471161 tn?1317190950

Possible Asthma attack

I have a question.  I live in Houston Texas and we just had hurricane IKE come through here.  I have never had an asthma attack or been told I have any breathing problems but we had no electricity for three days and one night as we slept with the windows open I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air.  I felt like my lungs didn't want to take in any air.  Is it possible to have an asthma attack brought on by sleeping with the window open or from the weather?  I am a little concerned it may happen again and I am thinking I should ask my doctor for a bronciodialator (sp?) in case.  Thanks for any suggestions or information.
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I would say it is mold related because of all the moisture in the air. I live in Houston too but I think the stress from it all made my asthma worse. I would talk to your doctor about it, or your allergist and see a pulmonologist if it persists. Good luck and keep in the a/c.
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I would get checked out by an allergist and a pulmanologist unless  your allergist also specializes in asthma.  Allergies can cause trouble breathing.  Right now there could be mold or anything else in the air.  The doctors in Houston are starting to open.  At least in the medical center they are.  It all depends on the area your dr is in.  Here in Baytown it is hit and miss on drs since power is hit and miss, but I did find my little girls ent open in the medical center.  They opened first because they got power first.
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471161 tn?1317190950
thanks for your post.  i have never had any kind of attack before so it was weird for me.  we never sleep with the wondows open but the storm was over and we had no electricity and a cool front had come in and it felt nice outside.  with the windows shut that night we would have suffocated.  it was horrible in the house until the front came in and we opened the windows.  i just wonder if something floated into my air passages or if i had an allergic reaction or if it was some kind of asthma attack brought on my the weather.  i don't know.  i guess i will call the allergist when they reopen and ask her what she thinks.  right now so many people and businesses still have no power and are not open.  this storm was a bad one.  thanks again for you post.
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