649758 tn?1229841488

Harmfull effects of prednizone??

ive had asthma since i was two years old... prednizone is the main medicine im put on when I get sick and it helps.. What i was wondering is if it can affect my ability to get pregnant? I really want a baby havent gone to the doctor about this quite yet just wondering if that could be an issue.
3 Responses
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325405 tn?1262290178
I don't think it can.  I certainly was on it enough times and got pregnant.  I never took it during pregnancy though.  If you are actively trying to get pregnant, you should really check with your doctor to see if you should be on it (if you are currently taking it).  Also find out how long it has to be out of your system, ideally, before getting pregnant.  
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I know enough about prednizone that it would seriously injure a fetus. It is a steriodal pain reliever, normally given as a last resort to elderly people for pain. Just DO NOT suddenly stop, that very well is lethal. It is a very dangerous drug and you must be taken off gradually, (so u dont die) and then swith to a non-steroidal anti inflamatory, or NSAID like Aleve, Ibuprofen or Tylenol. Id reccomend getting a seccond opinion about the benneficial vs lethal effects of your prednisone. It is normally only prescibed for a week max. Jake
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144586 tn?1284666164
There is some evidence linking prednisone to birth defects. The low dose in the powder inhalers don't seem to have much risk to the fetus, however oral prednisone is something the baby would be better off without.
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