping the antibiotic. I am glad to see this site because it explains somethings I couldn't even come close to explaining. I felt like I needed to be committed and there was not one cause or reason for me to feel this way except I couldn't sleep anymore even with a benedryl it didn't work at all. I felt anger and rage and depression and doom and sadness. I cursed a beautiful sunny day and just wanted to be awful and moody. I felt like I wanted to just not exist anymore. Because of these awful mood swings and debilitating anxiety I will never allow myself to take amoxicillin.

I'm a 38 year old healthy female. I took a daily regime of several B vitamins and supplements as well as several other vitamins but stopped all of them so they wouldn't affect my amoxicillin treatment. I regret this now but will go back to my daily vitamin intake.

I hope this makes sense to people because I am almost convinced that this treatment is what caused me to abruptly have these mental issues.
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Horrible story. I'm currently right in the middle of the after effects from Amox. Almost crashed my car, having brief black outs. Other symptoms I experience: anxiety, hyperventilation and weird electrical sensations in my head. I'm drinking a litre of raw kefir to replenish my gut bacteria. Hope this nightmare ends soon.
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I know the feeling! I m goin through it now! ! Dreadful. I.m on antibiotics about 7 times a year for U T I.s & its always the same dreadful feeing. Get well soon.x
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Azithromycin did this to me. I took it for 4 days and didn't sleep once from day 2-4. I figured it was maybe because I was feeling better or something but I just kept my mind busy and felt like I had done a ton of cocaine or something the entire time and got a TON of work done but really don't remember any of it. On day 5 it all came tumbling down. I was just laying down watching TV and started bawling for absolutely no reason and felt like I was going to literally go insane. Couldn't control my thoughts, they kept going to really bad places so I smoked a bowl of marijuana. Holy hell that was the worst decision ever. I freaked out so bad I ended up laying out in the street 100% sure I was going to die and wanted to make sure someone would find my body. Eventually I didn't die so I came back inside and took 4 benedryl, which were in the form of OTC sleeping pills (same ingredient). Once those kicked in I felt amazing, the anxiety was gone. I was happy, slept great. I am still experiencing this pretty bad but it seems to be getting better and have been taking benadryl every night since and it works well for me at least. I had to quit smoking cannabis for the time being because it still takes me to a really really bad place where I just stare at something, thinking bad things and how fked up the world is, why even bother living etc, which had never happened before I took the antibiotics. I believe I will eventually get better but feel like it is going to take some time. It's been 2 weeks since I took any at all and I feel as though I'm about halfway better. I was also taking probiotics/vitamins the entire time because I always have so I don't think that is a cure all.
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Have gotten better since?
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I have been having anxiety and panic attacks for 3 years, and it all started after going to the clinic for feeling too tired and sleepy, back then I was younger and didn't know that stress can make you feel that tired. The doctor prescribed me a high dose of antibiotics because supposedly my throat looked irritated and I might have an infection. I took the antibiotics and I started feeling like I was going crazy but didn't know what was wrong. After a year it got a little bit better, I never took any medication for it, since I was scared that it might make it worst. So after doing a lot of research and new studies that have shown the relation of the bacteria in the gut to the brain and all the benefits of taking probiotics, I started taking some, I take now foods probiotic-10, it has 10 strains and 25 billion organisms, twice a week and I have been feeling a lot better, like the old me, I still have a little of anxiety but its nothing compared to before, now I can actually control it.
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I have been suffering with anxiety for about 2 year now and I suspected it was because of a high dose of antibiotics i was taking due to sinus problems but the doctors told me that it wasn't possible that the antibiotics could do this. Even though it mentioned it underside effects(found out a year later). I have been trying everything i could think of to recover from the anxiety. Went to a physiologist thinking that its all in my head but still happening.  I get relapses of panic attacks randomly every now and then. It doesn't seem be related to a specific situation,example, i will be on my sofa and the anxiety will kick in.So i started searching and that's how i found this forum and i see am not the only one that medication caused their anxiety.

Is there anything i can do to help recovery from the anxiety and the sinus problem?
I'm guessing they linked.
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