1580561 tn?1300889979

severe anxiety over fear of death

Okay, so I need serious help. I've been struggling with anxiety for about 2 years now, but it hasn't before been to the point it has gotten to now. I am starting to feel hopeless. I have extreme fears of death mostly anything heart related because I think its the most terrifying death imaginable, all i imagine is smothering and suffering and having life slip away. Life is something I have always valued so much, but recently I worry so much about potential death that i'm not actually living very well at all. I wake up every morning analyzing how I feel and I am NEVER at ease, there is always something wrong. It doesn't help that I recently contracted mono, which is leaving me with little to no energy. And of course, whenever I feel tired, dizzy or any type of strange, I take deep breaths to try to "get more oxygen to my brain". I have hyperventillated to the point of full body tingling 3 times, mostly because I feel like my shoulders, chest, and back are so tight and I start freaking out thinking I'm having a heart attack. I get really strange sensations in my body CONSTANTLY, quick pains in chest wall, shoulders, back, arms (mostly the left). Always over breathing, feel like somethings wrong if i can't get that full breath, my body just aches and I feel like total crap, unless I'm laying down or in some weird position, then I only feel like mild crap. I need someone to suggest a new way of thinking to me, this is ruining my life, which used to be so good. I get jolts of panic and panic attacks over all my aches, pains, pressures/tightness. I've had several EKGS, an ECG, blood tests and everything id always fine. The worst medical news I ever got was that I have mono. but even before that I never felt consistently normal. I even recently got a 24 hr holter moniter because sometimes I get palpitations that scare the hell out me when i'm just sitting there trying to live. The results of the monitor came back normal. No matter how many times I am told my heart is fine I am still terrified and every time I get a pain i revert back to believing a heart attack is possible. Im 20 and female and 110 pounds and I know how unlikely and ridiculous it is to dwell on that, its just a fear I can't shake because I have so many strange things that happen to me. Does anyone else have extreme tightness in their back chest, shoulders, and arms from anxiety? I feel like thats the main thing keeping me from shaking my fear, and keeping me in this cycle of panic.
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Read ur post. I am a disabled veteran iraq09. Can't tell u how much it's relieving to hear the same exact symptoms I have. Thought I had contracted some new terrifying disease that had been buried in sand for millenia. Have had every test imaginable and all clean and normal values. I do struggle with anxiety and knew about autonomic disruption symptoms which can be caused by anxiety just didn't think they were that prevalent. Stay strong ladies we will survive. Thank you again
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1172069 tn?1263760562
I came across this looking for help myself. I did not realize there were other people this happens to. I have heart palps. when they started years ago, it felt like an extra hard beat, then it stopped and for over 10 years I had really high blood pressure. Now, my blood pressure is supposedly good but I'm back to having heart palpitations. only this time, it feels like my heart is sinking in, instead of jumping or a large thump. I've had all of the tests also and other than a mitral heart valve regurgitation, there is nothing showing wrong. I have a lot of anxiety and I also hyperventilate to where it feels like needles in my body. I also have PTSD and a lot of time to think and to think of all that has went wrong. I also need to tell myself that this is something that is happening to my body right now because of all of the anxiety. Now, the only problem is my Dr. has lowered my anxiety med because he is afraid it could cause permanent memory loss because the med is causing it right now. I learned a lot from all of the advice you all gave and will have to keep in mind to trust my Dr's.  who have ran this test and perhaps, in my case, I need to figure if I am having spikes in my blood pressure. (which the Dr.s don't seem interested in finding out) Because a lot of times I'm feeling funny, it's not anxiety but I get real clammy and red and nauseous. I would feel better if I was on Blood Pressure medicine. I know I over react some because it's in our family DNA. My Dad had one massive heart attack and all of his siblings and My Mother has heart issues and very high cholesterol like I do. the more I talk, the more it sounds to me like it could inadvertently effect my heart. I guess I just need to find something to keep my mind off of it though and live no matter how long it is instead of waiting for another weird feeling. Thanks for all of you're posts. it helped.
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1867019 tn?1353467540
Wow...reading your post brings back so many memories. I have the same feeling on the left side. Tightness in my back and chest, pain on my left side. I've had several tests. I wore a halter monitor because of palpitations (everything was negative) I had a scope done and the docs seen how bad my palpitations were from the monitor I was on. My cardiologist said it was all because of my anxiety. It's so darn scary though!! I can't believe how crazy anxiety can make you feel. I've had it most of the day because of a stomach ache I have...
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is scary to think everyday when you first wake up, thinking your going to have a heart attack, ur scared to be somewhere where u know u wont get help if you do.. But relax, ur not going to have a heart attack,is all in ur head.. Ur mind is playing with ur feelings...
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I am suffering from  this frightening disease since last 6 years.
taking clonazepam, oscitallopram oxalate tabs.
but nothing seems to work.
I fear even leaving my home for work.
I always ensure thatt I am vey near to the best hospital .

Please help me how do i overcome this fear of having a heart attack all times.
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1580561 tn?1300889979
i do have a lot of time to sit around and think lately because I've been out of commission from mono. I did have a job about 2 months ago but I left because I needed to focus on college and also because I had a panic attack there once and didn't want it to happen everytime i was working. The things that trigger my anxiety are just my own worries about myself. everytime i feel the slightest weird it makes me really uncomfortable to be anywhere public. My grandfather died of a heart attack when i was very young but i dont think thats what started it. It started as a fear of fainting when I saw someone turn pale as a ghost and black out while talking about blood in a health class. I thought of how out of control that person must have felt and how scary fainting must be, so i started dwelling on that, and slowly it progressed into fear of heart attacks after 2 years went by and I have hyperventilated but never fainted. the thought still freaks me out though because i dont think fainting is normal and its the next scariest thing next to sudden death. I just have a really vivid imagination and an extremely powerful mind that has always tried to work against me. I try so hard to switch it to positive but the negative thoughts seem to win whenever i try to convince myself of anything. I always try to eat healthy the only thing i really dont do anymore is exercise, but its only been about a year since i did cardio, over the summer i actually did activities where i felt i worked out, its really just been these past months where i feel totally disgustingly sedentary and freaked out.
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1580561 tn?1300889979
It puts my mind at ease to know other people have been through this. I feel like I drive my family crazy with all of this. I do have a boyfriend who is very supportive and comforting but he goes to school hours away so our time together is limited, and talking over the phone isn't much help. I have an apartment of my own that I rarely stay at anymore because I feel safer with my parents at home. I know I'm stressing them out though and I just want to feel good and independent again, it kind of makes me ill to think that people worry about me, it makes me feel weak and embarrassed. Im so sorry to hear about what happened to your first husband, I cant even imagine that,I probably would have lost my mind, Im glad you found someone new though who supports you in the ways you need. As for the symptoms that you got while having fear of heart attacks, they are identical to mine, It makes me feel a little better to know this is just what my stressed out body does to itself, and not something devastatingly serious. I'm going to try to ignore the tightness, tension and pain and see if the less I freak out the better it gets, its just so depressing because I remember days where I woke up worry free, exercised in the day, enjoyed things. and when i think of how my body feels now I just can't imagine being like that again, but i know i have to try or else my quality of life will not be at its fullest. i tell myself once this mono goes away and i feel energetic again i will try more.
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1620360 tn?1318904630

How do you spend your days...work, school, etc? How much spare time do you have to just sit around and think? How much time do you spend alone?

I ask these questions because it's apparent that you are physically healthy. You've had tests and have been given a clean bill of health by medical professionals (people who have gone to many years of school to diagnose you), and technology today is better than ever. You really need to learn how to trust and believe in your doctor's diagnoses.

So now that you know deep down there is nothing wrong with your heart, that the fears you are having are unfounded, the only thing that is real is just that...your fear and thoughts that you have a heart condition. It's not that you have a heart condition--you have THOUGHTS that you have a heart condition, and that's the only thing that is real about your suffering.

That said, your thoughts are getting the better of you. You have to control your thoughts, right now, your anxiety is in control and you are on the losing end of the battle. The problem is, you haven't done anything to fight back except to keep feeding the anxiety.

Some things I would recommend--accept the fact that you suffer with health anxieties from time to time and when you recognize it coming on, remind yourself that you've been here before and each time it's been nothing.

What is triggering your anxiety? Did you have a loved one die of a heart attack? Are you googling symptoms constantly? Do you have too much idle time to think, allowing your mind to go from zero to heart attack in a matter of minutes?

Find something to keep your mind busy. Spend time with friends. Do all the things you know are good for your heart...exercise (start out moderately), eat healthy foods, and get a good night's sleep. These things will not only benefit your heart (which is already healthy by the way) but they will benefit your mind as well. That's really what is holding you back and the root of all your suffering. Set some goals for yourself and give yourself something to look forward to.

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212161 tn?1599427282
wow you sound just like i was, i was 21 when mine started and i waited every day to have the big heart attack. went to dr after dr , so scared , didnt want to be byself, didnt like going out side my home, was scared to be at home sometimes, always something, i started having pac/pvc and man they took me out i just know your heart cant beat like that and be normal. i was always going to er or drs and my hubby at time just didnt support me at all which made it worse.

anxiety can do so much to your body, your mind isso powerful it takes over if you let it and i did for a while, i woke up feeling strange everyday, i felt sick to stomack/heart paps/tingling in head/ears/face, arm hurt chest felt heavy/full. had air in chest all the time burps. felt like i could not get air. butve it checked out i was getting lots oxgen so they say.

i had to live i had two babys and they needed me, at one point i lost down to 85 pds because i didnt eat from health worry.  i was 23 when my husband died in my bed from a heart attack, yup here i thought i was dying from heart and it was him, who never got checked out. he had done lots drugs in his days and they said thats what caused his heart attack at such a young age. but man it didnt help me. now i was really alone with two small children. so scared to be byself. 6 months after he passed i meet the guy am marred to now, he was a GOD send, its been 27 years now and am still alive, yes i have had really bad weeks with paps of the heart , i had them twice now for 10 weeks straight no let up and over 3000 a day and felt everyone of them, no fun. but i have a great support , my hubby. he holds me when am scared . when hes at work if i can just talk to him i feel better.  so you need a support person you feel safe with.  i do know it you sit around and wait , its going to happen our mind knows you are and so it does and you will have strange things happen in your body only because we allow it to , we  cause it to happen even thought we say we are not.   so try and live each day. i started living again going out with my hubby and they seem to get better as the days went by. soon they were gone or just a few a year.   am having some now but been under family stress with my parent living with us and yes after all these years they are still scarey but i know they are not going kill me or i would been gone long time ago.  get all the test ran onheart so you will know its not your heart and if you have to take a small pill to get back on feet, i had to but came off in two weeks, dont live on them they are not good for you after awhile they cause problems to.  have someone you can really feel safe with thats the key, you need a support person who will be there for you , not tell you stop it its stupid. here id you need to talk.Barbara
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