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Tapering off prozac having major side effects

I have been on 20mg of prozac scince may of 2006. 5 weeks ago I decided to taper off taking 20mg and 10mg on alternating days. I was fine until about 3 days ago. now I have uncontrollable crying, a creepy crawling sensation and find my self having a lump in throat and having trouble breathing. I saw a hollistic doctor and he said it is withdrawl symptoms. i was under the impression that prozac isnt that bad especially at such a low dosage. can anyone tell me how long this will last. I want it to get better but it is like i am obbessing about it and it is making it worse. PLEASE HELP
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Hi There, I came off Prozac 20mg per day cold turkey, VERY bad idea, 6 months later i had to go back on it for the sake of my teenager.

I will one day taper down over roughly a nine month period, i'm starting my research now about doing it properly this time. So 2 things i know, the book coming off Prozac is suppose to be good and There is a programme called The Linden Method, by Charles Linden, I haven't got it yet but i will when i've money, check out the youtube messages about how it's helped people. It's for server anxiety but has cured depression too, but in many cases depression is due to excessive anxiety.

I'll be in touch
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they are ABSOLUTELY withdrawl symptoms.  I just finished a LONG 9 month process of tapering off prozac and am FINALLY a normal, happy person.  I had to go through hell to get here though.  Read the book- The Antidepression Solution by Joseph Glenmullen, MD.  It totally helped me put together a personal plan.  I also worked with a naturopath, yoga healers, counselors, etc. through this journey.

I was on 40 mg a day for 20 years and had tried to taper off unsuccessfully multiple times.  My depression symptoms came back and I thought it meant I needed to be on this.  Actually, our brains become dependent and produce less and less serotonin on their own, so you have to build that back up.  Google increasing serotonin to find suggestions- for me it was DAILY exercise, fresh air, nature, meditation, finding things that bring me joy, fruits and veggies, sleep, etc...  You have to RETRAIN your brain to product more serotonin.

good luck!!
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Thank you for your post - has helped me immensely knowing there is a way.
Me too, I have slowly tapered off Prozac for months, but it seems I have hit some sort of threshold and the -withdrawal-effects seem to be showing, I have high levels of anxiety, low motivation ect. It is a bit overwhelming thinking how long it might take to feel better and like normal, but I really want to try and be rid of these drugs once and for all...
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There are serotonin receptors in other parts of the body, like bones. I have been on for 24 years, bad arthritis now with no family history of it and no athletics when I was young. I'm going off of it in the hope that it helps. Will be careful to titrate down VERY slowly. Talking g to my doc today.
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Hi! Linda 175, in the 80's I didn't know what I had I stay at home for a few months, until I was watching a show from Gary Collins that I watch once in a while and a doctor started to talk to a woman and ask her what are your symptoms and she said I feel anxiety I feel like I'm going to faint and have a panic attack so many different feelings, I am afraid to leave my house, and so on.... at that time I was surprise and I scream and I said that's me there's people like me with the same feelings so the doctor told her you are going to be OK! what you need to do is tell your husband to take you to a book store and buy a book by Dr,Claire Weekes name "Simple, effective treatment of Agoraphobia". So when my husband got home I told him we need to go to a book store and buy this book, so I did. before I went .to 2 or 3 doctors and they didn't know what I had, so I read my book and a few weeks I was feeling better  , this Phobia doesn't have a cure buy it does have a treatment and you just have to do it, it will help you or anybody with depression, anxiety, fears, panic attacks. I understand that they don't have this book but they have a tape, also Dr. Weekes has" Hope and help for your Nerves" and Peace from nervous suffering" I hope this can help you. I wish you well. Lady 1351
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Hi! tell your husband to go to a Book store and buy a couple of books from "Dr. Claire Weekes" Hope and help for your Nerves" and Peace from nervous suffering" these books help me a lot. She was a great Dr. also when I suffer from  Agoraphobia in the 80" I bought her Book "Simple ,effective treatment of Agoraphobia" today they only have a tape for this one. All of this will help your anxiety,panic attacks, depression, feelings of fear, you have to have discipline and Faith. Everything has a cure, put your mind to it,( except Agoraphobia) I been  doing great because I apply all I learned from my book. I loved and I admired Dr. Weekes all these years, I hope this can help you! Lady1351
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I tapered off 40mg over 4 months, as advised.  Now, 4 months along the line, I'm getting anxiety attacks, am paranoid and have moments of hopelessness.  I am doing all my CBT activities to turn this around, but I never expected this.  I should be really happy as, at last, my husband has retired and we are now able to do more together, but I'm putting a blight on this....am really angry at times.  I'm now changing my diet as well as mind exercises and trust this will get me through.
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whats your email?
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I was on and off Prozac for more than 10 years and my only apparent side effect was sexual dysfunction. Not a small thing, but compared to the depression, panic attacks, sleeping problems, and anger I experienced without Prozac, I was okay with the dysfunction--for awhile.  Decided to wean off and did it gradually.  I was only on 10mg, but experienced electrical-shock like feelings in my head (brain?) that were very strange.  Years later I found out my depression, anxiety, etc. had nothing to do with my state of mind.  I had Lyme disease coupled with hereditary hemochromatosis (iron overload), both very common diseases that usually go undiagnosed (or are misdiagnosed, in the case of Lyme--I tested negative on the standard tests.).  I learned that anger issues are so prevalent in Lymies that it has been given its own name: Lyme rage.  Moral of this story: It is not always in your head.  
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Exactly. I was diagnosed with ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. After years of meds and therapy not doing a thing, I found out I had a protein deficiency causing my symptoms. My levels were that of someone in their 80's and I'm in my 20's. Increasing my protein improved my concentration and stabelized my mood.
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I was on and off Prozac for more than 10 years and my only apparent side effect was sexual dysfunction. Not a small thing, but compared to the depression, panic attacks, sleeping problems, and anger I experienced without Prozac, I was okay with the dysfunction--for awhile.  Decided to wean off and did it gradually.  I was only on 10mg, but experienced electrical-shock like feelings in my head (brain?) that were very strange.  Years later I found out my depression, anxiety, etc. had nothing to do with my state of mind.  I had Lyme disease coupled with hereditary hemochromatosis (iron overload), both very common diseases that usually go undiagnosed (or are misdiagnosed, in the case of Lyme--I tested negative on the standard tests.).  I learned that anger issues are so prevalent in Lymies that it has been given its own name: Lyme rage.  Moral of this story: It is not always in your head.  
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But debaser - you are giving medical advice and you are not a doctor. There are definitely withdrawal symptoms going off any drug like this. Each person reacts differently.
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Hi everyone! I have recently been able to kick Prozac with the help of some amazing supplements, exercise and eating whole foods. Would love to help anyone interested in trying a different approach to depression, anxiety and also getting off of a antidepressants! Email me - ***@****
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Hi.. I really need help with my situation!  I'm 16 and was on 20mg of prozac for 2 years. I had slight dizziness for a few weeks at the start but after that I felt so much less anxious and was happy. 6 weeks ago I noticed that I had bald patches on my head. I saw a doctor and they were panicked and said it was definitely the prozac that caused it, and asked me to start tapering off. In the space of 2-3 weeks, I was off it completely after reducing dosages every week or so. The past 3 weeks have been awful with dizziness and anxiety - because it all happened so fast I didn't stop to think about the withdrawal symptoms that might occur.
So 2 days ago I finally got an appointment at the dermatologist, and he Iimmediately said that it was not the prozac that had caused the hairloss, it was alopecia. So I'm now very annoyed because I have stopped the medication for no reason and am still very dizzy, with gcse's coming up and 2 days till holiday. I decided today that I would start taking 5 mg a day (liquid fluoxetine), with the hope that it may stabilise my depression and dizziness but hopefully not cause more dizziness in itself. Have I made the right choice?? I just want to stop the dizziness before school starts again. Surely taking such a small amount cant make it any worse,  can it?
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Welbutrin is the sweat culprit.  I've never experienced anything like it, and one of my sons and my oldest daughter had the same thing happen to them.  We just couldn't stand it.  IT IS HORRIBLE.  If you already have anxiety, especially if you are BP, it seems to just makes things much worse.  Remeron (Mirtazepine) has turned out to be the magic anti-depressent for us.  You take it at night because it is sedating, but we BPers need all of the sleep help we can get.  We also take a low dose of Prozac never more than 20mg (in the dreary winter days) and often less, to help.
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I like yourself went from 20mg to 40 to 60mg then after 3 yrs decided i come of Fluoxetine myself i reduced to 40mg for a week had headaches and a little bit of unsteadiness.
So week 2 reduced to 30mg taking 40mg one day and 20 the next.............following week 20mg then off, I had to return to 20mg every other day for a week because of awful nausea and vomitting.
Head alot clearer now memory improved and concentration good i have returned to work as an RMN i required the treatment at the time and thankful for it but on reflection i went through 3 yrs like a robot. Good luck to you all
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I have the same problem. I'm 30 days off prozac and the dizzy withdrawal symptom is what's killing me. I got on for anxiety not depression. Im only on xanax now but my anxiety is worsening. i don't want to be on anti-depressants anymore (it's been 10 yrs.) and I just want to get through these gnarly withdrawals of dizziness and irritation. I noticed you wrote this over a year ago and I'm wondering what happened for you. Did you make it off anti-depressants? How long did the withdraw take? I know I need to get off the xanax next but I need to get through this first...
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3677155 tn?1347850537
I have a history of bad depression an the doc had me on the fluoxetine for about 2 weeks then I made a mistake of drinking a redbull and I had bad side effects. I went numb from head to toe couldnt move could hardly breath an my nervers were so shot I shook. my legs hurt and now that Im not taking it I have been off it for a week and I get trimmors my hole body feels like its on fire I get musel cramps pains every where still have trouble breathing from time to time get confused and forgetful. I know this cant be normial side effects from comming off the fluozetine and Im afraid to take any other kind of anti depressent for fear of it happning to me with the next one. should I be afraid to take a diffrent one.
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I would suggest you look into DoTERRA Essential Oils.  They are helping me get off Prozac in a natural way.   They help with mood elevation, plus all sorts of physical ailments as well as emotional.  Just google the problem and put doterra in the line and things will come up that you can use to help.  It isn't a hoax.  The oils are CPTG which means Certified Pure Therapeautic Grade and the only CPTG oils out there.  They really do work.  I take them in the vitamins, drops in a capsule and topically as well as in water.  I use them in my toothpaste, shampoo, facial products and soap.
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1888632 tn?1321041675
I was on SSRI's for 7 years.  The first 3 years Zoloft and the last 4 years I was on Prozac.  I was on 40 mg prozac until August.  Then I tapered to 20 mg for a month.  Then I quit.  This was 2 months ago.  I have been alright most of the time, but about once a month I have a week where I have a hopeless despair  feeling and it is really starting to wear on me.  This is similar to the emotions that I had that prompted me to start taking SSRIs in the first place.  So, this makes me confused.  Is it side effects of coming of the drug or is it depression?  I really don't know.  I don't want to be dependent on drugs, but, man, these mood swings are unbearable.  What should I do?
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I feel for you overcoming addiction is extremely difficult i am still only 45 days prozac free and symptoms are still worsening. Anxiety is my problem but now depression is extremely bad due to withdrawal.
I got addicted to lorazepam and went cold turkey. Went through month of extreme anxiety and aggression, and that was only after 8 months use.
Never go cold turkey you are more likely to fail than not. benzos can definitely  worsen anxiety long term.
It took me a very long time to realise there is no such thing as a free lunch.
You must batton down the hatches and be prepared to weather an awful storm. Friends and family are important, as is sun and exercise, and simply knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel can help. I also found cognitive therapy helpful.
Everyday i question my decision to stop prozac as withdrawal worse than my benzo withdrawal, but i owe it to me to try to live drug free after a not so successful ten years on SSRIs.
Unfortunately in my experience the longer you are exposed to drugs the worse the eventual withdrawal but a slow taper helps.
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I had typed a long comment to you but it got deleted somehow. I have been on what they called Librium for over 20 years. The first seventeen I did not take it that much as I stayed home for 17 years with my children. I just quit my job because I started having physical problems and blamed it on my medication as for the last year and a half I have been taking at least 3-4 times a week. I hate taking medication as I have had problems with anti biodics. I am afraid to go cold turkey but I am also afraid to take the valium that the doctor just prescribed for me because it is in the same family as the other drug. I wish there were other things to take that don't hurt you while you are trying to overcome their anxiety.
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I'm 18 and I was on and off (with doctor controlled weening dosages) 40mg of prozac for 4 years and just a few weeks ago I quit cold turkey (I was aware of what I was doing at the time) because I was really pissed off at the time with my dependency and didn't really care what the side affects were. During the time where I was about to quit, more than once, I vainly took 160mg of it at once, but now I'm off of it completely.
I'm experiencing horrible flashes of dizziness whenever I stand where it almost feels like everything is in slow motion for a split second and my head feels like it is almost detached from the quick movements of my body. And also the tingling and twitching in my feet whenever I sleep is still there, and has been ever since I started taking it.

I just want to let anyone know who may stumble across this, that these kind of drugs, even when dispensed properly, messes with you. I'm no doctor, but I can assure you that it can't be good what it is doing to your brain-4 years ago my doctor showed me diagrams of the brain and how it works-it messes with the chemicals in your brain (obviously). But what I'm saying is that given the side affects all mentioned on here, I think it is far more better for you to just work the depression out naturally. I know I sound like a hypocrite, but this is just looking back in retrospect and giving something to think about.
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kauai1013 ,

I did the "by-the-book" and slowly tapered off prozac for 7 months. Now that it is completely out of my system for 7 wks now, it has been a very rough month and a half. Panic attacks, crying, end-of-the-world feelings. How long did that last for you once you got off completely?
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I have used antidepressants for 10 years am coming off them due to long term damaging side effects. Let me make clear there is no scientific evidence to support the theory of chemical imbalance. This is pure marketing hype and speculation which i for one fell for. In fact there there is more evidence to the contrary that it causese chemical imbalances. Refer doctor Peter Breggins site
Also categorically denying long term damage is irressponsible, as studies that led to the approval of antidepressants rarely run for more than 6 weeks. Look up antidepressants and  tardive dyskensia, Tardive dysphoria which are but a few long term problems.
In light of potential problems and side effects you should know that antidepressants are barely better than placebo the science does not support there effectiveness. refer" Your drug may be your problem". Peter Breggin md and David Cohen phd. For other long term side effects i suggest you read Joseph Glenmullens"Prozac Backlash".
Im am not advocating eveyone stop antidepressants but i am advocating people to separate fact and fiction so they can make a truly informed decision. Pharmaceutical companies will go to extraordinary lengths to promote use of antidepressants such as failing to report negative drug trials. For more on there manipulative methods i recommend you read David Healey mds book "Let them eat prozac: the unhealthy relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and depression".
I simply wish people were fully informed to make there own decision which i was not 10 long years ago. I would not have been stuck on antidepressnts for so long if i had also known of the severe withdrawals they can induce. I was brain washed by doctors into thinking it was the "disease" relapsing. What disease? Can you test for it, can you cure it, no!
When you get well it is thanks to a drug when you get worse its because of your disease. from "Your drug may be your problem". This shows the mentality that kept me and countless others in a vicious cycle of taking more and more drugs on a so called medical experts whim.
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