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Derealization - I feel like im high!(Completly Sober)

Everyday for the past week ive been dealing with derealization...It started out subtle and now I feel like im high and unaware of my sorroundings...Everything is a blur and I feel really limp like everything is in slow motion...Im really scared, my anxiety has never been this bad...I almost called 911 the past few nights cuz I cant sleep and I tend to dwell on my symptoms...Somebody plz tell me im ok I feel like im losing it...Im waiting for my DSHS interview for government aid but frankly im losing my patience I can't continue like this...I need help, ever since my first panic attack last January life has been a nightmare for me...I hope this goes away...Anyone else feel the same way on a daily basis
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Look into MOLD symptoms, this is what happens when you have systemic mold in your body and it can stay for years. What happens when you take a plant that has moisture and seal it in a plastic baggy especially in a humid climate or inside a house at room temp.. MOLD. What you guys describe i have as well but i got it from working with horses and i used to stick my mose in a bale of hay to check for mold, was told it was toxic to horses but not people.. dumb and illogical, i should have known. You all have mold in your bodies/brains, its curable but very difficult because your diet has to be PRISTINE. Sorry for what you all are going through, living like this is hell but you can fix it, start now!
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Hey, you were right. I found a cup of mold next to my bed that I had not noticed before. Now that I know this is the problem, how do I fix this feeling?
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Same here guys since my first panic attack it fells like i would be high 24\7 or dreaming all the time and ibeen like this for 6 months 24\7 its so crazy
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Hi I had my first panic attack last year and have been feeling the same way as you and it’s been months! Have you found a way to stop this feeling or is it still going on for you?
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Sounds like depersonalization.. I went through it in 08 after a bad reaction to weed around the same time. Panic attack, tunnel vision, the world loosing it's emotional coloring, everything feeling unreal for a long time. To the other people still posting in here: It feels like it'll never go away but it does, over the period of a few months the feeling fades and your mind adjusts. The best thing is to exercise every day and flush your brain out with endorphins... stay grounded with physical activity. Run, play sports, build stuff. Actually break a sweat.

If it's any consolation, I look back at it as an important, formative experience-- giving me some vague subjective insight into the nature of reality beyond the comfort of the consciousness we're use to. I'm not sure if there are any definitive conclusions to draw but it was my first real "rupture of plane" - a real, physical encounter with the illusory nature of things that most people can only philosophize about. It definitely can feel like a curse... But you've seen beyond the veil! It means you're a sensitive mind and you're not just dwelling on the surface of things. The one thing that makes it worse, obviously, is thinking about it. It's like a mind loop that gets worse the more you dwell on how scary it feels... It'll pass! You'll have lots of time to reflect on it later. Stay positive. Stay sweaty.
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hey, i read a different commenter who said it was a mold sickness, does anyone know what if is im losing my mind and i need to know this thing goes away in going crazy with this and i can't function like this please help if someone can contact me at ***@**** please help
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. I'm going through what seems like a phase of depersanolization where it feels like I'm not present, and at times of great stress. I completely zone out or I have a panic attack. I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety or depression, but I'm more then sure it's the cause. After reading your comment I do now realize that in time it will pass, as long as I no longer dwell of which I seem to do a lot of. And the most important thing to do is to eat right and workout or get some form of excersise, as it releases endorphins and seratonin that aid in overcoming anxiety, and help you feel better about yourself in general. Thanks again man!
would you suggest going to therapy and getting pills for this? or do you think you can do it on your own with exercise and a good hobby?
Thank you so much, I’ve felt this way for a year 0now, but I know what I need to do, thank you!
And I’m going through this due to the use of edibles, I made some at home (bad choice) and took it two days in a row. Each high lasted for 12 hours and I was only 130 pounds. During the second day, I’m sure that I developed this disorder and the only problem is that it’s not going away at all. This occurred when I was 15, now I’m 16.
Same. 12’ I had a bad trip and the bad crowd I was with bailed. Horrible trip. Felt high for months until I was diagnosed with dpd and bipolar disorder. Now I’m on meds and they really help. Here’s the thing, you can definitely get through this without meds. Eat healthy, drink water and exercise. I implemented those a while back and it helped until I got swamped with school and work. Either way it does start to fade. And just like this guy said, it means you have a more sensitive perception of reality. While I’m high my conscious will be aware I’m high and begin to clash with it. Now I have started smoking again and realized that it all depends on who you smoke with and what you smoke. I have smoked 8 times in the past 3 months for the first time in 5 years and only had 3 bad trips. 2 becaause of what I smoked and 1 because of who I smoked with. I wish people who are going to smoke for the first time would know more about the experience because everyone is different. I also wish the government would legalize weed because then everyone can find a strain they like. There are so many strains for mental problems. For example, this dpd drd some of us run into because of a bad high could probably be solved with another strain lol no joke that how many strains are and it really matters what you smoke. A few weeks ago I got a strain from my friend who said it made him feel so happy. Holy Jesus, I could not stop smiling and just feeling joy physically and emotionally when I smoked that. For the next week I felt so refresh and clear minded. But then I smoked some mango kush and it gave me a body lock to point where I couldn’t even go to the party I was supposed to go to. After that I smoked a super strong sativa and it had me in fetal position in my bed lol. What I have learned is that depending on how much you smoke and what the strain is, the first 5 min to an 1 hour is the peak of the high where you should stay distracted talking to a friend or just watching a video on youtube. Do not spend it thinking. After that peak I always mellow out and have a good time. Hope you find some inner peace with that fact that what you are experiencing is a mental game that will only make you stronger moving forward. I went through it hard; paranoia, the sky would trigger me, I thought everything was fake and I was in a coma, I would question my past and wonder if time even existed. Crazy stuff. Instead pick up hobbies and do anything that releases endorphins. One of the best activites proven to bring happiness or inner peace is volunteering/helping others. Try a soup kitchen. Really leaves you feeling good about life.
I have dealt with all this, for years now. It won't go away and I can't smoke pot anymore. It makes it worse because I feel high sober. I need help. I'm starting to feel like nothing is real anymore. I'm afraid I'm gonna go crazy. Please help. ***@****
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you are ook i promise you find something that calms you get fresh air and focus on your breathing
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Hey man! I feel you. Your not alone. I’m 15 I’ve delt with (GAD) short for generalized anxiety disorder, Panic attacks, depression, sever stress and I have derealization Depersonalization for 4 years. And I know right now I’m kinda feeling how you are but like I said I’ve felt this way [multi times] and for me those feelings last about 1 week or so, but everyone is different, it’s a bad feeling i know but I’m use to it, and you will too you just have to accept how your feeling, your going to be fine I garentee it, it’s all mentally. If you have any questions let me know Id be glad to help and answer them!!!
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Hey man! I feel you. Your not alone. I’m 15 I’ve delt with (GAD) short for generalized anxiety disorder, Panic attacks, depression, sever stress and I have derealization Depersonalization for 4 years. And I know right now I’m kinda feeling how you are but like I said I’ve felt this way [multi times] and for me those feelings last about 1 week or so, but everyone is different, it’s a bad feeling i know but I’m use to it, and you will too you just have to accept how your feeling, your going to be fine I garentee it, it’s all mentally. If you have any questions let me know Id be glad to help and answer them!!!
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Yes I have a bunch of anxiety and I feel high all the time its unreal but it's so real too me,. My emotions get the best of me when I get high like this I try too pray on this matter of this high feeling of this high sensations and negative high sensations,. But prayer never seems too work sometimes when I pray for this negative high sensations too just go away for good and never come back too me again,. When I walk my dogs or go for a walk by my self or just sit down and thinking negative thoughts then I basically start too get high, sensations again,. I'm not always getting high when I'm sitting down thinking negative thoughts but it's only sometimes I get negative thoughts and then get high for no reasons at all,. I love God and prayer works sometimes because of Jesus Christ but I guess I don't have enough faith too pray and have my prayers answered by God you know,. I dont even do drugs and I don't even really drink alcohol much plus I don't do drugs which is marijuana I just take my psych medications that's all,. And psych medications are drugs their man made drugs that ived been taking since I'ved been 9 years old till 23 years old now I'm about too get off my all my psych medications here soon,. May 7th of 2021 of this year yay me I'm so excited too start new with new medications like holistic medications, and all natural things, rather than man made drugs psych medications, amen,.
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Be careful about stopping those meds.  Don't do it abruptly.  Do it with a good psychiatrist at a speed that suits you until you successfully stop.  Also, don't judge yourself this way.  There are a lot of religions and all of them put a lot of pressure on adherents as part of their marketing techniques.  Use religion so it is a positive thing for you, but don't get to where you let external voices judge you.  Do be a moral person, do good and do right by yourself and others, but again, religion like any other organized movement and this applies to all of them can be seen as pressure to conform to a model.  Be the best you possible and again, take the positive religion has to offer in terms of spirituality but try not to let the judgmental part cause you do falsely judge yourself harshly.  And if you do taper off your meds and this stops, maybe the meds just caught up to you.  They were never meant for the very young, but sometimes they are necessary, but they can get weird.  On the other hand, if you stop them and find you do need them, don't judge that, either.  Peace.
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Yes I feel high all the time when I walk my dogs or go on walks by my self and when ever I am just sitting down I'll start too feel high out of nowhere it's not even funny anymore well it's never been funny at all,. And I dont even do drugs like marijuana, and I dont do other drugs either and I barly drink alcohol I just take my psych medications that's all so yeah,. And my psych medications are drugs man made drugs and ived been taking them since like age 9 till 23 since a minor too an adult and I dont think it's my psych  medications making me feel high I truly think it's my brain and my anxiety and my depression,. And I truly think it's my mental illnesses and not the psych medications but yeah I still feel high almost every day and I dont even do drugs I just get high out of no where,. Its annoying and not calming at all I hate it when I get this way and feel this way this type of way,. I feel loopy and weird and I can feel other people's sensations and it's a bad sensation most of the time,. I never get a good sensation with this highness that I literally feel half of the time when I go walk my dogs and when I'm sitting down and thinking about negative things and then I get high, too,. And I feel much better now I had too go rest in my bed room and drink me a half of a cotton candy faygo pop drink,. But I had to write this too help people out with their highness for no reasons at all,. When you feel this way this type of way just pray, and read your bible if your a Christian or if you want to become a Christian then read your bible and pray and talk too God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit amen,. Just have faith and eventually you'll stop thinking this way with negative thoughts and emotions and behaviors and actions and your highness that your feeling,. Like I'm feeling just pray it away and have a little faith for a change so true thank you for listening and also I had a highness a high sensation in the restaurant with my mom and my boyfriend Zaine Alexander Rowe at roosters and it wasnt pretty at all,. But I'm so over it I feel much better now then I did when I went to roosters with my mom and Zaine Alexander Rowe my boyfriend,. Thank you for listening and giving me the chance too help you out with your highness and your high sensations of negativity of highness of high sensations amen,.
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I’m 19, I have anxiety and I’ve been clean from thc for about two months now, I haven’t eaten edibles in at least a month or smoked since October. I haven’t been feeling the best lately, I’ve been getting slight headaches, nothing major and I’ve been having derealization as well. Just last night, i was playing a game on my pc and I started feeling the sensation of being high again. so normally, I thought it was because I was tired, it was about 4:40am and I needed to get to sleep. I live with my boyfriend’s sister and her dad while he’s away for work and he told me you can feel drunk if you’re tired enough. So I went to sleep, I woke up around 1pm, took my birth control, played some games on my phone and I got up to use the bathroom and that feeling was back. When I’m high, my body “glitches” in a way. My body feels as if it’s going in slow motion, I kinda feel things before they happen in real time. I’ve been trying for 7 hours now to get it to go away, taking naps, drinking water, eating. nothing is helping and now I have a migraine. I’m genuinely convinced that I’m going to die. If anyone can please help and let me know what to do, I’m actually on the verge of going to the hospital. Nothing seems to be working.
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Anyone who has encountered derealization knows that this is a painful condition.
I deal with this state by simply relaxing and accepting everything that happens.
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I've been feeling this for a week now. I went to the doctor and she immediately zoned in on anxiety. At first I felt like I wasn't being heard but after reading everyone's experience I feel a lot of ease. Just gonna try to relax and take it one day at a time. It has been very frightening, but I'm glad I'm not alone.
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Has anyone found how to fix this I’ve been feeling this exact way for 6 months I just want to know if it last forever and or how to fix it
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I smoked marijuana for a few months and started feeling similarly and was super freaked out.  The thing that got me out of it honestly was when something happened in my family (I've been living on my own for ~15 or so) and I had to take care of my little sister who was still in middle school for a few weeks.  Just having that purpose and knowing I just needed to make it through the day to take care of her eventually just made me forget about my derealization problems.   I think it was just the sense of purpose I got from helping her, and since then I've been sure to try to volunteer and keep busy.
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Thank God I found this! I've always been too afraid to find out why this is happening to me and why I feel the way I do. I have no medical insurance and I cant afford to see someone. If it weren't for my children at times i wonder if i would even want to live anymore. I cant control it and i hope that one day i will be able to and/or be able to accept the feeling. But as of right now it feels like my whole world is imploding. Is a sick, scary, and hopeless uncontrollable feeling. The worst is when I'm driving with my kids in the car especially at night and everything gets darker, and the sounds get muffled and there's a warm pressure around my throat and ears and BAM I'm in my own cartoon/movie. I can almost feel like I could drive the car right off the road with no repercussions. But I have to sit there and keep telling myself that this is all real and I'm a father of 2 beautiful children and I literally have to walk myself step by step through every single move i make. And the ringing in the ears when its "quiet"... i dont even know what quiet is, that sound is maddening. I want to thank everybody hear for sharing their stories because I feel a little less alone and crazy, honestly brings me to tears knowing that we all have to live like this. Thank you again so much
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Hi i recently quit smoking marijuana and i feel the same way it’s as if nothing feels real i just recently moved into a new house as well and i’ve very on edge and uncomfortable, could this be stress/anxiety or is it depersonalization
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Depersonalization isn't a disease, it's a symptom of other problems.  It can be caused by anxiety or depression or medication or stress or lots of things.  Sometimes it lasts a short time, sometimes a long time if you have a chronic untreated problem.  I don't think this has anything to do with you stopping the pot, it isn't addictive and there isn't evidence it's a drug with physiological withdrawals.  The biggest problem with stopping it is usually missing it because if you used it a lot you're probably going to take some time to learn how to enjoy things without being high.  Most problems with pot happen when you're high, and if you smoke it when you're too young and your brain isn't developed yet there is some possibility it might affect brain development, but that wouldn't manifest itself as derealization, which is what I think you're Googling.  So, two things are more likely:  your new circumstances are affecting you for some reason, maybe even the age you're at and what that age represents for you, or you're missing what you left behind, or you were using pot not for fun but self-medicating and now you're not so you have to learn to cope without it.  I'm guessing you stopped for a reason.  If your anxiety is chronic, and is spreading, then it might just be you aged into the age when these things break out and it's time to go see a psychologist and try to get over it.
thank you for the comment! i actually quit recently because i’m enlisting into the army in june. but anyways i believe it’s anxiety at this point because as i did more research and read more things i have most if not all symptoms of anxiety, ive always had anxiety but it’s recently got worse these past couple of weeks is all but i will be working on that and speaking to my mother about a psychologist.
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My husband has been going through something like this for 5 months, he used to smoke every day n would mske batches of weed butter, n get high of his meals. He eventually stopped n two weeks later he started feeling like he was high, kept asking me if it was possible to get high of the THC stored in his fat. He feels it the most when he wakes up, he says he feels hungover. Weak n nauseous. He feels it the most when he gets anxiety. Theres days when its not so bad. Im just glad that hes not alone, it brakes my heart knowing that he feels this way i cant even imagine what it feels like.
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It's not stored in his liver.  He might have been self-medicating a problem and now he's not medicating it anymore, even without realizing it.  Anyone who feels a need to get high every day and not just on occasion for fun has developed a need to get high and not so much a desire anymore.  Even though pot isn't addictive, today's pot is very very much stronger than what grows naturally, and when you stop it you're going to feel different for awhile.  But again, he might have had this anxiety problem and was mediating it with the pot and now he's not and it's more noticeable.  If he's suffering from anxiety, he might want to focus on that.
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. My name linden. I’m 14 years old and I have had the exact same issues. It’s  parnoi and anxiety. It all started after i stopped the use of pot. Also right after my anxiety attack too. Trust me you will be okay. The feeling doesn’t last super long. It only happens when u think or Talk about it. Just take w deep breathe and curl you’re tongue and breathe through it . It lowers your blood pressure. This feeling is almost like PTSD. Good luck and it’s okay and it all I your head
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Every day brother ! Hang in there
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ive been going through this for about 2 months now. the first time i only felt it for about an hour and had a mild panic attack cause of it(i was at work too how great)and it went away. but then a few days later it came back and its been 24/7 ever since. it got a little better after a month but then i started to feel it more.. its awful but you just gotta fight it with your mind and not let it get to you, keep yourself busy and dont let it control you. its very comforting knowing other people are going through the same thing i thought iwas the only one! I also saw a doctor but had trouble explaining exactly what it was and he just prescribed me xanax. i only take it when im on the verge of a panic attack and it does help but i try not to take it a lot cause i have a very addictive personality.
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Been 6 months and I still feel like I'm high even if I'm not. I only smoke like twice in a month... I need help. I'm starting to forget words and feel I'm not in total conciousness
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I am a 16 year old female and I have been feeling like this for two days now. I smoke Mj but not on a very regular basis. I smoked it three days ago and ever since I feel as if I can't "come down". I have never had a history of anxiety or depression, just ADHD. This is a very scary feeling and I don't know what to do, please help.
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Please send your prayers to God. He healed me and he can heal you.
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I feel the same but its only been about 3 days now but i dont smoke weed or do any drugs or alcahol
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For you.. relax, you're stressed out / anxious - being more worried will stress you out further - this is a safe state of mind  - where it is trying to protect you... Just really relax... do something fun, go out for a walk, take a cold shower and get some sunlight and if its really worse visit a therapist... try being calm and stop googling your symptoms a lot :) Cheers.
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Yes, I have feeling the exact same thing for the last week. It usually is the worst when I wake up from a nap, I move my hands and the feel like they are numb and moving in slow motion. I have concluded that this is an after effect of weed... I know that it will go away eventually, but damn it ***** big time for me. Anyone going through the same thing I suggest that u try to keep ur mind calm and try not to stress big time because that will just make it worse. Oh! and don't forget to stay active and drink lots of water :)
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Jesus, I’m glad that I’m not the only one with this condition, I was 15 when I ate a homemade pot brownie and became like this after the next day. I’ve had this disorder for about a year now, but I’m gaining my consciousness back and it’s great. I just need more water I guess, but I still feel like my old self is lost, I can’t feel the same anymore and i feel a bit buzzed everyday and it sucks to know that I’m the only one likethis in school. I need to drink more water and stay open minded
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this for about a year now unaware of anything around me Im basically a zombie all I do all day is look at TV screens and phone screens Im probably more severe than anybody on here but I know its all in my head so I just try and it play cool
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I feel like this all the time and I'm only 17
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get a general medical assessment because there are other medical conditions that have very similar symptoms such as Thyroid disorder and or Diabetes so start with a physical makeup and then address anxiety.
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