655242 tn?1229472744

Why is it I feel fine and then all a sudden...bam

I was actually having a good day...not once today did I have any weird things happen that made me search the net for symptoms.  Then all of a sudden I came home from shopping and bam...sudden nausea and tingling on one side of my body in face arm hand and foot...then of course I felt short of breath.  Of course I immediatly thought TIA or stroke and started on the web (well I take that back, first i took a xanax then I started on the web)  I feel a little better now but the tingling in my face and arm are not totally gone.  Why is it that anxiety just happens out of the blue like that????  

I know it is mostly anxiety otherwise the xanax would not make it better.  Just dont understand why I cant just be normal again.  Everyday I tell myself I dont know if I can make it another day...of course I do make it but I feel like I can't.  It is interefering with my whole life!!!!  Really aggravating.

19 Responses
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655242 tn?1229472744
I have been taking 800mg ibeprofen for like 3 weeks straight now so I think I need to lay off the headache meds for a little while.  

I did have a baby but I did worry about stuff when I was pregnant.  

You give wonderful advice and you are very uplifting...I did have a great day today but now my lower back is killing me and not sure why.  Trying to ignore it and just sit on a heating pad so hopefully that will make it go away!!!

Thanks again...oh and I did treat myself today...I went to the tanning bed...it was nice!!!!
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Whenever you get a headache or anything is sore, just take a headache tablet.  Headache is a symptom of anxiety, so is tingling in various body parts, nausea, sweating, etc etc.

You were probably pregnant at some stage - did you worry about what your body was going through then to create a little baby?  You obviously had to give birth as well, and I'm sure that was scarier than a few tingling sensations.

Get yourself back into the gym - exercise is the best thing for anyone who suffers from stress/anxiety.  Yoga is great too. Take the dog for a walk if you have one, take your kids out for an icecram.  Treat yourself.

Make sure you give yourself something to feel proud of each day.  A success.  Something to give you reason to give yourself a good pat on the back - it can be the most simplest thing such as cooking a really great dish, starting / finishing a good book, doing a workout.

Get out there and starting enjoying life again.  

Today is going to be a great day!
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655242 tn?1229472744
Yeah I figured that was what it was...once I get on something else I will start to have those symptoms.  I quit working out because my headaches were getting so bad but you know what....I think I will work out tonight!!!!  

I try to laugh them off but I cant I try hard though.

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Did you know that all those things that you are feeling are just because you're scared that you might have a stroke.  Don't worry, nothing will come of it.  You'll cruise through the day and night, as always, and then you'll feel ok and then you'll get anxious again.... its a never ending story - but don't worry - I totally know how you feel.

I hope you're exercising and getting fresh air.  This truly does help in a big way.

Did you know that I've just been laughing off any weird feelings that I get.  I used to run  to the Dr with everything and then got sick and tired of simply doing this to myself. You need to calm yourself - all that is happening is that your brain is sending signals to your nerve endings and then your feeling the weird sensations and then you're getting yourself worked up over nothing.

If you were really going to have a stroke or a heart attack, believe me, you would not have the ability to sit in front of your computer.  

Have a look at this: www.livinglifetothefull.com

You might find it useful and it may give you something else to focus on.

Hope you feel better soon.
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655242 tn?1229472744
I am having a BAD day...actually my weekend was not great either.  I have tingling in my rigth foot and numbness in my right hand and the corner of my mouth on the right side feels numb too.  This has been off and on all weekend but has never totally gone away.  Freaks me out as usual since it is only on one side but taking some xanax does make it go away a little.  

I am trying my hardest to stay out of the ER!!!

Hope everyone else is having a better day than me!
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655242 tn?1229472744
The weight makes me feel worse...trust me.  I tried working out when I was on Zoloft and nothing made it go away.  My self esteem got bad and it was hurting my relationship with my fiancee and we ended up in counseling because of my issues.  

I did start Celexa 3 days ago but I am terrified of the weight gain!  I started on 5mg even though my doctor perscribed 20mg.  Hopefully I will benifit from it without gaining but we will see.  Right now it is only making my anxiety worse and it is giving me headaches so hopefully that will go away soon.

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Well...what's more important?  You feeling well or gaining some weight?  I've been on effexor xr for 6 years.  I put on 20 lbs. during these past 6 years.. I probably can blame maybe 5-10 lbs. of it on the med., but the rest is just pure enjoyment of life! .but you know what?  I am definetely more happy now than I was 6 years ago!  If you have an understanding partner and you are self confident...than shouldn't your happiness within yourself be the most important piece of the puzzle?  There are some meds out there that do not cause weight gain as a side effect also.  You may need to try another type.  Try not to let that side effect be the reason you do not want to help yourself.  Talk to your doctor.  YOU ARE WORTH IT!
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It makes me happy to read that we are all human and that we all experience the same problems in life.  The difference between people in this life is that some don't really care enough and just get on with it and then there are those like us, that analyse everything and care too much.  Anxiety sufferers all bear the same resemblances and are usually hypochondriacs as well.  We like to google illnesses and then basically diagnose ourselves with every possible disease - of course the more the better.  Its a never ending cycle!

One thing that I have learnt to accept as a human being on this planet, is that WE ALL DIE oneday and no one can change this very fact.  So since I accepted this fact, I have begun to live again.  Don't allow anxiety to ruin and control your life.  

Recently, like you, I got angry and fed up with this stupid anxiety feeling.  I got angry at myself for allowing myself to get into this mess in the first place.  I've just decided to take control, knowing full well, that only I can help myself.  You can too.  Give you kids the Mum they deserve.

All the best.

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Hi there

You need to stop getting yourself worked up and when you feel that you are starting to get yourself ina frenzy, just say the word STOP outloud to yourself - this works for me.  Another thing you need to do, is STOP checking the internet for diseases and illnesses.  I used to do that as well until I realised it wasn't helping me in any way.  

Getting over anxiety is simply about not being scared of that next weird feeling that you may experience.  As you very well know, you don't die of anxiety - its just your nerves being a little too sensitive.

Do as much excercise as possible, especially out in the fresh air.

Word of advice - get off the Xanax.  It will become a never ending trap and it will hurt your liver. You will end up relying on it - its just not worth it.  Have a look into natural therapy - valerin is great and works for me.  It's natural but it takes a little while before it kicks into your system.  Hang in there and learn to concentrate on the things that are beautiful in your life.

All the best.
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447939 tn?1235061943
hahaha you made me laugh A LOT with what you said to the doctor, at least you was telling the truth.
im glad your having a good day hun remember if you have a bad day think of the good ones x
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655242 tn?1229472744
That ***** you had such bead reactions to the meds.  Hopefully the Clonezapam is helping??  I just quit my Zoloft which is why I am having all this anxiety again but cant bring myself to take anything because I lost 20 lbs getting off the meds and I just dont want to gain it back and be fat again.  I am just taking the xanax now and it just does not last all day so now I am thinking about starting yoga.  Anyone tried yoga for stress and anxiety????

Sorry to hear about your sisters boyfriend that is horrible, I am guessing he was fairly young.  That always freaks me out too.  It freaks me out even when it is older people at my work that pass away or even people that are like 80 or 90 years old.  

I pray a lot too and your right it does help!!
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620004 tn?1227825306
Well I live in this lovely realm of anxiety with all of you!  LOL!  I hate it!  I am on Clonezapam and it seems to help, but am terrified of all the other meds.  I have had some bad reactions to like 5 of the other meds so I am stuck with this or nothing!  DAMN IT!  I can tell you that sometimes I feel like someone has lit a match under my skin!  It is just awful!  I am in therapy and it is helping a little, but I am still having a hard time!  My sister's boyfriend of ten yrs recently passed and of course that started me thinking I was dying all over again!  I hate this ****!  I pray a lot and it really seems to help me, but I just want it all to end!  I want to be normal!  I have 4 kids to take care of and it is just scary to feel like this all the time!  And I know that having anxiety in front of them will potentially cause them anxiety!  It is a vicous cycle that I need to find out how to end!  
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655242 tn?1229472744
My doctor asked me the other day how I handle stress...my answer...I smoke...A LOT.  She said no I mean what do you do to relax?  I said again I sit on my back porch and I smoke A LOT.  She did not think it was funny at all.  

I had another good day today...yay.  So hopefully I will be able to get through tonight without any anxiety attacks.

JeffreyG - I have Neuro appointment in Dec...I hope your test results come back good like you said.  Burning and tingling are pretty much usually from anxiety/stress...I get this all the time.  In fact my feet are tingling right now! LOL

Lupins - Hey thanks for your help...I agree it is like it is just waiting for a chance to come out and hit even when you dont expect it.  It is sneaky!!!
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447939 tn?1235061943
hahaha i smoke cigs too and drink too much alcohol, its funny how us hypochondriacs do bad things to our bodies!! i know its not a laughin matter seein as i do all the things that are bad for my heart,which is my anxiety at the moment and for our general anxiety, my friends tell me if i was so scared i wud give up my bad habits which is true but my bad habits are the things that relax me!!
as for meds i take beta-blockers i been on them for years, i just been prescribed anti-anxiety meds im scared to take them but i think its time to give them a go, get some therapy and some meds they work together
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581516 tn?1326073019
Hi there.  I have this theory; panic and anxiety are like these little weeds which grow between the sidewalk blocks or little cracks here and there.  They just need a little room to sprout, then kaboom!  Out they pop!  

Here's how it works: Sometimes I'm actually having a good day (exercise, socialize), thus my brain relaxes, stops standing guard, (creates an open space) and panic/anxiety find the space and show up!  I just "talk" to it, and say "oh there you are" "you can't grow here!"  Then, "rip them out of the ground" and plant them somewhere else.  Gives me a giggle if nothing else, which we all need.

Take care!
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Hi, this is also to a previous post u made....i have anxiety attacks off and on all my life, along with major migranes.....within the past 2 months i have had burning sensations througout my body...legs,arms, brain....,which causes additional anxiety.... but also during the past few months i have been under an enormous amount of stress....possible loss of job, selling house,  possibly moving halfway across the country....along with a few other issues.....anyway my neuro doc ordered new blood workups, but when i see him next week i have a feeling he'll say everything is normal......he's had me on Depokate, lyrica, and recently added clonzapam.....but took the Depokate away.......so will see what happens next week....anyway it is comforting for me that i am not the only one suffering.....but as of this point i have to beleive the burning/tingling sensations have got to do with my stress/anxiety issues..... hope u feel better...us know how it is
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655242 tn?1229472744
Thanks to both of you!!!

I think I need to see a therapist too...that sounds very helpful.  Funny thing is I smoke and have for 12 years yet I am so worried about all these illnesses and dropping dead suddenly.  I just cant seem to realize if anything is going to kill me it is going to be the cigs.  I really need to quit...I know it would make me feel better.

Do either of you take any meds for anxiety?  I just got off my zoloft because it had made me gain 20lbs and then all this anxiety started.  I REALLY dont want to take meds again but dont know how to control it on my own.
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447939 tn?1235061943
hi my therapist has been through this hundreds of times, its cause even though we aint thinking of pains, weird feelings etc our brains are so tuned in that every little odd feeling sparks off major anxiety.  have been through the stroke phase i swear one side of my body would go numb, tingly, i would sit for hours checking my reflexes to prove to myself it wasn an actual stroke and it never was it was just anxiety brought on by the fear of having a stroke.
the worst thing you can do is look up symptoms cause i guarantee the more you know about an illness the more you will get the symptoms, its a vicious circle
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308787 tn?1201681348
Hi laurin,
I know that fear, I also have times when I feel ok and then wham its back, I get horrible feelings in my head, I also get the tingles, it is all part of anxiety but we cant beleave anxiety causes all these awlful sensations that we get, hang in there laurin we are normal we just have an illness called anxiety, and like you I hate it.
take care
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