2017105 tn?1333655165

Any sadness or talk about death.

I am so into my own mind it is very scary. So as in all my other post I am new to anxiety. And it has been hard for me in these past couple of months trying to understand anxiety and my mind and body. But this thing now is that any talk our seeing anything dealing with any sadness or death I find myself relating it to myself. Like for instance these two most resent things are me and my fiance were taking about me being woke when he get off work and he said to me you gonna nds dead to the world when I get home I instantly thought about being dead when he came home. Even though I knew he ment in a deep sleep it made me go into this thinking about being dead and I cried about it and had a panic attack. Next was today the music community lost one of the greatest singers either houston and I had phone calls after phone calls from friends and family wanting to talk about it. True enough I loved whitney and her music and movies but I found myself saying omg am I next?  I didn't want to talk about it I tried to look it up on the net as to how she passed but couldn't read it because I felt myself going into a panic. I can't listen to sad very slow music can't talk about sad or bad things with anyone because I get shaky and scared like whatever it is is gonna happen to me. I don't know if this is anxiety or am I on the verge of going crazy? Had anyone else dealt with this? I know this may find crazy but I'm am in a sad mod with all this. I feel alone I try to explain this to my fiance along with all my other symptoms but of course because he himself is not dealing with it its hard for him to understand. Please help.
25 Responses
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First off, stop, take a deep mental breath and relax, because you’re ok. This is normal. Ok, I know it’s not “normal” in the sense that this is how everyone feels normally, but it is normal in the sense that many people have felt this, or something similar to this for a period in their life.

The root of the problem is elsewhere, you’ve not really given enough details in your post to point you in the right direction – but it doesn’t matter, because if you wanted immediate help (which it sounds as though you do) you’ll need to go to a counsellor. Go to your family doctor, explain your symptoms, the panic attacks, anxiety, the predisposition with death, and ask for a referral to a mental health professional to help you to resolve your problems.

The doctor in addition to this may prescribe some mood stabilising drugs which could help you in the immediate period of time before your counselling can help. There is no shame in taking medication of this type, you’re currently undergoing a chemical imbalance, which will be a cocktail of many things from cortisones to hormones to anything else wonderful and terrible chemical gubbins our bodies use for different things. The medication may help to chill these out a bit until your able to get the problem under control yourself.

I had a period in my life very similar to yours a number of years ago. I too was overly concerned with death. I’d stop and watch people breathing when they were asleep, scared they might stop – now thinking back it feels like a different person, and it is really.

Back then I was rather depressed, I was unemployed, living with my parents, I had no friends – I had many problems which I didn’t realise, it was just “life” to me. It was only after a period of time, a period of healing where I had to make some decisions to shape my life towards something I found more rewarding, that my brain was more occupied by happier and healthier things – those things can be anything, new friends and relationships, new jobs, college courses, training courses, voluntary work. It all depends what’s right for you.

To reiterate, going to your GP, getting a referral to a counsellor will instantly make you feel better, knowing that there’s someone who is going to help you will take some of the weight from you. With the help of the counsellor you’ll be able to discover and make some changes to your life which will enable you get better and feel more positive about life.

I’VE been there, YOU’RE there, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people have been there (and will be there in the future) you’re not alone, you’re starting your path to improvement today. Go see your doctor as soon as possible, before the weekend if you can.
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We can all chat together,if u guyz are on bb here's my pin 25e202de,xoxo
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I tel u meds work very well for this,talk to your doctor n he wil prescribe,meds wil bring u out of depression and anxiety and once u are happy,you can neva be obssesed with thoughts of death,you wil only think of it normally like others,I tel you,you wil be fine,also nothing works better than prayers,communicate wit God n undergo fasting,cos wen you fast you feel weak tired and hungry and you see  yourself thinkin of food,you won't even have time to think of death,meditate on God's word day and night,sing praises at all times,you wil be fine I promise,cos it worked for me,pray with every part of ur body,wish you all the very best
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1691630 tn?1329366215
You are very welcome, you deserve kind words! =) I can tell how hard you are trying from what you are saying, and trying is half the battle. Just keep trying and you will conquer this, I promise you. It is just a terrible cycle, that a lot of people end up going through, and it's rough, but eventually most cycles come to an end, it just takes us stopping it. Things will get better, hang in there. =) Thanks for being so nice as well!
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Aww that was very sweet of you to say.. I'm trying very hard. And its reading up some but its moving very slow.. You having faith I'm me makes me keep pushing because I didn't have ut in myself at first. Your awesome hun. I'm having an ok morning just know its gonna be hard when its really time to get up if I can't get atleast another few hours of sleep.. Thanks hun for your wonderful words of encouragement..

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1691630 tn?1329366215
I am doing wonderful, how are you?=) I know exactly what you mean, once you get something in your head, it is SO hard to get it out. Anxiety really does suck, but you WILL conquer it. I have faith in you!And you are right, hope can and will do the same =). Hope is a very powerful thing, never loose it. Thank you!
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Hello hun. How are you? You know what? I do know this and i know what people have going on with them is what could change your life. But its hard as you may know having anxiety you get in your own head and its hard to get out. But i now have a great frind on here that is such a big help. Gives me hope that i can beat this. I am trying to fight this everyday and its hard as heck but im gonna fight til its gone and im better. Hope can and will do the same.

Hope you and everyone else have a better day today then yesterday
Thanks for responding.
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Oh trust me God heard you and sometimes hun to be honest. Crying has helped me. It gets that feeling out of you. I wish you could not let this consume you being in your room for 6 days is not gonna help. Like you said you are getting bord and you have to try to get up and get out. I know its hard but you should just try to. Find a hobbie that makes you happy and see if that helps. You could message me if you like im not on here all the time but enough to chat if you need to. I really do hope you fight this it took me a while to get out my bed and come out my room and you could too hun. It just will have to be because you want to.

Im here if you need to talk. Cntbreal. Please just try. and dont forget that crying sometimes helps to.
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1691630 tn?1329366215
Hi! Wow, I am so glad you posted this, because I was experiencing the exact same thing today with reading about Whitney!I thought, since she died, than I was going to probably die. I have has extreme anxiety since 7th grade, (I am now 22), and have finally started to find answers. I find with things like death, to realize that just because it happened to her, does not mean it will happen to you. She died from doing too much cocaine, and who knows what else, so you don't have to worry about the same happening to you. Just try to stay healthy, and you will be fine =). Try to stop the thoughts and focus on something happy. I usually try to watch a movie that makes me happy, or a show that makes me happy, to get my mind off of death--otherwise it consumes me. Sorry you are experiencing this, it *****. Here is a website that might also help you with the anxiety--
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Went to ENT he said I don't have problem in my ears. I'm taking Serc for dizziness, but its weird I'm still dizzy,:( I might do a blood sugar test. Right now I feel dizzy and shaky. :( I wanna cry out loud! Been in my room for 6 days.I'm bored and everything.
I'm always put in my mind that 'Lord I can do this' I hope God would hear me. 'Cause I want to be happy again...xx
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Went to ENT he said I don't have problem in my ears. I'm taking Serc for dizziness, but its weird I'm still dizzy,:( I might do a blood sugar test. Right now I feel dizzy and shaky. :( I wanna cry out loud! Been in my room for 6 days.I'm bored and everything.
I'm always put in my mind that 'Lord I can do this' I hope God would hear me. 'Cause I want to be happy again...xx
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Hello hun, im sorry to hear about your struggle with this. I am in a state now where i am trying to fix this i too want my life back but we have to make sure we work at it and its gonna be hard but it i have seen and heard can be done. Are you on any meds? And also have you seen any other Drs, like behavorial? They are helping me now. And it is in our heads and it makes it come on to physical symptoms. Have you been checked for other things or are you just trying to work out the anxiety? This anxiety is very hard to deal with and you have to want to make it better if not we will stay like this and we wont get better.. I hope you get better hun and if you ever want to talk im here..
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Hi guys I think I'm suffering anxiety, been in for 1 week coz I'm always dizzy,imbalance feels like I'm goin to faint any moment. I was diagnosed anxiety back 2010, and now I don't know why but  my anxiety strikes back last jan.31 2012. :( now I can't go out, I feel so lonely,I'm only 25, :( my mom says its all in my mind, need help guys, I want my life to be normal :(
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Hi guys I think I'm suffering anxiety, been in for 1 week coz I'm always dizzy,imbalance feels like I'm goin to faint any moment. I was diagnosed anxiety back 2010, and now I don't know why but  my anxiety strikes back last jan.31 2012. :( now I can't go out, I feel so lonely,I'm only 25, :( my mom says its all in my mind, need help guys, I want my life to be normal :(
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Hi guys I think I'm suffering anxiety, been in for 1 week coz I'm always dizzy,imbalance feels like I'm goin to faint any moment. I was diagnosed anxiety back 2010, and now I don't know why but  my anxiety strikes back last jan.31 2012. :( now I can't go out, I feel so lonely,I'm only 25, :( my mom says its all in my mind, need help guys, I want my life to be normal :(
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Yes you said it right it is like a big deep black hole and it keeps getting deeper and deeper. You know how they say its a light at the end of the tunnel. I almost feel like it is but its a train comin for my behind. (that was a lil anxiety humor) Aww no thats sad hun sorry for that being said to you. But i have this friend that told me i want pitty from people because im going through this and i wont get it. Which is crazy because i dont want pitty i just want this gone. But i know its here and as long as it is i have to find a way to adjust to life like this and continue to live and not let it ruin me more then it already has. If you would like to we could continue to chat because i know how you feel. Hope tomorrow is a better day for all of us.. LOVE AND ROCKETS HUN!!!!
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Thanx but even I can't see any way out from it...it looks like a deep hole and I think I going deeper and deeper by everyday:(
I'm so helpless...even now if I make any suggestion or comment anything about some one my hubby laughs n says u gone mental that put n down too
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Yes i know i need to but its so hard to. Life has changed in some crazy ways i just have to wrap my head around it. Hope you get better also...
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I'm suffering with anxiety since I was 14 wen my dad died but till last 7months I ve got skip beats, dizziness nausea, shaky legs pain in chest n left arm, n I ve been to emergency 2 times,
Yes I'm married n I ve one baby who Is 11 months old,
I know even me waiting for a magical cure but very deep inside me I know that the cure is inside me...I can't tolerate any stress,I hate googling cuz It always make me more anxious...
And yes u've to go out on grocery, go out to shopping dnt sit home that gona make u more Bad Hun,my problem is that wen I was 11 and My dad was very ill n he gone to a fortune teller and I was with him , that man asked who is this little girl my dad said she is my daughter then he said stop her chicken, my dad said ok I'll stop her chiken but why?then he repliEd stop her chiken cause she might ve heart issues in future...so that thing is still in my mind somewhere and weneva I ve panic attack It seems like heart attack I can't get that thing out from my mind :(
I want to live I want more kids I want to enjoy my life but I can't this anxiety is in every second of my life
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Oh hun our mind is way more powerful then we know. Which may sound crazy but it's so true. I'm in the process now of just going thru the motions I mean I go to work because I know that's what I have to do to take care of my family but I don't want to. I never thought I would be literally afraid to go to the grocery store but I am there is a sense if feeling like I'm gonna have an attack and no one will be able to help. So my fiance had to go alone which is not all good. But not all bad either. We have to find a way to great this hun life is waiting for us to live it and not let it pass us by. I wish I could just find that miracle cure to stop this.. How long have you suffered from this? Are you married do you have kids? I'm engaged with one son 4 year old.
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I know hOw u feel love, even I shout at my baby n this sensation that I feel after shouting freaks me out n my brain is so clever that it tells me that the sensation u felt can damage ur heart n yes u r rite in sep I had panic attack n it tOok me 2days to get up from bed cuz I thought I'm dying,I can't laugh I can't feel excitment I can't feel sad cuz these all feelings takes me to a panic attack I'm so fed up of this :(
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I know h
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2017105 tn?1333655165
Hey hun. I wish I could let this go. It just came on all of a sudden. I am so into my own head it's crazy. I mean I can't even focus sometimes. I didn't know anxiety was like this. And the only help I see for us is meds or talking to someone. I do see other people saying what help them like mediating and yoga. But what happens when you are not doing those things. I have ask kind of meds but like you I don't believe in taking them. For a fear of addicting to them. My first panic anxiety attack was christmas eve and I tell you the truth when I say it took me up to three days ago to get over it. Which more I'm not good but the feelings have calmed down. I feel like everyone I great out see sadness our anything dealing with death I'm during our fearing I'm next. This should not be life. I pray everyday and have a connection with good but I can't seen yo get out of my own head. Why using anyone searching for a cure for us. In just that short amount of time this thing has taking over my life. Atleast thats how I feel. I hope we can't fight this thing.
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Will I ever b ok like I used to b?I'm trying everything to calm myself but nothing working i dnt believe in meds
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