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Can the contraceptive implant implanon cause anxiety and depression?

I have had the implanon now for 2 years and since then have experienced 6 month cycles of extreme depression and anxiety followed by periods where i return to my normal happy mood and behaviour.  For the last month I have been feeling hightened level of anxitey, which have caused social withdrawal, and fellings of sadness and depression. Most worringly, recently i have had thoughts of self harming.

I couldn't seem to put my finger on why I was feeling this way, and till tonight, hadn't considered the possibility that it could be the implanon. I have done some brief reseach and found that the implanon can cause depression, but I am concerned can it completely explain the reason for my extreme long-term changes in mood, or is there something more deep routed?
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I'm 19 years old and i've had the implant for 10 months. I was always encouraged by friends and suggested by family members that it's a good method of contraception. And for the first two weeks it pretty much was fine, but then my periods got heavier, more painful and darker (almost brown looking).  I left it in thinking it was my body getting used to it and when I'd had it in for 6 months I had gone back to the clinic asking what they could do to help, as i also began getting frequent pain in my arm. Instead of removing it they put me on a 3 month trial with patches also, it helped with the periods but before i started the patches, i started feeling depressed and less willing to go out . I've not gone to visit the GP as I'm afraid they will just turn me away without getting me some kind of help.
Any one offer any advice?
Please and thank you
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7157676 tn?1388644567
i am on my frist implant it will be a year in feb and i started my menstruate is this suspossed to happen?
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I have experience shortness of breath and was diagnosed with Asthma and i have Heart Palpatations all the time, this never happened before being on the implant it is nuts!

I am getting it removed ASAP.
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Oh my god, this page has literally helped me so much, i thought it was only me experiencing these crazy symptoms.

I can't have more than two drinks without blacking out and not remebering the night or picking a massive fight with anyone!
I get anxious about literally EVERYTHING i worry about everything! I can't be happy, i'm consciously hating myself all the time and i have put on so much weight and i'm always at the gym and eat well, everyone says i just look bloated and its so annoying.

This thread has literally made me feel so happy, i've had the implant in for almost 2 years and ive been experiencing these symptoms for a year almost now, i've never thought the implant is the reason! i'm calling the doctor tomorrow to get it removed and explain why! I don't understand why this is not a recognised side effect, it's so destructive to women and our relationships and life! I've lost so many friends and come close to loosing my boyfriend.

I literally can't wait to get this removed and go back to the pill which is safe.

Thanks so much everyone! I'm so glad i decided to research this tonight :)
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Im so glad I came on this. I've been mad recently, completely and utterly mad. I've put me and my long term boyfriend completely on the rocks because he cant understand whats wrong with me and I try to explain everything yous have said and he just doesnt understand it. I am so so depressed and feel like my whole life is a problem and ive been getting upset over everything and I just constantly feel sad, I'm so so sad. I've never been like this ever before and have constantly been the happiest girl ever, all my friends say it, im always so cheery and see the good in everything. But I'm feeling nothing like ever before I feel like I've lost myself and now my boyfriend has lost it too and I really dont think he will stick around much longer if I dont figure out whats wrong with me. Do you begin to feel better once getting the implant taken out? I'm scared of feeling this way forever.
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I have had the implant now for 2 years, and everything has been great for me, I usually don't get my menstrual until 5 or 6 months which is pretty nice, but lately I have been having bad anxiety and shortness of breath. I have been experiencing heart palpitations, I'm not sure if these side effects are from the implant?? I also have been experiencing confusion. I don't know if the confusion is from the implant. anyone out there feel the same?
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I had the Nexplanon fitted and it has exactly the same hormones as the Implanon. I am 18 years old. I went through complete hell after 2 months of having it inserted. I suffered really bad panic attacks where I would stop breathing for up to a minute and afterwards my whole chest would feel bruised, like a heavy person had been standing on it. I would cry up to three times a day. I went into a serious deep depression, thinking of suicide often and even trying to self harm. I felt like no one understood me, lost all hope for my future and felt it was impossible that I would ever feel happy again. I started to feel like I wanted to die but I was too scared to commit suicide. I tried counseling and they were eager to give me antidepressants but I wasn't keen on taking them so I didn't and tried to tough through the depression. It took me months to find a free day for planned parenthood to remove the Nexplanon. Within 48 hours of removal I was completely myself again. It has now been 2 weeks since I have had it removed and I have had no depression, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, anxiety or desperation to self harm. The Nexplanon made me completely crazy, I fought with everyone I was close to felt completely alone and came really close to hurting myself badly. It is an incredibly dangerous method of contraception. I am now on birth control pills and will never have any hormonal altering devices inserted into my body. I am happy now and in complete shock that something so small could have changed everything I felt so fast.
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Hello I'm just wondering how Long after the implant was removed did it take for you ladies return back to your old self it's just bin a month till my              expartner had hers out and the last time we talked she sed she started sorting things out in her head she blowing hot and cold we spoke 4 days ago and before that it was 4 weeks she will talk to me about stuff bot won't talk to me about us ahe won't talk about anything what's going on to anyone
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I'm so glad i've come across everyones thoughts and experiences due to the implant. About 2 days ago i tried taking my life. ive been suffering from anxiety and depression horribly; baring in mind nothing ever got me down and i was always such a bubbly, positive person. Nothing or no one could ever get me down no matter what.

When i was taken to hospital the doctors made me feel crazy, they asked loads of questions and refused to believe me when i said it was the implant thats making me feel this way. My boyfriend agreed with them, and that hurt me so much. I felt like i really was crazy, all my hopes as to why i was feeling and behaving the way i was pinned down to me. My worthlessness, my suicidal thoughts, my past....all just me.

After reading everyones experiences,  i feel like i'm not going insane, and although i felt horrible and like life wasn't worth living anymore over these 2 days especially, i'm so greatful to each and every one of you for sharing your story, because lord knows it was only about time i did something stupid again. Due to the fact that everyone made me feel as if i was going crazy.

My heart and prayers go out to the mother who lost her daughter due to this horrible piece of plastic. No one should ever have to go through what she did. I know exactly how she felt too..........
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Hya it's big back my partner has ended it with me r you still the same or you any better I hope you are if you dnt mind me asking how long do you think it will take till get back to normal she never spice to me for 4 Weeks till last week not getting a lot out of her and ahe won't talk about me and her but we going to a gig next week together we going to b in car for 2 hrs to get there so I was hopeing for to open up
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6560305 tn?1384773211
Hi Emma, Please try not to let it get to you.. I'm still suffering myself but you have to TRY and keep your mind off it. Try going to a homeopath! I've been seeing my GP for my problems and she doesn't seem to care, thinking i'm depressed or 'being silly'.. I've also started to take evening primrose oil and starflower oil as a supplement as it's said to have good effects on inbalanced hormones.. If you're not happy ask to be tested. I know how you feel and it's hard to cope - not feeling at all like your self is unbareable especially when nothing seems to help! If you need to chat, please come back.. Good luck!
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Wow, im glad i seen this post. I have had implanon in for over a year now. I feel rock bottom, i litrally feel like im dying. Energy is at 0. Anxiety is the highest its ever been, headaches, back ache, social fobia, depression, crying. I have been back and forth the doctors, them saying my thyroid, my iron, etc. Im on meds 4 them but i feel no difference at all. This implant is definatly the cause. Im having it removed tomorrow. I dont know how much more i can take with this.
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This has been happening to me too! I have had the implant in since last June and the first few months were fine, and I would get my period regularly and then all of a sudden these last few months have been AWFUL!!!! I was spotting and then skipping my period all together so I thought my luck I would be the 1% that would get pregnant on this birth control. Took a test and it came out negative. I have been a raging mess. My moods are out of control, and I do not like this feeling! I want my old self back!
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480448 tn?1426948538
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Hi CurlyGurly270,
I have had the exact same issues as you do! I constantly start arguments with my Bf... Sometimes over nothing and it’s destroying our relationship. I feel depressed at times and can’t seem to get back up again.. I remember myself before the Implant always cheerful and happy about life.. Ever since I had this put in my arm... I haven’t felt my usual self everything is shadowed by my moods and paranoia. After reading your post it made me feel a lot better than I wasn’t alone in this and it is the implant causing my unusual outburst.  I’m getting it taken out this week: P
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I have had the Nexplanon for 15 days now, and I have scheduled an appointment to get it removed in 3 days. I started feeling nervous, anxiety stricken, and depressed 4 days into getting the implant.
I have never been depressed in my life. I am normally a happy person, with the occasional stress that life brings. I knew that is was caused by the Nexplanon when I noticed that my anxiety and depression reached a high 10 days into having my Nexplanon. I had two panic attacks, my heart was hot and fluttering. I lay down to sleep each night, and I cant sleep until 3 a.m. and i wake up every 2 hours with hard breathing and anxiety.
This doesnt neccisarily mean the nexplanon is terrible, but i do believe that for certain people the Nexplanon or Implanon is not for everyone, and that all women and their hormones are different. So the cookie cutter mg that they prescribe to every single woman is WRONG.
I recommend doing all your research before jumping into the idea of the implant. Luckily I noticed my attitude change within 20 days of having it, im sorry for those of you who waited years. I wish you the best of luck.
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i am amazed at how naive i have been for the last 5 yrs of having the implant in, my partner just thought i was now moody and boring and gone off him, when i used to have a quite high sex drive be really bubbly and outgoing etc i miss the real me, i have wanted to have it removed for a long time but it is such a reliable contrceptive, after reading all your stories though i am definately getting it removed, my daughter is 5 now and i am ready for another baby ( have been for a very long time but partner only just got head round the idea!!!) so wish me luck ladies will tell you all if it makes a difference to me and how easy or hard concieving is xxxx thank you all for adding your experiences it really has helped xxxx
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I meant 2 and a half years here
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hello I am a male asking your ladies for help I have bean with my fiancée for 4 years and we have never had an argument in all that time she had the implant in 3months ago and then things slowly changed she stopped sleeping over we couldn't have sex she has been  bleeding all the time since it was fitted and 2 weeks ago she was telling how much she loved me and we was fine as with I was worried with her not stopping. 4 to 5 months ago we was looking in buying an house then get married and then kids in years to come so we pretty much had it all sorted life was grate we was never happier then last week she was booked in to have it removed on the Monday but on the Sunday  she told me she feel the way she ment to  and finshed with me after having it removed she came up to see me because I need to know why and she did not know why she felt like this she wont talk to me any more and she is out on the drink all the time im giving her the space she needs but to know how long to it take for her to get back to her old self its me birthday next week and I don't  want spend it alone with out her
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480448 tn?1426948538
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I've had my Implanon for 2 and a half months now and I first started to see a change in my attitude and mental health back in January I would say is when it happened. I had a really bad anxiety attack and went to the hospital. They thought it was because I was dehydrated and had low potassium. After that happened I would freak out on my roommates for no reason. I was very short tempered with people. Then in May I had another bad anxiety attack and was back in the hospital, this was when they said I had a panic attack and gave me some meds for it. After that last experience I was never the same. I didnt care about myself anymore, I didnt care what happened to me. The only way I could describe it is having an out of body experience, I just wasnt myself. Everything in my life was going wrong and I felt like there was nothing I could do but sit back and watch it happen. I was in a car accident; totaled my car, lost my grandpa, and on top of that I had to deal with my anxiety that was making my chest pound and I couldnt handle it. In June I started dating my wonderful boyfriend and unfortunately for him has to deal with my crazy self. Lately I've been overreacting to the little things he does and acting jealous and mad about the stupidest things. One night I woke up crying because he rolled to the other side of the bed and pulled all the sheets with him and I sat there and cried about it for like ten minutes. Then the other night I was staying at his house and I had to work early in the morning and he was playing video games and I asked him to cuddle with me. I fell asleep and woke up at around 4 to him still playing video games and I got pissed and left without saying anything. I had no Idea why all this was happening to me until I found this site yesterday. After discovering this website I decided to call and make an appointment to get it taken out, I'm done being miserable. Thank you everyone for your stories, hope mine helps as well for others
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6560305 tn?1384773211
I've had 3 implants now.. I'm 21, (usually) happy, Good career, in Uni, recently married, very lucky girl...  I've always experienced problems but nothing as severe as i'm experiencing now.. Firstly i experienced extreme erratic bleeding, nothing would stop it. Just had to wait for it to sort itself out! I also experienced massive weight gain of over 3 stone, but put that down to quitting smoking... Then i moved onto the second one.. The bleeding was getting so out of control i had it out and another one back in to see if it would make any difference.. That was when the depression came.. Obsessive intrusive thoughts for weeks, crying at anything and everything, can't sleep, overwhelming feelings of anxiety, feeling scared and paranoia... Gradually after a month i managed to get over it and got back to my normal self. Just want to clarify, I have NEVER had any problems with any of these before, no history of depression, no trigger, no loss or death, no reason to be upset what so ever!!! No problems since then, until last thursday... I was out enjoying a meal with a friend when i started having a terrible headache, i thought nothing of it and went home, feeling fuzzy headed, tired, confused, blurred vision. The next day i was out of control with the intrusive thoughts, crying for no reason and feeling like I was going insane.. Even to the point of suicidal thoughts just to stop these horrible feelings.. Ive lost half a stone in 5 days because i'm so upset. This really is not me! I visited the doctor and she diagnosed me with having depression. She suggested i have the implant removed and see how i go from there as even in the book she had, it states that it can cause depression... I'm going to the clinic tomorrow to have my implant removed... It never occurred to me that this could cause such horrendous side affects! I'm just lucky i've had the support of my doctor, family and friends other wise something terrible could've happened. To anyone else suffering with such symptoms, please stay strong and visit your GP for help...
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Omg I have paragurd iud for 6 months now and I think that cooper is playing with me, I had been diagnosed with anxiety 4 months before I put iud, in the beginning not anything worry but 2-3 months later I started to get shooting pain all over my head and headaches which I never complain before in my life, then I started getting moody backpain my anxiety is so bad that I have been having lose stoles for months, I get metalic taste on my mouth and I know is because of cooper iud. Iud is ruing my life . I use to get pulpation on my panic attacks only now is like every time. So in two days that thing is out cant wait counting the minutes. Good luck girls.
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