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Weird sensations in head.

I'm new to the boards looking for support.Ive hade undiagnosed  anxiety sense I was in my teens.I'm 26 135lbs 5'8.Only other health problems is skipped beats(PAC) Holter monitor caught them.Was working in stadium hosted Rodeo's,roping,horse shows,etc (dusty and dirty).Was working in heat doing some carpentry work using woodfinisher(stain),polyurathan.Not shure if there cause of my problems or helped cause.Shortly after thats when my symptoms begin.I feel woozy sensations like my brains shakes for a sec. accompanyed by nausea,floating feeling while walking was worse at first.A slight head pressure like a books on top of my head at times.Lightheaded like my heads full of blood or not getting enough oxygen to brain.I get these tingly feeling in my head,shoulders, and arms.Not the same tingly u get when your arms asleep more like a rush of energy to my arms and shoulders makes me feel unsteady while standing.I have been to ER 3 times CT normal accept slightly clogged sinus.Blood work and all other workup normal.I also get these weird sensations in my nose maybe my sinuses feels like blood is rushing to my nose.No vertigo no syncope yet.Blood pressure is usually normal but at last ER doc says it was marginal.Been to volunteer clinic because I'm poor they are in a long (mounth and a half now)process of getting me a an apointment for nuero in OKC.3 mounths of these symptoms coming and going and my anxiety is at an all time high.I'm in fear of my symptoms.Only time they dont accure is when showering,driving, and playing my guitar.Looking for answers.
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as sad as it may sound we are all suffering from depression enexity it such evil deases but this what happenes when we stress and we don't talk about it or release it I've had heart surgery for svt when I was 25 and now I'm suffering from depression and enexity it never ends we all just have to be strong and put ourselves in happy place do things that make u happy try natural medicines I'm not natural medicines there amazing one is st john wart natural anti drepresant and there a lot of black mores vitiums that have for enexity depression anti drepresants should always be.last resort I took anti drepresant 14 days I was in hospital because of side effects so please u have be strong mentally when u feel ur having thoughts or pain discomfort just say to yourself I'm going. to be ok the mind is so powerful how it can take over us physically mentally I'm so happy that I've rryes natural way if any of u suffering from muscle tension please go and do aucopuntre it fantastic from first time u get results my was that bad I was screaming from pain yoga excellent for panic attacks and depression
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I've had similar feelings in my head.. My temples hurt at times but noticed its from my jaw unconiously tightening.. And I've gotten the lighter headed feeling.. Where you feel like your floating but aren't and get the sakes like I'm cold but nit it just feel flush like I'm warm as hell .... just thought I was crazy but feel better knowing people get the same and it that there might be some differences with others at times.
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I have suffered from anxiety for 2 years, ever since i was pregnant with my second baby. I started getting strange sensations in my head, mainly on the right side, almost feels like a tugging or pressure behind my right eye, and sometimes it will go towards the back or top of my head, also i have a tender spot close to my right temple. I also have TMJ, so i am hoping that that is why i have that spot that is tender. I went to the doc and finally got medication about a week ago, but it is not agreeing with me very well, makes my stomach have knots in it, even when i do eat with it. When i have anxiety attacks most of the time it will hit me all at once, in the evening. I will feel like i cant take a deep enough breath, cant swallow, and just an out of place feeling. I am so tired of feeling like this! I just want to live me life and not worry constantly about everyone else and myself. The past couple of nights i have been positive that i have a brain tumor, but dont want to go to the doctor because i am pretty sure they will think i am crazy! Anxiety runs in my family, my mother and both sisters have it, and one sister is convinced she is a hyprochondriac. Does anyone have any advice, should i have an MRI to make sure everything is ok? Or just let it go?
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I've been free of depression and anxiety for quite some time now. Fear is the catalyst of both. It start a process with your body generating all the chemicals used in fight or flight and over a period of time this exsposure to those chemicals makes you sick and more prone to anxiety and depression. Xanax over time causes similar symptoms that it is supposed to relieve. How do I know ? Because I went through it and you can too! Stay the course with your doctor,but your mind was made to heal itself. Think on these things..
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159727 tn?1356513483
I feel the same as most of you... afraid all the time.. numbness, weird head pains for 3-30 seconds.. numbness, panic attacks, feeling like im going to die.

Constantly worried that im gunna die...

Ive spent my life savings over the past 2 years trying to get an answer, to no avail, and now I am broke..

They suggested it was all in my head, and i went to a counceler, and he said that i wasnt crazy...

Then i see people who say "dont brush it off as anxiety, keep searching"

But maybe that's the anxiety talking... "It cant be just my nervousness"?

I did alleviate my chest pain symptom my cutting out citrusy things and carbonated beverages. No tomatoes or tomato products.. No pop or sparkling drinks.

It *****, but the chest pains are not worth it.

Now im dealing with the random pains and nervousness :|

I dont know. Im scared all the time of dying.. It really.. really.. ***** :|
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I've had this for 2 months too, it feels like cold water is being sprayed onto my head, it feels hot and cold sometimes but I think it's connected to my neck and when that hurts it's sore but  I used to have anziety attacks for years and also benign arithmia (missing heartbeats) and this always happens just before christmas because I get so excited, I thought it was satsumas but I haven't had any this year, it must be anxiety but the good thing is I was worried I had a brain tumour so now I know it's anxiety I can relax a bit.
All the BEST people get anxiety, that's what I think, my sensitive friends are the best, think of that when you feel anxious, it's ONLY happening because you are lovely! Julie x
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