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need help/clarification with this symptom

I'm having anxiety/panic attacks for the last 4-5 months, mostly it's over but now and then i get anxious.
Currently taking citalopram 20mg (still waiting for it work, been 3 weeks) so i can get off the oxazepam.
It's been going well after i took citalopram until this morning when i woke up, i was still fine at that time but i rolled over and heard my heart through my ear with a hissing sound and it sounded like it was going faster so i thought i'd get out of bed and suddenly weird cold feeling took over and my heart started to race very very badly through my chest.
This was my worst attack ever, and it felt dead scary, i was 100% confident that i was going to die that moment of a heart attack.
Luckily my dad was still awake, and he woke up my mom just in case, and i quickly took my medicine, metroprolol and a oxazepam.
After 15-20min the symptom started to fade away, and i felt warm again and my heart rate was slowing down.
I called my doctor, and how the hell can he not know what this was? it makes me scared to go to bed tonight, so please i hope someone here knows what it is and can explain it to me if it is harmful to my health or that it is nothing to worry about.
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Sounds like acid reflux sweetheart! I have anxiety and GERD, and my reflux will wake me up at night with a racing heart. Your medication may be doing a number on your stomach. Your digestive system and circulatory system are connected. I take omeprazole from my doctor, but I believe Prilosec is the exact same thing and you can get that at any pharmacy. Works like a charm for me :)
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That is a lot of maybe's considering no one can diagnose from here.  
Some omeprazole users can have some serious health issues over time, but my doctor said they didn't know if it was the med or the physiology of the users. I haven't had it for years, so don't know the latest on it though.

Signex you are still over-analyzing your body wondering about getting up too fast and trying to make medical connections to that event.
You can read up on oxazepam on the manufacturer's site which will be the same as the insert with your prescription, or Mayoclinic.com.
What do you think about ZMA? almost 90% of the reviews i've seen are very positive. It has alot of zink and magnesium in it.
If it is OTC it has never undergone trials that a prescription drug has, so is just anecdotal and can even be from the manufacturer's friend. You can see how difficult it is to measure anxiety, so I would not trust anyone's claims that didn't do trials.
Maybe it works for some people, maybe it doesn't. Below is an example of how unreliable patients claims are.
Lots of prescriptions are written for people who are unhappy with their lives and do not suffer from anx or dep, but the doctor wants them out of his office because they are problem patients who will not listen to reason. My friend's wife was that way so the doc wrote a script and she claimed to be cured the next day because she is illiterate and doesn't know the med takes at least 3 weeks to have any effect. She has been on it for years. Maybe some reviews are from people like her, and the negative ones are not published.
It's not a medicine but a supplement. It's actually for your nerves/nerve recovery but they also make you sleep very deeply.
Well it's a natural supplement not medicine, but i happen to stumble on some info about ZMA. It can actually be bad for you, it depends how much zink you take every day. It can also make your heart race and issues with breathing so i'll skip tho's pills.
Don't wanna take the risk now that i'm doing much better.
I still wake up at night after 3-4 hours with my heart pounding through my chest but i noticed it's gone after just few seconds.

I did needed tho's meds, everything i had pointed to depression and anxiety.
And my doctor is a caring man, not someone that wants to get rid of me.

Poison ivy is natural too but it is best avoided. You can make natural cortisone too, but a physio guy told me to stay away from regulating your cortisone.
I was only mentioning that anecdotal evidence from others should be viewed cautiously because people can have a hard time measuring accurately how they feel a remedy works, not saying your doctor applied.
Last 2 days i'm starting to feel much better and less aware of my heart rate wich feels very calming. After a walk my heartrate is calm too, i was always aware/feeling my heart after a walk or when i lift things.
Can't say for sure if the citalopram is taking effect or not.
Still have this pressure feeling on my forehead and sometimes burning feel.
Try to not analyze your body and you might find it isn't bothering you. Maybe you had these same things going on before but just ignored them because you weren't thinking something is wrong.

Every time I post here to someone with something like you have, I notice I am feeling an itch, twitch or ouch but just ignore them because i know they are meaningless in my case.

Celexa could be kicking in. I took it and it had an effect late in the third week and was stronger weeks later. If it works, try to work on resolving the anxiety if you get a break from it. Therapy or self help books might help.
I'm not but i noticed it right away, walking etc feels more pleasant now.
The only thing that bothers me is that i only sleep for 4-5 hours and early in the evening my eyes are starting to hurt and feel tired.

Haven't had anxiety for couple days now.

I'm already seeking help, i'm seeing 2 different people every week.
I wake up after 4 - 5 hours and read which changes my thoughts and I go back to sleep. Otherwise I start endless planning and it takes hours to get back to sleep.
Try that if you can't refocus your thoughts to relaxing ideas which meditation is supposed to do. Many people can't get meditation to work but lying in bed is not a recommended meditation location since the tendency is to fall asleep, which you happen to want to do.
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Personally i tried citalopram would make me really lethargic but i have had the same symptoms. You know the feeling you get when you feel like you are falling in a dream and you wake up with a jolt? It's basically the exact same thing but your body is misinterpreting and amplifying it. Basically anxiety is at it;'s worst in the first few months of developing it so for that time period you don't truly relax  or sleep deeply. As you hit that 4-5 month mark as you have your body is starting to adjust and you are developing coping techniques that are allowing you to relax. That falling sensation you get when you sleep is caused by your muscles relaxing simultaneously as you fall into deeper levels of sleep. the combination of these two things will occasionally cause the very sudden jolts and spikes in heart rate. Honestly though managing anxiety with drugs for me is a loosing concept, i would recommend finding non chemical ways to handle your anxiety
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Believe it or not, it's actually starting to work, i felt suddenly different couple hours ago, i'm much more relaxed, but i do got another side effect that started with it, burning/cold feeling on the left side on my head.
And slightly dizzy but nothing scary.
I manage my heartrate with medicine, before my depression i used to wake up at night waking up with a racing heart and metroprolol works and stops it completely from happening.
TWest95 those are not anxiety rules to live by, they are just your personal anecdotal evidence. Everyone is different so whatever you think happened to you doesn't necessarily apply to others. Besides there is no anxiety metering device so even determining how you feel can be difficult.
Same with your reaction to the med. Everyone is different or else there would just be one of 2 anxiety meds to choose from and they would all work, instead of the situation today where some people try every me hoping something will work.

Many people don't even have a problem but think they do so their doc puts them on meds to get \them to stop pestering for a solution. Sometimes that placebo works, but anything that person tells you about meds is incorrect.
instead of the situation today where some people try every one hoping something will work.
I don't get it, now i keep waking up again with a racing heart, this is what started my depression 5 months ago and metroprolol stopped this issue so i don't know why it's coming back now. My blood pressure was fine at 124/75. Can this happen due to not sleeping enough? passed few days i only slept for 3-4 hours. Today it was a bit better at 6 hours.
I'm going to use 2x 10mg tonight of oxazepam, if i don't get my sleep i might get worse later on...
Cause it seems it stopped working, as i know how good they are when i'm on edge.
And i'm not lying when i say this, it's not the addiction talking.
My mom took 4x oxazepam a day to relief the same side effects as i'm experiencing.
It took her a week before the side effects went away, so maybe today or tomorrow mine will too i hope.
I think you should get a sleeping pill instead of using a benzo as a sleeping aid. Does your doctor know you are taking them for sleep?

Are you in therapy - it is a better route than meds, if it works for you.
I am, but only once a month, i'm going to ask for more frequent visits i think 1x a month is way to long.
I thought oxazepam are sleeping pills?
And as i thought, having taken 2 last night got me the relaxing feeling back but my eyes didn't felt sleepy but i slept instantly wich is weird cause i got the opposite feeling of being sleepy.
Yes my doctor prescribed them for sleeping. I used to sleep really well untill i started taking 20mg of citalopram and now i only sleep 4-5 hours.
These burning feelings in my stomach is still going, had it again this morning but much shorter then before. Maybe 2minutes until it was gone.
I felt asleep while sitting on the couch, and when i woke up, i felt so so heavy in my whole body like i'm drained.
Maybe i shouldn't have stood up, but i kinda panicked again.
It's really hard for me to stay put when i wake up, can't bring myself to try to sleep right after.
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Just an update: It happened while i was trying to sleep, but it was very minor so i walked a bit and did the breathing technique. Couldn't lay down, so i just sat on the couch and fell asleep in a sitting position.
And i felt good again, positive and energetic.
Feels like i'm not getting enough sleep wich is why my heart is reacting to it late in the evening? i heard 5-6 hours is enough while 8 hours is optimal.
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Optimal depends on the person.  Quality of sleep is more important than the amount, and amounts are a generalization that may not apply to a specific individual.  Some need more sleep, some less.  But it wouldn't cause this.  You're on a lot of medication, so I'm wondering, did this ever happen to you before taking meds?  
The Citqalopram aka Celexa takes 8 weeks to get the full effect, so after 3 you still may or may not be getting any effect yet.
Panic can occur at any time for some people, so although there is value in determining causes of it, it isn't simple for some people to figure out and you might be one of them.
BTW, "and heard my heart through my ear with a hissing sound and it sounded like it was going faster..." is very unscientific so it might all be in your head. Your heart does not make a hissing sound, and without a watch and a pulse check it is difficult to tell if it was actually going faster or how much.

Have you tried therapy ofr relief?
@Paxiled No it didn't happen before Citalopram, but it happened 3 days after my dosage was upped from 10mg to 20mg. Never had any issues with 10mg nor 20mg for the first 3 nights.
My mom had similar symptoms she said, burning sensation with a racing heart and the doctor prescribed her oxazepam 4x a day and it worked for her but not for me.
So i doubt this is the same symptom.

Sorry, hissing is the wrong term, but you can sometimes hear your heart through your ear with a windy sound not sure how to explain it, English isn't my native language.
My mom also has it sometimes.
Forgot to mention, i am seeing a psychologist but only once a month wich *****...
And someone that comes to my home every week or 2, that helps me get back on my feet and to find some minor work i can do.
Whatever you are hearing is unscientific and a waste of your time in addition to making you unnecessarily anxious.

It is abnormal for a person to check their perceived heart sounds. Only your doctor can determine if there is anything wrong with your heart and he uses instruments instead of just guessing with his ear against your body, so it seems from what you wrote that there is nothing to even consider.
It's not making me anxious but the cold/burning feeling on my chest is, along with a racing heart. I had it again just now. Maybe you're right, how i felt my heart was going it felt very abnormal and blazing fast but my mom checked my pulse and she said it was going fast but not crazy/dangerously fast but it feels so real that it's going way above 200bpm.
What about a heartburn? cause it felt like my heart was burning. Could it be acid reflux?
We can't diagnose you from here, but if it is heartburn or acid reflux. it can be scary when it goes on for a while and you feel sick.
Any prolonged health issue can turn you into being depressed or anxiety ridden. Depression and anxiety feed off each other in a vicious circle building up strength, so after a while you don't know which is the initial problem that needs treating or changing.
Many people on this board have gone to the ER convinced they had a heart problem only to discover there was nothing wrong, other than their fear had made them sweat and tense up so their chest ached.
It happens everytime i wake up after sleeping for 4 hours. I at least ruled out rolling over too fast, i slowly started sitting up and the burning feeling came back as bad as couple days ago.
Depression hasn't come back in a week, not even from these attacks i'm having luckily.
We'll see how it goes tomorrow, and what the doctor says then i'll report back when i know more.
Sip water all day long if you suspect heartburn, as it dilutes the stomach acid. This low tech procedure might help to give some relief.

If you have a heart attack it feels like a large weight pressed hard against your chest, and you would have been dead long ago if there was a real heart problem is what the ER told me the first and only time I will ever go there worried about HA. I instantly stopped thinking about it and the "symptoms" disappeared.
Been drinking thee and water all day, i hope it helps.
I drank alot of orange juice last night, that might have triggered it?
It's a orange juice that you have to mix with water though.
i've been drinking thee and water all day, hope it does help.

I drank alot of orange juice yesterday, its juice that you need to mix with water, not sure if that triggered it?

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